OronoPublic School News Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Fehruary 15th, 1978-7 Canada,, a good place to live Canada is big. We have Mounties in Canada. We have ten provinces. We have sch- ools and homes. Canada has water for us. We have a C.N. Tower. We have four seasons. Right noxw it is night on the other side of the world. 1 want to see Newfoundland. 1 want to go to Niagara Falls, 1 went to the Exhibition in Toronto. Stephen F eek, Gr. 2. The Champion Figure Skater It was the day of the carnival and, was going to be on the rink by herseif. First the Champlain play went on and then Elin skated. She was great except for one embar- rasing fali. At the end of the carnival Mr. Crane said there was gomng to be a skating competiton for their town in two days. When Elin met ber mother and grandfather her grandfather said he would belp ber practice for the competition. Saturday Elin practiced ail afternoon and Sunday morning then tbey HOUSELEAGUE PANTHERS The reason our house leag- ue captains picked the name panthers 'is because the panther is a siy and good hunter. In soccer the panthers Itemsof n tere=%s t Our penny, sale was a tremendous success with a total of $68.30 being collected. The winning team was the Dragons with the Panthers coming second, the Cobras third and the Cougars fourth. Six thousand, eight hiundred and thirty represents a super effort by the students. A reminder to parents of our professional development day on Friday, February 17th The boys volleyball teani aiso did quite well at the tournament Med aI Bowman- ville igb school. M.Wither- made 176 points which is good- but in harrier we didn't do so well. We made 0 points., For-our duty board we did a bit better, the panthers made when ail our teachers will be in Bowmanville for work- shops. On February 201h we will 15 poi nts out of 20. The bouse league captains are Karen Irwin and Danny Cowan for the major bouse league and have our Heritage Day as- sembly to award tbe prizes for student entries. If you are free to attend you are most welcome. The Poet's- Corner, My Valentine I bad a uttle valentine With a beautiful littie heart. But wben my brotber found it He ripped it ail apart. Kim Crozier, Gr. 4. Weather Snow is white, Grass is green. The sun is bright, And the wind ismean. Kelly Anderson, Gr. 5. Food is good, some is bad. Food sometimes makes me sad. Do you like food I do. Food is good. Anthony Mellow, Gr. 4. d ig e acted as tramner and Scott Yeo, Steven Merrick Supervisor at the g'ýmes. and Sbawn Miehe. Bottomý The teamn members are: row: Ward Fernandez Par1 Rosseau, Danny Cowan, the captains for the minor house league team are Caro- line McCarthy and Kenny Bailey. Bolet Leave IL te chance Be sure your home is truly protected by a good policy Cali us now Milison Insurance Agency Office:- Corner of Church and Cobbledick Street 983-5032 (capt.); Brad Stapleton (capt); Kenny Bailey; Robert French and Doug Doxtater. had the competition. The top ten were going to the district competition. Elin skated a few sparrows, a spread eagle and a spin at the end. At the end of the competition Elin was second bebind ber friend Anna.' The districtmeet was to be held the next Saturday. Elin practised every day until the competition. Elin and ber grandfather went. Elin won this time. Wben she went to the grand championship she tied for first. In the tie breaker Elin got a perfect 10 and won. The Town of Newcastle wishes to advise those Charitable and Public Service Organiz ations who intend to apply tothe Town for Grants in 1978 to please submit their Appli1cations to: K. DeGroot, Treasurer Town of Newcast e, 40 Tempera nce Street, Bowmanvil le, Ont. Prior to February 28, 1978 K. Deg root, C. G.A. Treasurer. Newcastle Parks and Recreation Department mNO '-"TIC E Level i Coaches 1CliniîC The Newcastle Parks and Recreation Department with the: co-operation of- the Ontario Hockey,' Association will sponsor a Level1 Hockey Coaches Clinic. The CIinic wiII be held in the Police Fire Building on Sunday afternoon, February26thfrom 1:00 p.m. to4:00 p. M. The cost of this clinic wiII be $3.00 per person. An advance registration wiII be held at the Recreation Office, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville any day, 'Mon- day through Friday tram 8:30 a.m. to 5: 00 P. M. This clinic wiII be open to ail.