12..000 acres under forest agreement The Woodlands -Improve- ment Act (WW.L.A.) is an Ontario statute made law in 1966. Under this act the Minister of Natural Resour- ces is authorized to enter into agreements with private landowners to plant trees on their properties and-or imp- rove their woodlands. In the Lindsay District any land- owyer with at least 10 acres of open land to be planted or woodlands suitable to be, improved may apply for service under this act. If an area is to be planted under the act, the landowner is., charge with the cost of the trees and is responsible for the protection of the planta- tion fromn fire, insects, dis- ease and livestock. The cost of the landowner is approxi- mately $1000 per acre for the trees (i.e. a typical conifer plantation is planted at 1,000 trees per acre - trees cost $10.00 per-thousand). A total of 819,500 seedings were planted this spring SPECIAL Ail the Fish and Chips you can eat, $1.85 Tuesdays and Wednes- days. MOM'S KITCKEN Main St., Orono 983-5310 Orono Pastoral Minister - Rev. 8.E. Long B.Th. Organist and Choir Director David Gray Sunday, June Il, 1978 ORONO UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY 11: 15a. m. AIl departments will take part and pins will be present- ed. CIIURCH AND SUNDAY SCHOOL -P' CNIC Sunday, June lith 2:00 p.m. KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Sunday School 9:415 a. m. Morning Worship 9:45 a.m. . Dial-A-Thought 983-91,5i under the W.I.A. programn in the Lindsay Dis'trict. Approxi- mately 50 per cent of these seedlings were red pine, 40 per cent white spruce and the other 10 per cent comprising white pine, cedar, larch and assorted hardwoods. The planting was carried out by both machine and hand plant- ing crews cornposed of both men and women. The other portion of the W.I.A. agreementý involves stand improvemnent. If a Saturday, June 17 Sunday, June 18 AIl the usual items q f displ time exhibitors amgng the Come and bring your frier FREgAD Miss Kelli Buckley of Les-' kard, 10 years and a student of grade five at Kirby Kendal School, caught the attention of the Times photographer over the week-end as she was doing some gymnastîc floor exercises across the lawn. In a repeat performance we were able to catch the landing of a back flip in the performance which we thought was quite well exer- cised by such a young girl. Kelli informs us that she takes gymnastics in gymn classes at the school and placed 4th in a recent contest held in Bowmanville in which Wafer 'Delivery SWIMMING POOLS, WELLS & CISTERNS. 2000 Galion Tank I TAYLOR Sand & Gravel 10Oa.m. - 5p.m. 1 -5 p.m. ýlay and sale plus some first ie sixty booths. ends. Plenty of parking. >MISSION hardwood stand requires an improvement thinning it may be carried out by girdling, cutting or commercial fuel- wood operation. With the increase in demnand for fuel- wood now, much of this "Iwaste" wood is being utili- zed as a commercial product and becomnes a revenue producer for the woodlot owner. To this date, 350 W.I.A. agreements have been signed wth private landowners in the Lindsay District cornprising some 12,000 acres of woodlot and plantation. For further information on Our W.I.A. service, please contact the Lindsay office of the Ministry of Natural Resources. there were 40 contestants competing in the floor exer- cie.Well done, Kelli. GREAT SALADS - FROM FRESH ONTARIO PRODUCE Summer is a favorite time of the year. If you're like thse food specialists at the Ontario Food Council, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, you enjoy it not only for the sunny, warmn weather but also for thse chance to get plenty of Ontario-grown fresh, crisp, vegetables and greens for flavorful salads. Start a salad with Ontario. leaf lettuce. Lt is available now and is orté-of thse first of Ontarîo's lettuce crops to reach the market. Ontario head or iceberg lettuce will be available about mid-June. Leaf lettuce has light-green,' loosely-bunched leaves with ragged or crinkly edges. Its, delicate flavour blends well with otteer salad ingredients. The leaves are ideal as a base for a chicken salad or fruit cup. Store leaf lettuce in the refrigerator either washed and dried, or unwashed in a tightly closed plastic bag, or container with paper towel to absorb the excess moisture. Next, add somne Ontario radishes. They add special zip and crunch to the salad. Remnember to include radish- es wîth the other vegetables when. making up a vegetable tray for dipping. Look for f irmn radishes with smàîî whole heads. To store, re- move tops, leave root ends on, and refrigerate in a perforat- ed plastic bag. Ontario green onions are always a tasty complemnent to salad greens. Add themn generously to the salad to get full benefit fromn their perky flavor. Choose onions with crisp green tops and thick necks. Store them wrapped in waxed paper, in the refriger- ator. Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 7th, 1978-3 Audit during decontrol period of professionals. *Professionals are slce for auditing according to a general profile of the profes- sion and the probability of having excess revenue. The audit is carried out to confirm that the appropriate inform- ation has been reported and to determine whether or not the professional is in compliance with the regulations. The- Audit program. for both the compensation and thse prices and profits will contin- ue until the Board is satîsfied that the decontrol process has been completed in accord- ance with the Anti- Inflation Act. Service - 10: 00 a. m. Rov. Alian Haldenby B.A. L.Th. Eu * cul from Canada grade" 'A" beef cut from Canada grade "A' beef cut from Canada grade "A" beef *iaees blade prme : badesteaks 'b * roas--M ; _____ l,28 teaksl idéal for the bar-b-que 48 Schneiders Kent Brand 1158 * m medîu m round beef bn rinidless bacon 16oée I lunichoon meat 1602 Pkg. VI Ïî isiuîlers la pn148 0 rideofCanada 1 l ender and lasty 0 cottage MSra t i d d lb * a msing ribs lbifW 0 Schneider 2 oz size cut fran Canada grade "A" beaf *beef steakeftes - bhp I28,là nhrat 6- i b ýCORN ISH'S, Fourth place gymnist The Anti-Inflation Board announced recently that it is continuing its compensation and prices and profits audit programn through the decon- trol period, April 14 to December 31, 1978, and into 1979. The Board has expanded its current compensation audit program to ensure that a representative number of employers in ail sectors of the economy are meeting their obligations under the Anti- inflation Act during the decontrol period. The compensation audit program replaces a proposed plan requiring employers to submit exit reports confirm- ing compensation of emp- loyee groups is in accordance with the regulations. On the prices and profits side of the AIB, auditing will continue- at the present rate, with emphasis on the auditing NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING MEMORIAL HOSPITAL.BOWMANVILLE CORPORATION Wednesday, June 14, 1978 8:*00p.m. Council Chambers 132 Church Street Bowmanville, Ontario For Purposes 0f: 1. Hearing Reports. 2. Report of Hospital Auditors 3. Election of Directors 4. Appointment of Auditors 5.Appointment of Legal Counsel 3rd Annual Giganîtic June Bazaar 7 K< i held in the Darlington Sports Centre Ha mpton I William C. Hall, B.Comm. Chartered Accountiant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALI DAY WEDN ESDAY and SATU RDAY ----- 1