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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Feb 1978, p. 8

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8-Orono Weekly Times, Wcdncsday, February lth, 1978 VANBEL ON GARDENING Ail 2about c.uttingvs Last wcck wc discussed the softwood cuttings, and in this article we will dig into the hardwood and other mcethods of making cuttings. The hardwood cutting met- hod has been used for several centuries, and today with modemn technology, if is still being donc the way they used to make them in the begin- ning, and if does flot matter whether you live'in Oshawa or in China or Europe, if is all being donc the same way, cxccpt for some mechanical hclp, in the trimming and hL,rvesting. Most hardy plants can be made from hardwood eut- tings, good examples are the different hedgc plants such as privet, honeysuckle, alpine currant. NorTnally the aur- seryman will eut off the cuttings in the wintcr mor ths (slack time), bring them inside, then.trïm the cutting to the dcsircd Iength, and dip them int o a rootmng hormone, FIpecial to NaShvÈlle Depart March 23, 78 Evening Departure Mépý arch 1B , 78 Dato each 11 Deys Depar March 17,78 NoNight Travel 1l Days Depart March 17, 78 No Night Travel .o dtIls contact: P .Box 772a PeirbrouhOnt. KJ AM Phone toil rae then bundle them in bundies of 50 and placed them ln boxes filled with sand to hold them until spring, when they go out into the nursery bed. You can also take hardwood cuttings in the winter, and 1 would suggesf to take them in the latter part of February or the beginning of March, Take the cutting from healthy plants. They should be at least 8 to 10 inches long, cut them off with a pruning sbear or clipper, and bring them into the bouse, then cut them to about 10 inches, then with a very sharp dlean knife make a slanted cut on the bottom of the eutting. Make sure that it is a dlean cut with no raffled edges, then dip the cutting int o a rooting hormone and place them ini a box witb sharp sand, covering them up f xwo thirds of the cutting and piace ir, a cool spot ln the basernent or fruit celiar until the wcathcr breaks and you can work the soil in the gar-den. Make a spot la the gardenavailable that will not betrampled on, then dig this up to a depth of at least 6 inches, then bring the box of cuttings from the cool spot and you will notice when you take the cuttings out, that they have alrcady calloused on the bottom of the cutting, and in some cases they will already have rooted. Use a spade or planting trewel for planting them into the soul, try flot to knock the calouses off the cutting when planting, and the best way is to plant them in rows for casier cultivating, within 3 fo 4 F. R. Tenna nt Fuels LMd. Phone I 983-5693 I IBirge, Mayf air & Waldec Wall Coverings iI o pbDminion Ha rdwma re Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5207 wccks you will sec the top of the cutting starting to sprout and the plant will be well on its way f0 become establish- cd. 1 forgof to mention that the cutfing should be placcd in the gfound with two-thirds of the cutting bciow ground level, then reason this that if willnot dry ouf so fast. Why Ontario Hydro will initiate a program of Saturday hours at the public information centre af the site of the Darlingf on Gcnerafing Sta- tion, five kilometres south- west of Bowmanville. The centre will be open from il arn fi 2 'p.m. for four consecutive Saturdays: February l8th and 25th, March 4f h and llth. If public interesf is sufficiently high, don't you try and Make some cuttings, and get the family involved. It is greaf for kids to learnabaout nature, and its, wonderful recreation. The last two group0ý of cuttings are the leaf cuttings, and the root cutfings. Leaf cuftings are mainly used for plants life african violets. Saturday hours will be incorp- orated in the regular scheduie at the information centre. During the week the centre is open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesdays and from 12 noon f0 5 p.m. on Thursdays. The information centre may be reached by taking the South Service Road east from Courtîce Road or west from Waverley-Road and turning south at 1-iot Road. Faringtocontinue on Eloaosi1te Accordrng to officiais of Eldorado Nulear Limifed almost haîf of -the proposed refinery site in Port Granby will continue f0 be farmcd under a lease- basis with farmers. The site from the proposcd refînery contains some 699 acres of which 318 is f0 continue in farmmng. The information was brought f orth, at the recent he arings when the Ontario Federation of Agriculture was suggesting that. the refinery should be construct- cd in northern Ontario rather than in the Port Granby area where class one and two agricultural land existcd. Peter Hannam, president of OFA said that in terms of land use the propos ai violates both the spirit of spccifics of the Ontario's goverament food guidelines f0 maintain a permanent, secure, economi- caily viable agricuitura-i md- ustry. 