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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Apr 1978, p. 10

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l-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April l9th, 1978 Spring walk at Forest Centre The past winter bas been a long one but the sun bas finally drifted far enaugh north to meit the ice away from our haîf of the Globe. Along with the luxuries of warmer weather and longer days cornes a newness to the Forest - the newness of returning and reawakening if e. Among the first' signs of Spring that were noticed in the Ganaraska Forest was the sudden emergence of the ground hog. Pushing bits of dîrt up through the two feet of snow that still covered bis burrow, he was able to make the most of somne warmo noon day temperatures early in Marcb. Kildeers, Mourning Doves, Red Wing Blackbirds, Meadowlarks and tbe renow- ned Robins are now livening up our airways with flashes of colour and songs of love and conflict. New nests are ap- pearing, some old ones are being renovated. Burrows and dens of the forest's four-legged residents are also being prepared for young that Motorcoach Travel for 13 years! offers for... Sprngl Summer 1and Fal Large Choice of Tours with interesting itinerary f rom 3to 23 days in lengft for FREE FULL COLOUR TOUR BO0K, contact: TS1wa Tours LM. P.O. Box 772 Peterborough, Ont. K9J 7A2 Phione toil free 11-800-461 -76151 are already on the way. As for the forest itself, the white winter ground is giving into the warmer greens and browns beneatb. There are hints of brighter colours on the way, and looking up tbrough the trees, we see the blue patches of sky gradually shrinking back to the spread- ing greener>' of new ýleaves. The Signs of, Spring give a warmth ta the body and spirit. The Ganaraska Regian Conservation Authority will be inviting the public ta celebrate the return of the sun ta the Ganaraska Forest with two guided bikes. The first, on Sunday, April 23rd, is entit- led, "Signs of Spring". The second, "Spring Wildflaw- ers", will be on Sunda>', May 7tb. Bath hikes will leave the Ganaraska Forest Centre Gymnasium (Ski Chalet) at 10:00 a.m. and may be of interest ta thase families that enjoy a casual morning strol tbrougb the woods. You can drive easily tO the Centre by turning nortb framn Northumberland-Durhami Count>' Road 9 about halfway What's nice about spring and summer is the flowers coming Up and the beating bis going down. Our weatherman tells us we have had the coldest Marcb since 1900 in fact Marcb was 8 degrees below normal. Half of April is now.past and it bas been below normal. We have OiyWall Taping.- Spray Ceilings Plaster Repair Painting Wally Lucyk 983-5518 ORONO Our Fireplaces DO NOT Smoke OXFOR Brclaes toeasnILd * IOTAI O E9350 * Brîckaye 15,- St or fNecasn t Featuring: j Premniumn Quality Products At the Most Reasonable MPricei * Sove Oil& Diesei0ii Available in any quantity I Phone 987-4215 * We have a complete Une of IPOP-CITY Soft Drinks. Save byI buyi ng these a case at a ti me. New Tax Bite? 1(Continued from pagel value systemn carried out tbraughout the Town would set this figure at $62000 for the average $5,000 residence. This present descrepency is within the wards tbemselves and are evident throughout the Town. The treasurer also pointed out that using an equalizîng factor establisbed in 1975 compared witb the one in use, established in 1970 and frozen would bring about a shif t in taxation from Clarke ta Darlingtan Township. Under the factors of 1975 Clarke's share of, taxation would reduce ta 21.6 per cent from the present 24.2 per cent, Darlington up to 35.4 per cent from 32.6 per cent, Bowman- ville 37.2 compared witb 38 per cent and Newcastle 5.8 compared witb the present 5.2' per cent. Up ta this point the government will not allow the use of the 1975 equalizing factors. Klaas DeGroot also said that there would be a shif t from residential ta commer- cial taxation under the new tax reform but felt in Iewcas- tde this shif t would be ver>' little. Counc. Taylor asked if it was not the case that the had the greatest amnount 'of, snow since 1945 s0 it takes a lot of extra heat energy to get rid of that'snow and ice. They tell us tbat farmers in North Carolina are about tbree weeks behind witb their spring planting. Britain bas had the coldest April on record. However we have beard the frogs and have seen wild geese going nortb 50 spring is on the way., We were pleased to see so many cbildren out to Sunda>' School. Among the visiting children were Donald, Rich- ard and Robert Fonk of Woodstock and Christine, Tracy and Paul Stevens'0f Guelph. Pamella Frank and RoI! Hellebust acted out a skit on the Lord's Prayer wbich was very effective. Rev. A. Tizzard' continued bis series of sermons on the books of the Bible. The scripture reading was taken from, Daniel 1:1-16 and bis tapic, "Make up your mind".. Daniel was one of those speciall>' chosen and placed in the palace. He brougbt a message of comfort