2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday. June 7th, 1978 Orono Weekly Times THE NEWS IS - GOOD NEWS Something.seems to be happening to North American society that may be far mor significant than past revolutions such as the "greening" of America, or the hippies, or the protest marches. For the first time in many years, we're in a mood for good news again. Star Wars becomes the biggest money making movie of all time. Surprise - the good guys win. And they do it, not by some clever trick that catches their opp.onents off guard, but by trusting something bigger than themselves, by something that used to be called faith. Close Encounters of the Third Kind presents alien creatures, not as a malevolent enemy to be beaten off, but as a sign of hope. Almost all the big national magazines in Canada have now carried feature articles on marriages that last, instead of just those that break up. And on the Merv Griffin Show, Ross Hunter, the director of Airport, says that people are getting tired of sex, violence and pornography. According to Hunter, they're ready for love stories again. Faith, hope, and love. Maybe it's true, as newscaster Lloyd Robertson writes in the Presbyterian Record, quoting a U.S. university president, that "the Christian experience has become acceptable again." If our obsession with bad news is indeed waning, that in itself is good news. by The Office of the Church in Society, The United Church of Canada. DOUBLE COVERAGE. The Village of Orono is favoured with double coverage as far as the enforcement of the parking regulations that are in effect in the Village. The whole matter resulted over action by council to continue the meter maid in Orono feeling that there was benefit in her appearance on the streets of Orono as well as not apparently wanting to delute what has been happening in the past. There also seemed some doubt that the Regional Police would have the same concern as a local employee hired for the specific job of enforcing the parking regulations. With the action of council this centre now has the best of two worlds. Regional Police give a coverage that the meter maid could not due to hours of employment. Under the police the job is a twenty-four hour stint and as in other centres such as Oshawa there is no doubt their effectiveness can be most evident. The meter maid adds to the coverage and with both working in Orono overdue parking should be at a minimum. This should result in more parking areas for customers in the downtown area as well a clean-up of some of the side streets which some objection is constantly being registered. Citizens in this area having complaints now have two chances in getting their requests implemented. somewhat amazed Last Wednesday we were able to attend a portion of the music night at the Pnes Senior Public School and came away somewhat amazed at the talent displayed at the event. Cretainly we were not looking for perfection but then we were hardly prepared for some of the talent displayed by the young artists. In the instrumental numbers it can be assumed, we would imagine, that the young players had not been acquainted with the instrument for more than a year or two at the most. Some did show a real quality of tone on these instruments which was a credit to them. The young voices in the vocal numbers were equally as enjoyable. If one adds to this the evidence of musical expression from these youngsters the night had to be worthwhile for those in attendance. i i h TOWN SWIMMNING POOLS OPEN JULY lst The three swîming pools under the jurîsdiction of the Town of Newcastle and being operated by the Social Services departinent are to opne on July lst this year. These coul evenings have not so far have not been too inviting to rush the season. COULD YOU IHELF The Canadian Arthritis Society is looking for a campaign chairman for the Orono area. Anyone wishing to assist this worthwhile organization are asked to contact Mr. Charles Gray in Orono. HIORSE BARN IMIPROVEMENT During the past week a new coat of paint was applied to the horse barns at the fairgrounds in Orono bringing about a needed improvement. TOWN SUPPORTS PORT OPE The Town of Newcastle concurred wth the Township of Hope resolution objecting to the increased salaries ofcSix top officiais of the Northumberland and Newcastleoard of Education. The resolution asks for a review of the increases with the intent of rolling back the increases to a more reasonable level. Director of Education $47,500.0, Board Superintendept $42,500 each (2), three area superintendents with salaries of $4s,5ix.otoeach. -WOODYARD WANTS ACTION ON TAXING RELIEF FOR WARD THREE (Continued from page 1) again this coming Monday evening. Counc. Woodyard informed the meeting that 'all hell would break loose in Clarke if something wasn't done short- ly'. In speaking with the councillor he said the act allows for some adjustment and in his opinion the Town could use the 1975 equalizing factor. The use of the 1975 equalizing factor would mc- rease taxes, he said, in Darlington and allow for a reduction in Clarke and Bowmanville. The committee was asked by Woodyard if they didn't make any change this year would they be willing to TOWN HOLDING ORONO MEETING (Continued from page 1) shopping plaza proposal by Armstrong Stores Limited for the north-east sector of the Village. At a meeting of the planning committee some months ago it was proposed' that a meeting be held in METER MAID TO PATROL ORONO <fontinued from page 1) now the policy. In speaking with Larry Simspon, by-law control offi- cer, he said that Orono now had double coverage on parking in Orono with both. the meter maid and the Regional Police enforcing the regulations in the Village. He said the Regional Police will give immediate attention to a rebate the overcharge that would exist in 1978 under the present system back to the Clarke Township taxpayers in 1979. As a result of Monday's meeting the Treasurer is to' undertake a further study of the issue relating to: a) are the correct factors being used or are there others which could be used? b) could the province assist in any way? c) could the grants be real- located as between the areas of the former municipalities? With this information and others the treasurer is to report to the finance commit- tee. The final tax bill cannot be sent out to Town taxpayers until such time as the council decides on the method of arriving at the individual mill rates throughout the various wards in the town. Orono to discuss this matter resulting in the meeting on June 22nd. There has been some oppos- ition expressed in the down- town business core over the development fearing a loss of business in the downtown sector of the Village. The developer has said there is support for the proposai by residents of the area. complaint in the enforcement of the regulations as well as checking from time to time. Mr. Simpson