'Both OFA and the Christian Farmers Federation of Ont- ario could not support the p)roposai. GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phone: G i Tyrone 263-2650 TheRegional Municipaliify of Durham NOTICE ýe Jlof Water and Sewer Rate Adjustment The Region wishes to advise ail water and sewer customers that as of January 1, 1978, Phase III of the five year pbasing-in prograrm of the Uniform Rates becomnes effective. These rates will be in effect from January 1, 1978 f0 December 31, 1978, a copy of which will be included with your first billig for'1978. The Regional IV"unjicipal ity of Durham Final Date f or 1977 Sewer Surcharge Appeals This is to advise that the final date for receipt by the Region of sewer surcharge appeals for scwer billings covering 1977 is FEBRUARY 28, 1978. Where a customer is unable f0 submit a complete report by this date, the scwcr appeal should be registered by'FEBRUARY 28, 1978 with a note that additional informpation is to follow. TPake a leaf with a small part of thc stem, and treat them the same way as the sQftwood cuttings. Root cuttings can be made from some of the harder plants such as philo- dendrons, the trick to making them is to place the 4 f0 6 inch cutting on top of the medium, so that the dormant buds that are on the cutting will start to sprout, prohably a peat-soil mix will be the best for starting them. They can also be started indoors, so you can do if again as a family. Next week we will discuss layer- ing, budding and grafting. Until next week, happy gar- dening, Sa=turday hours at info',.,rmation centre À-1 Oniariü ROYAL COMMISSION 0F INQUIRY INTO THE C,'onfidentia Ity of Health Record in Ontario By Order-in-Council dated the 2lst dlay of December, 1977, The Honcureble Mr. Justice Horace Krever was appointed pursuanit b The Public Inquiries Act, 1971, f0: 1 . review aIl legisletion aidministered by the Minister cf Health (for exemple, The Public Hospitals Acf, The Healfh Disciplines Act, The Heelth Insurance Acf and The Mental Health Act), together with ony cher relevant legislafion edministereci by ather Ministers, and eny Regulafions passed thereunder, te determine whether proper protection is given to the rijhts of persons who have received, or who may receive, health services, te preserve the confidlenfialiîy of information respecting them collected under thaf legislation; 2. te review the legality cf the administrative processes under the ebove Acfs; and 3. ta report thereon te, the Minister of Heeilth with any recemmendetions for necessery amendments te, the legisletion and the Regulations passed thereunder. NOTICE 0F HEARING The first session of the Commission will Le convened on Monday, the 20th day cf Februery, 1978, at the heur cf 10:00 o'cleck in the ferenoen, et the Suffon Place Hetel, 955 Bay Street af W/%ellesley, Terento, Ontario, fer the purpose cf esfeblishing procedures und grenting stafus to interested individuels und orgenizetions. Any- ene infending te perticipefe in the Cemmission's heerings is invited toatetend and mey meke submissions ut the ebove noted time. The dates, times and places cf public heur- ings will Le enneunced et e luter time. The Cemmissien is asking for opiniens, com- ments and information from aIl interested in- dividuels and ergenizetiens. Anyone wishing te meke ei written submission or deliver relevant infermation te the Cemmîission mey de so,' eddressing if te: ROYAL COMMISSION 0F INQUIRY INTO THE CONFIDENTIALITY 0F HEALTH RECORDS N ONTARIO, 22nd Flor 180 Dundes Street West, TORONTO, Ontario M5G 178. Telephone: (416) 965-4003 The Hon. Mr. Jusice Horace Krever, Commissioner. Harvey T. Strosberg, Counsel ta the Commission. 6 QTS. AND GALLONS

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