There is nothing worth the wear of winning But the laugbter and the love of friends. We have ail enjoyed the bright sunny days of the past week. The skiers turned out in large numbers for the open- ing of the new chalet on February l2th. The Mayor Potticary of Oshawa and Mayor Garnet Rickard were there for the ceremonies. On Sunday morning. at the service Rev. A. Tizzard conducted the baptismal cer- emony. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus McLeod of Bowmanville brought their daughter Sarah Ann, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Barnett of Ajax brought their son Kyleé Steven. The mothers were sisters whose surname was Shiplack. The McLeod's lived on the eighth line for a number of years. Mrs. Mcbeod senior attended the christening of ber grand- daughter. The Sunday School children acted out the story of Noah before they went into the Sunday school. Glen Foster took the part of Noah. Rev. A. Tizzard began his Ke ndal News reenwoj Lenten series of sermons reading from Il Corinthians chapter 4 and emphasizing "the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ", verse 6. We have a historical written description of his appear- ance, many_ pictures have been painted using that as a guide. Bis look of compassion his words of love, they shall neyer forgotten be. He took littie cbildren in his arms. We see that face in the hand shake of a friend sometimes in the. words of encourage- ment we receive. Fair is the sunshine Fairer stili the moonlight. Jesus shines brighter Jesus shines purer rte (irt Hope) To7 These employees now have the added bene- fits of extra health protection for themselves and their families: the Blue Cross Extended Health Care Plan plus Dental Plan 7. EHC provides protection against health ser- vices not covered by the basic government health plan, coverage for such items as pre- scription drugs, private nursing and private room accommodation in hospital. Dental Plan 7 provides basic preventive dental treatment to group subscribers including such services as examinations, fillings and x-rays. As your Ontario Blue Cross representative 1 arn pleased to add my personal welcome, and look forward to serving you along with the many others mi this region already enjoying the protection of a variety of Blue Cross Plans." 311 George St. North, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 3H4 (705) 743-06-77 BLUECROSS A DIVISION 0F THE ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION 3249 Your scribe had dinner wîth an elegantly dressed young woman. When- I asked ber wbere she was from she replied, "Brazil, Rio de Janerio". 1 replied, "I bad neyer met anyone from Rio de Janierio bef ore". She was a musician- Tbev were p group Than ail the angels beaven can boast. To close the service, Mrs. A. Foster and Mrs. A. Tizzard accompanied by Mrs. K. Wood sang a duet entitled, I'His Face" the words of this hymn were composed by our minister. Symp athy is extended to Mr. Norman Elgear wbose eIder brother Mr. Edmund Fîgear passed away in Strat- ford on January 25th after a short illness. Norman jour- neyed to Stratford for the funeral. A number from Kendal joined the bus load of Newton- ville W.I. ladies who went to Toronto to shop on Thursday. of fourteen putting on con- certs in Toronto. The new house across the road from Mr. Robt. Morton is owned by Mr. Gabor Lengyel and the new house east of Mr. Lengyel on the hill is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Hegpie and family. Thompson instrumental music (piano and organ) in ber borne for over thirty years. La ter interests included, The Lake Scugog Historical Museum and tbe Lake Scugog Histor- ical Society Choir. Mrs. Thompson also assisted in compilîng Histories of the Blackstock United Cburcb and the Township of Cart- wright. She is survived by one daugbter, Mrs. Danny Cola- cicco of 537 Oakwood Ave., Oshawa, three grandcbildren, Lisa, Joseph and Mariann, and one brother Hubert Cobbledick of Leamington. Mrs. Thompson was at tbe McDermott-Panabaker Fun- eral Cliapel in Port Perry. Funeral services w'ere beld in Blackstock United Cburcb witb Rev. V. Parsons officiat-, ing. Interment was in Cad- mus cemetery. Memorial donations to Blackstock United Churcb or to the Canadian Cancer Society will be gratefully acknowledged. Ellsworth H. Caswell A life-time resident of Clarke Township and a resi- dent of Orono for the past six years, Mr. Ellsworth H. Caswell died at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville on February 5th, 1978 at the age of 78 years following a three week illness. The former Ellsworth Cas- well was born in Clarke Township, a son of the late William and Minnie Caswell. Be was married to Hilda Brown on March 6th, 1926 who survives ber husband., The couple lived on their farm on the tbird line of Clarke Township east of Newtonville until six years ago when they moved to Churcb Street in Orono. Mr. Caswell was educated ini Zion Public Scbool in Hope Township and at.tended Higb Scbool in Bowmanville. He served in the R.A.F. until 1918 and was employed by tbe Township of Clarke and the Department of Higbways prior to bis retirement. Mr. Caswell is survived by bis wif e Hilda of Orono, son Jim, Newcastle; daugbters Doreen (Mrs. Elmer Green) R.R. 3, Port Hope; Carol (Mrs. Joseph Seagar) New Brunswick; Elaine (Mrs. Vic- tor Doty) R.R. 2, Orono; 16 grandcbildren and eigbt great grandcbildren and a brother, Harold, in Port Hope. The funeral was held from The Morris Funeral Chapel in Bowmanville on February 7th with Rev. Basil Long officiat- ing and Mrs. Albert Cole organist. Interment will be made in Lakeview Cemetery, Newtonville. Floral tokens were received from Ontario School staff, Bowmanville, Management and Staff of Newcastle Voya- geur, Duplate Warebousing department, Curvply Wood Products, relatives and friends. TRENTWAY TOURS Special To W.W.V.A. JAMBOREE (Wheeling West) (Virginia) Show Stars Tarnmmy Wynette Mar. 31 to Apr. 2 For details contact: TRENTWAY TOURS P.O. Box 772, Peterborough, Ont. K9J 7A2, Phone Toil Free 1-800-461-7615 * PAPER DRIVE m Saturday, Feb. 25, 1978 i * ORONOANDAREA 9:O00a. m. * Newsprint only pleasý IDrive to cover Orono, ochonski Rd. to Leskard, Kirby,I *Kendal, 4tb line and other built up areas near Orono.* *-in case of rain, paper -drive to be beld f ollowing* Satuday.For information caîl 983-5840 Orono Amateur Athletic Associ'atin Mrs. Gladys A resident of Cartwright Township and Blackstock for most ofher life, Mrs. Gladys. Thompson died ini Oshawa General Hospital on Feb. 8th, 1978. She lived at 22 Church west in Blackstock. The former Gladys Cobble- dick was born in Orono on August 4tb, 1910, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William S. Cobbledick. She was married to Mr. Lorence Thomfpson wbo pre-deceased ber in 1966. Mrs. Tbompson- was a life time member of the United Chureh and served as choir- leader in the Blackstock Church for 17 years. She was a stauncb member of the United- Church Women and the Women's Institute. Following training at Peter- borough Normal School, Mrs. Thompson took a teaching position at Mabood's Schooi nortb and east of Cadmus. Later she taught Vocal Music in sehools of Cartwright and Darlington Elementary Sch- ools. In addition she taugbt O0BITUARIES MOI*%