6-Orono Weekly Timies, Wednesday, June 7th, 1978 "'ýLife-saving" ý'First Aid course ( community events such as hockey and football games, walkathons, parades, fairs. They provided First Aid Wednesday, Junie 7 Jive Turkeys vs. Bens, Newtonville P.S. M&M vs. Stutts, Orono Pk. 8:30 Pioneers vs. Daniels, Lord Elgin Goodyear vs. D'Angelo, Waverly Rd. Thursday, June 8 Ed Van vs. High Flyers, Lockhart Jive Turks & Ugly Ducks, Orono Pk 8:30 Hol. Juice & Pyramids, Pine Rdge. Danieis & Tyrone, Tyrone Barrys & Dennison, Orono Fair Monday, June 12 Wes Con & Ed Van, Orono Pk. 8:30 Dur. Attic & High Flyers, Lockhart Barrys & D'Angelo, Bow. Mem. Dennison & Goodyear, Bow. Mem. 8:30 Pyramids & Daniels, Lord Elgin Tyrone & Pioneers, Waverly Rd. 1Tuesday, June 13 Orono Tow & Ugly Ducks, Orono Pk 8:30 Jive Turks & Stutts, Orono Fair Goodyear & Hol. Juice, Lockhart Dennîson & St. Marys, Pine Rdge. Pyramids & Tyrone, Tyrone Wednesday, June 14 Stutts & Dur. Attic, Orono Pk. 8:30 Wes Con & Bens, Newtonville P.S. High Flyers, Jive Turks, Orono Fair Barrys & Pioneers, Lord Elgin D'Angelo & Daniels, Waverly Rd. Thursday, June 15 Bens & Ugly Ducks, Orono Pk. 8:30 Orono Tow. & M&M, Orono Pair St. Marys & Pyramids, Pine Ridge Pioneers & Hol. Juice, Lockhart Monday, June 19 Dur. Attic & Jive Turks, Orono Pk. 8:30 Stutts & Ed Van, Orono Pair High Flyers & Bens, Newtonville P.S. Barrys & Goodyear, Bow. Mem. 6:30 Dennison & Daniels, Bow. Mcm. 8:30 Tyrone & D'Angelo, Lord Elgin T'Iuesday, June 20 Wes Con & M&M, Orono Pk. 8:30 Jive Turk & Orono Tow., Orono Pair Goodyear & St. Marys, Pine Ridge Hol. Juice & Tyrone, Tyrone Wednesday, June 21 Orono Tow & Stutts, Orono Pk. 8:30 Ugly Ducks & Ed Van, Orono Pair Pyramids & Pioneers, Lor d Elgin Dennison & Hol. Juice, Lockhart (Next two weeks of schedule to follow ln next weeks issue) Orono pool registration NE WTON VILLE 786-2381 G. Cowlard treatment to 71,200 people during the year. The orgnîzation taught First Aid to 75,651 people which represents an increase of almost 8 per cent over the previouis year. About 215,000 people in Ontario now hold valid St. John Ambulance First Aid cerificates. * Our Fireplaces DO NOT Smoke * _______ IOXFOR I rclyr - Sone as. s t I * RNON I PHNI8350 BYAMS PLUMBING- HEATING Sales and Service 24 HMOUR BIJRNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low lnterest Rates Phone: Gni fI Tyrone 263-2650 i Only two short of three hundred registered last Tues- day evening in Orono for the annual water safety classes that are held at the Orono swimming pool, in the Orono Park. The program this year is under the direction of the department of Commlunity Services of the Town of Newcastle. In speaking with the depart- ment on Tuesday there are stili openings in a number of classes other than beginners. The classes go in two sections with a three week course in July and a similar three week course in August. Registrat- ion may be mnade in the Town office of the department in the former Bell building. Phone 987-5039 and ask for the Department of Social Serv- ices if enquiring. rAN l I' Hevi-duty an effic ient, trustworthy mower, popular for more than 40 years. What do you look for when buying a lawn-mower? easy starting?, a good motor?, efficient cut- ting action?, rust-fr ee?, economical?, ease of Soperation?, or good look'? Lawn-Boy offers 13 models encompassing all these features plus several additionai inno- vations. They are: solid state ignition, finger-tip start, grass-catcher, _under- deck muffler, seif-propel led, staggered wheels, two-speed cutting, plus many, more. Where do you find ail these Economyfeatures? EconomýYour Lawýn-Boy dealer. Solid State De luxe ROLPH LHARDWARE RONO, ONT. 983-52 07 SPORTS Lobb Bail Schedule A new two and a haif hour First Aid course called "Life- saver" was described by St. John Ambulance President Derek Buck on Saturday, June 3. He was speaking to delegates at the Annual Meeting of St. John Ambul- ance, Ontario Council. The organization has begun training memnbers of the uniformed Brigade to teach the emergency course to the general public. Mr. Buck said the "Lifesaver" Pirst Aid course will begin to be generally available in the fail. t teaches basic techniques that could save the life of someone who is choking or bas stopped breathing, some- one who is bleeding severely, or someone who is uncon- scious. The St. John Ambulance Brigade now has 3,638 volun- teer members in Ontario. In 1977, tbey put in 481,000 hours of unpaid public duty at N EWTONVILLE WVAT ERWOR KS 7 ADays aWeek Wells, Cisterus, Pool and Lawns m--- - ý Attention Farnuers!!1 WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON ~Diesel Fuel SMotor Oil -J- ~Gasoliné Phone 668-3381 CoIIect Dx FmUEL O011 For Prompt Courteous Service CALL US TODAV