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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jan 1978, p. 1

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Optilmistic outlook for local industries Oroni-o WekyTimes, Wednesday, January th. 1978 Town ivolvedin cattie rus tling,9 The Town of Newcastle later in the day. becameQ involved in an mnci- The cattie remrained in the dent on Novemnber 22nd which Town pound for a period of hias been termed by one seventeen days from Novemn- person as, "next to cattie ber 22nd to December. 8th rustling." Th-e incident invol- 'whlen they were trucked back ved the pick-up, off private to Mr. M4offat's farmn east of proqperty, of eighte2en head of Orono t is understood that cattie in the former Township cattie cannot be moved from of Clîarke, which -were then one place to another mthout trucwkedl to the Town.- pound in sorme concerni for the health of Kenal.tFie animnais and having The eightLeen hiead of cttie regard for this the animnais ondby Mr. Alpeck Moffat of were kept and fed in the Town R.R. 1, Orono had ,vandered pound for the period fromn oto, a neighbo,.ring property November 22nd to December of Mrî. Jim Simpison. t is 8th.n The cattie were inspected understood that a icaîl was by a veterinariani after the placed withUte Town of first removal and prior to Newîcastle Animal Control their return. to Mr. Mvoffat's Departmnent by M0r. Simpson, farm.,ý with the departmient engag- From information supplied ing a truc and t,,rnsporzting to the Times it is under.stood the cattie to the Town pound that a judgemnent was handed on a farm rî th Kendal area. down by the Fence Viewers Mr. M1offat was not --inform--ed on a bounrdary fenice bPetween by the Anima! Control Deèp - he properties of Mr. Moffat aýrtment o the removal of tha and Mr. Sim-,psonl sometimne cattie fi-rm Mr. Sirnpson's prior to the incident. The fambut by Mr. Simnpson judgement called for Mr. PROAPOSE R FEV AMPkNC; BUýS SERVICE A conitte2e meeting oci Tuesdayprojposesýirevam-piýg. of the rcety nttue us service. The service is to be discontinued to Orono and Newcastle wth a proposed two-day somervicei omni providing the costs can, be aearat. The new, system would again, be on a trial basis for one month. Lt is expcted that costs of the 16 day trial may runino dcl o $600.0jo as onîy $00wsraised in fares in the Tous of Bowmanville. The mratter is to corne before coni his crning Môniday. FUND OVER $llS,3L6Q The rono Arenai Fund has reached a total of $118351.00 for aarndxa commnunity centre complex now under cntuto in the ýVillage of Orono. 0f this amnount, $61,17800 is in cashth $57,073.(X) in pledges coverigthe next three y-ars. The lclfn raising comrmittee is looking for a tùotal of $250,000 00 from public- subscriptions and should shortly reacb the half-way mark in their fund raising endeavours. A public maeeting is to be held later this maonth in an effort to find othaýr means to boîster the local f und raising campaign. S'AM LOOKS FRSTA-'RT Tu VEAR Same Cureatz, MP. Duýrbiam- East, in a recent statemnent state-sthat hie fý-ees that Participation flouse in Bowmanvile could get udra this year. Hle is hopeful that the Ontario GovernPment AiH approve their portion of the funding of the project as well as support from Wintario in the amoifUrîn of $12 million. Thýe local co,,mmrittee nowv sees a need for a finiancial comitmntfrointh Province in order that they can approacl ocal indu-i-stry and busin-ess for local funiding. To date the fund raising comm.-ittee for Participation flouse has raised a sumn of$1,0.0thog publiîc subscriptions from the general public, business and industry. The committee is seiga sumi of $360,00.00 from ubi subscriptions and c-ommitm,.rents. McKiE0UGA I) TOCOUNTY UUfýUL OntrîotrasuerD'Arcy MvlcKcough will pay a vfisit to the N,ýothumnberiand Couinfy council on February 6th concrnig rstrctuing i that4 area. Thï-e County is scbedled to come under restructuring on aary lst, 1979, ne year from now. There are a 2numerof iesye obe solved some încluding intenaimuipabonre. HkARINGS POSTPONED Ltba een rprtdthatth Eniom ta A'sesen earing to have been held regardig the loction Granby ïu--a bas benpspnddue to a equstfi rmt Ontaro govenment.Th% hearigswere toresume f tbrouýcgb f janp,!ary D29 twen they wilbceadouned Io be resumed again on February Cth hrough to February Wth. Elordoha benmuh gns ny delay in fthe hearigs and thywsh o cmec wt;ostuto s soon as pros iandhop to bave th We repot f rom the hearings by' the end ofFebruary. Moffat tîo repair a certain portion of the fence and for Mr. Simpson to likewise repair another portion. Mr. Moffat éompleted