-Ml SP OR TS Some house plants welcome weak tea soil preferredl by plants such as azaleas, camellias, gard- enias, African violets, begcon- las, gloxinias, and Cape Primirose. UNITED COU'NTY ATOMs TeUnitecd Counity Atomi team Played a strong gamne in the Orono net. hosted the Kinsmen Atom teami from Wre yetadRde trbre Bowmranviflle n Decemfber î7'th with the WarnLct iPoievSrsrgl Orono teami loosing 3-0. Again Alan Hall also played a good gaine. _,j Don't throw away leftover, -M wi\th a weak tea solution. Using a weak tiea solution about once a month will help provide the moderately acid sou! maniy houseplants req- uire to grow their best, says Mr. Fleming. "M1uch of the wvater used in Ontario ,has a high calcium content. This can cause an alkaline condition ;inpotting soils where leaching fails to Lrythe excess alkalýinitv away." Highcacu content in water can be identified by heavy lime deposits after boiling. As a natural miild acid, tea tends to netralize the alkaline condition %vithout, adding any harmaful ingredients. Use fourpat water to one part, tea solution. This w-fll not onfly reduce alkalinity but also provide moderately acid O.Chatterton Electrical contracting Phonle 9831-5541; or 9X.3-5940 Oronio,Ônro Last w1eek further dona- tions wvere received for the Orono Arena funti. Two hank you, S un chegues were presented to Russel,' Maijor (centre) for ' H% tn0f Cie~ fund each valued at V a 1U MyUFi O f $250.00. Betty Major, Noble L-ast fail Newcastle held an watchied chuk Grand Heather Rebekah Octoberfest which included a dogas to heel, Loilge presents the one dona- dog show. t also stated mhat was an enjoya tion while Ken BaIl, Noble npatcpninheso igexrec Grand of the Orono Oddfel- anpatcpninheso igexeen low prsets hedonations was eligible for a free ail benefitted foelo cas present ,h obedience course at Sun trained his d forth loallode.Va11p's HWlton, 1 was skerti- out the week cal to say the least! What is really "free" these days? To make a Ilong story short, it was free, and for 8 weeks I in having it mand. Paren formation, f lesson which r dlogs Idren teach their ,sit, stay, etc. Lt ,able and reward- ce from which we d. The child who Jog wvell through- could take pride tobey his coin- rits saw a trans- fromr that first hwas a "confus- ion" of dogs and kçids, toý the final lesson of wl behaved dogs and chiilrene The trainer, Mr. Frank Gerace put a great deal of time and effort into this course, and obviously enjoys working with children. Alil the parents were very impresSed at what he and his staff accomplishied. This is my way of saying, "thank you" to MIr Gerace and to recommend Sun Val- ley's H1ilton for Dogs. S;incerely, Mrs. Madeleine Hadley. ,;ere's wishîing you dhe best in, view for lhe brand New Year. We are most applreciative ofÀ your kind patronape anid look forward to senving youi in the days to corne. Special Holiday program at the Ganaraska Centre The Ganaraska Forest Centre, operated by the Gan- araska Region Conservation Authority, will be the scene of a special holiday recreation program. It is hoped that thie outdoor-oriented program will enhance the Christmas spirit for area familles. The highlight of the pro- gram will be a large outdoor slçating rink (if weather conditions permit). Holiday music wilI be supplied to skaters from 3:00 p.m. to9:00 p. m. on December, 26th through Decemnber 30th and also oni January Ist. On these dates there will also be a blazing bonfire to warmn those chilly hands and feet and bot chocolate and toasted marsh- mallows to warm the insides. On two evenings, December 27th and 29th, there will also be movies run in the Chalet for those less înclined to the outdoors. In addition to these special events, the Centre's regular facilities for cross-country skiing including three trails, a chalet and a canteen, will be open to normal use through the Christmas week. So there is ample opportunity to get the family outdoors this Christmas at the Ganaraska Forest Centre. The Ganaraska Forest Cen- tre, formerly the Cold Springs Camp, is located just north- east of Kendal. To reach the Centre, take Durham-North- umberland Road No. 9 west fromn Highway No. 28 at Bewdley or east from High- way 35 and 115 at Kirby. Turn north at the Durham-North- umberland county line half- way between Elizabethilîle and Kendal and follow this road for 21/2 miles te, the Centre. F.R. rennant Fuels Lt. Phoe 983-5693 best wishes for a happy and prosperous year. ARMSTRONG'S Floiral Creations '¶lowers with Feeling" For Any Occasion Order your Custoim Drîed Floral Arrangements for Christmas Soon Tel. 623-3377 162 King Stf. East Bowmanvitle tea - treat your plants to a tea Party. R.A. Fleming, Ontario Min- istry of Agricultuire and Foýod extension horticulturist, says many houseplants can benefit from an occasional watering Umm