referred to the meter maids coverage as a floating coverage and said that she could not always be immediately available. Mr. Simpson assured the Times ý that the Regional Police would still continue to enforce the parking by-laws in the Village as well as the meter maid. Town employee charged The Town of Newcastle has suspended Gary E. Barchard, 35, of Bowmanville from his job as animal control officer for the Town. Barchard has been charged with thef t of municipal funds under $200.00. The suspension was effective as of last Friday and will remain until the case is resolved one way or another. Inspector Westbrook said Tuesday the charges were laid after investigation by Regional Police àfter being notified of irregularities by municipal officials. Officers found dog food bought for animals in the compound for the Town being sold privately. Mr. Barchard will appear in Bowmanville provincial court on July lth, said Insp. Westbrook. Lob ball tournie in Orono June 17th Through the collective ef- fort of a number of Orono organizations and the Lob Ball teams a tournament is to be held in Orono in the Orono Park on Saturday, June 17th. The program will include Lob Ball, children's games as well as an open-air dance in the evening. In speaking with Mrs. Alice Irwin there are presently seven Men's Lob Ball teams entered in the tournament as well as three ladies teams from the Newcastle area league. It is expected the tournament will run for the afternoon and into the even- ing to decide the champions of the event. Further details will be available later. The Orono Figure Skating Club and the Orono Hockey Mothers are planning a sche- dule of games for the children of all ages for the afternoon. In connection with the event the Orono Chamber of Com- merce and the Orono Hi-Cs will be operating the conces- sion at the park providing hamburgs, hot dogs, soft and cold drinks. The program is to be concluded by an open-air dance on the grass in the evening with Peter Swan providing the music for the occasion. The Town of New- castle council on Monday night passed a resolution that they had no objection ta a Liquor Licence being granted the Orono Chamber. It is the intention that the Pine Ridge Kinsmen will operate a beer garden at the event. Mrs. Irwin said that all monies raised through thç event would be turned over to the Arena Fund. Further details are expect- ed within the week. Walls may tumble at Orono Hall 1 The Orono Town Hall came close to being a pile of rubble Monday afternoon when the management and operation of the hall came before the Community Services commit- tee of the Town of Newcastle. The committee had previous- ly called a meeting asking Orono citizens to attend who would be interested in being a member of the Board to manage the hall. No one turned up for the meeting and council is still faced on how to operate the hall. At the present time the community services depart- ment looks after the hall in maintenance and operation. Council would like to turn this over to a community hall board under the community centre act. With no interest being shown from the Village coun- cillors Dykstra and Holliday presented a resolution to the meeting recommending to council that if interest was not shown by residents of Orono in the Town Hall that the Town of Newcastle seriously consider selling the hall or having it demolished. With Councillors Holliday and Dykstra voting for the motion and Counc. Allin and Mayor Rickard voting in opposition, chairman of the committee, Alf Gray voted in opposition to break the tie. It was stated at the meeting that this near miss may create some interest in Orono for the' Hall. Mayor Rickard and Counc. Woodyard are to look into the matter further. Want Newcastle support for Eldorado refinery Mr. Charles Tidy of Port Hope council and Mr. Carroll Nichols, both representing the Hope Township Steering Committee to have Eldorado Nuclear Ltd. locate the pro- posed refinery in the area, addressed council on Monday asking 19ewcastle's support for the proposal. Charles Tidy pointed out to council that Port Hope and Hope Townships had always been in support of the proposed refinery being built in Port Granby and would still support this proposal. He said that the final decision has yet ta be made but in the case that the Port Granby site is turned down the Steering Committee wished to have the refinery located elsewhere in the area. He pointed out that the minister bas yet to make a final decision on the Port Granby site but that it appears that he would follow the dictates of the panel report and that of Len Marchand. Tidy said that since the panel report turning down Port Granby Hope Township' has been looking for a suitable suite for the refinery and has come up with a site just north of the Wesleyville Hydro development. Carroll Nichols following the meeting said that the Wesleyville site was really the first choice of Eldorado and that a full study had been carried out on the site and was satisfactory as far as Eldorado was concer- ned. Tidy pointed out to council that both Port Hope and Hope had supported the refinery in your municipality and 'we now ask for your support for a site other than Port Granby if the Port Granby site is officially turned down'. The delegate from Port Hope said he understood that the Town of Newcastle was proposing another site within the Town of Newcastle but said that such action would now only confuse the issue. He said he was given to understand that the Minister would announce another site for the refinery within a month if the Port Granby site was turned down. Eldorado, he said, must begin construct- ion this coming spring. He said the choice of another site would require an Environ- mental Assessment hearing but would not have to be so detailed as the initial hearing. Tidy said he felt Newcastle should have been more con- cerned over the Port Granby site as a site for the refinery. "We do not want to loose this industry", said Tidy. It means 500 jobs and $8,000,000 in payroll with other benefits to the area. If this industry is not in your area or mine it will be a disaster", said Tidy. He confirmed that Port Hope and Hoe would still support the refinery in Port Granby but failing this he hoped Newcas- tle would support the Hope Township site. On May 30th the Town of Newcastle passed a resolut- ion that Eldorado Nuclear Limited be invited to meet with a sub committee of council as selected by Mayor Rickard and using approp- riate staff to consider the location for a refinery as previously selected by the sub committee prior to said meeting. In speaking with councillor Woodyard he said that the Mayor had not as yet told him the location of the site he had in mind. Although council members on Monday asked Tidy a number of questions no action was taken on the request from the Port Hope councillor okl, behalf of the -Steering Com- mittee.