bis repairs and new building of fence but his cattle still were able to, leave his proper ty through an unrepaired portion termed the responisibility of Mr. Simpson b)y the Fence View1,- ers. In speak.ig with the Town Manager of the Town of Newcastle it was learned that there is no authorization, for the Control Depart- ment to pick up cattie on private property under any circum-rstances. The Depart- ment mnay pick up, cattle thaf are on public roadways. The 1departmient does have a wider jurisdicion concerning cats and dogs. Cost s raed to t he- incident -,il] inclIude ai trucking costs asv well aks veterinary fees plus $2.90 per head per da.y with th.e latter amounting f0 over $600.00o ")ii n speaking with MLayor Riickard he expects thne Towý'n to cov>,er! the costs. 1 t was unbelievable. A line-up existed before 6:30 a.m. T uesday morning at the Ganaraska Forest Head- quarters north of Elizabeth- ville for the annual dsrbt ion of small w.oodlots for the cutIting of fuelwood. The woodlofs are allocated by thle Ministry of Natural Resoutr- ces on a *first comne first served basis. une hundrlied and fourteen lotsý ha endesignated in ,a section of the Ganaraska.' inivdulsfr the ttngof firewod. lIvlts wre tken monin ýgwtbteofcopn Ing at8:0am This Jis the tird vear that BULGING AT THE SNOW BANKS The Ganairaska Forest Cen- tre offering snowmobiling, cross country skiing and skating was bursting at the snow banks on iMonday when hundreds came out to ejoy the wint er outdoor activities under ideal winter conditions. Not only were the parking lots filled but cars were lined along the road to the firest centre. In speaking with Miss KElly Ballantyne she said they had far underestimated attendance and ran out of f ood at the chalet shortly after the noon hour. Outdoor skating is a new feature being offered at the centre this year from the hours of 9 to five The chalet is open on, week-ends and holidays also from 9 a.m. to5p.m,. on January lotb a cross country ski hike has been organized witb an added feature of'Animnais in Wter'. Those wishiing to take part should be at the centre at 10 a. m' Groups will be organized according to skiing ability. Late in the afternoon or early evening a bon fire outing is planned with bot chocolate beîng provided. Eoythe outdoors this winter at the Ganaraska Forest Centre. No charges other than for food at the chalet. such a program bas been undertaken by\te Mi nistry in whichi they alflow individual fuelwoodcl utting in the forest of certain marked trees witin ai designate-d lot area for each indiviîdual. Thle program bhas proved imost popular for those wvanting fuelwýood and t[he dean bs outgrown'r the supply The program serves two imoportant purposes. t pro- vie uelwýood fo(r those wlishiîig to expend the timne and effort to cufIt i n the foreýst and asogîves 0the Mliffistryth oporunf t nt n0in thefrest tno csfvf flic Minstry. Uder tce schee udesredtrees are remov%,ed allowing n'ore spacetý due to a softening in the market both Curvply Wood Products and Plydesigus have expandedI sales during the past year. Ail indications for the two Orono firmis in 1978 voint to a furtber J!.H. (Ted> Samuel' substantial increase in sales. Mr. Samuel in referring to production at Plydesign sta-, ted that; the company bias been very busy during the pa,-st year. lie attributed a for the growt'h ofdeid species and trees tmat wl evenftually grow f0 a nmarket- able prodct. The costof those allotted a fuelwood lot as 'býeen set at $500 at cord and Aos range in cordage from 2 to 6, cord.. Trees fu be cut are mrked with yellow paint A Penlt of $500.o a trýee bas been st or- anyone ceuttîing a trece not s imarked. are designated trough the paintig of red on boundary tres Wfhlot conersb5i1g designated by tree sowitsb:Am paint. Eacb lot i ie nubrandeahltis great deal of Plydesignis sucýess to Mr. Joe Klasner who b as worked very close with the mrajïor departmen,,t store(s and byr etn dune 3th andcitrom beptem-l ber lst to. Decembe-)r 30, 19'78 at whihcb ime in aYlrighs return f0o the 1M'inistry of Natural R esources and a coànct becomes nuil and void. The Minisfry, retains the right f0 inspect the cuttin1gs frm time f0 time and fe cease the contrat if any violation of the agreement OccUrs. Maný"y past eprecsini wod utting wreheard in the lie-u1p wfhonýe opping alothr.I a ppeaýrs that one The wodcranyischa but not soin His case. E.H. (Ted) Samuel, presidient of Curvply Wood Products in Ortno faces the new year, 1978, with great optimîsm and eagerniess. Whîle many firms througbout the country are trou4led with sagging sales vimagimm 1

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