and hope ta the children of Israel. Wbat message does this book of Daniel bring ta us? Perbaps man>' messages. However in, verse 8 of chapter one, "Daniel purposed in bis beart, that he would not defile himself with the portion 0f tbe King's meat nor with the wine which he drank." We must make a chaice. Let us make the best choice witb Daniel. When in Rame do as the Romans ought ta do. We are pleased ta welcome Mr. and Mrs. Kiers ta our service. The funeral of Michael Hancock was held an Tues- day afternaon, April l8th. This fifteen year aid lad] drowned on Friday, April l4th. Sympathy is extended ta his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hancock of Kendal. When baking pies on a paste board aluminum pie plates be sure and put the bottom crust ini the hiot oven to bake for five Town would bc asking for adjustment in the equalizing factor for 1978 and the use of market value assessment for 1979. The treasurer saîd he would like to see it al bappen in one step rather than two steps. Taylor said if there was no change this year at al Clarke would continue in their same position. Klaas DeGroot also pointed out that tbe resource equaliz- ation grant could change under a new system and that a one factor change could change this grant $200,000 up or down for the Town. It appeared the general concensus of the meeting that the Town would try for somne immediate change this tax year of 1978 on Tbursday and then petition the Region to establish market value asses- sment and tax reform for the 1979 taxation year. This would require other municipalities within the region also suppor- ting the use of market value assessment. The Treasurer and Town Manager. are to present a recommendation to the next meeting of council concerning the taxation problem in the Town which is likely to include in the long term a request to the Region for market valuer assessment. minutes before you put the apple or mince filling in the pie shell._Then cover with an upper crust that is free to move up and down. Otherwise the bottom crust will not be cooked. An old English lady used ta say, "Don't be a dough bake". PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS CLAUDE HARNESS Formerly Bert Tomklns Phone 786-2552 Orono Building Contra ctoir Brick - Block - Concret. Stone Work Carp.ntry - Cabinet Work Floors - TII. Plhonse903-5441 ORONO Orono E lectric lberb & Gerry Duvali 983-5108 ELECTRICAL. CONTRACTI NG ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO.- HI-Fi WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROI4OME Guaranteed Service Swain Seed Cleaners and Dealers Ltd. R. R. 2, Blackstock, Ont. Esta blished 1947 We have'Registered, Certif ied and Canada 'No. 1 Oats and Barley in stock, along with hay, pasture, soya-bean and lawn seed- - ail at reasonable prîces. (Large orders 'are eligible for discount). We also have an efficient cleamng system now in full operation. Located three miles south of Blackstock on the old Scugog Road. For inquiries or appointments eall: 416-986-4331 AUCTION SALE 0F LAND LAND MANAGEMENT F1L E T-06915 The sale of Public Auct ion of approximately 0.460 acres of land, belng Part of Lot 14, Concession 1, in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipallty of Durham, Iocated on the south side of King Street (old Highway 2) approximately 200 feet west of Waverly Road. Sale ta be held on the property at 12:30 p.rn. on Friday, April 28th, 1978. The Minlstry gives no warranty as ta the purpose for which this property may be used. Zoning and land use i nformation may be obta ined f rom the appropriate Municipal Authorities. TERMS 0F SALE 1. $5,000.00 deposit on the day of the sale <cash or certified cheque made payable ta the Treasurer of Ontario) balance payable in thlrty days. If the purchaser Intends ta finance ail or part of the balance by mortgage from a boan agency or a private party and more than thirty days is requirëd ta complete the mortgage arrangements, this Mlnistry will consider a reasonable extension of the thirty day period, subject ta payment of lnterest on the unpaid balance. The rate of interest wlll be the prime interest rate charged by the ch artered banks at the time the extension is granted. 2. Sale subject ta a Reserve Bid estabilshed by the Mlnistry. 3. Sale sub ject to Section 43 of the Expropriations Act. 4. No employee of any Ministry of the Ontario Government will be allowed to participate in this Auction unless he-she has prior written approval from his-her Deputy Minister or equlvalent. For further information refer ta File Number T-06915 and contact Mr. Jerry Pratt. The Ministry of Transporation and Communications Property Section, Central Region 3501 Dufferin Street, Downsview, Ontario M3K IN6 Telephone: (416) 248-3081 Information regard lng this property may also be obtained by contacting: District Number 7 Engîneer 138 Hope Street North P.O. Box 150 Port Hope, Ontarljo LIA 2P1 Telephone: 885-6381 ON TA RtcO Kendal News

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