.4 Ive I 4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 14th, 1978 News The ground crew, a group of students who heiped keep our yard and gym tidy, had lunch courtesy of Mr. Lunn on Saturday, June lOth. Scott Irwin, Mark Sargent, An- thony Mellow, Alan Hall and Donnie Brough are members of this elite group. Mrs. Lun's class wish to thank ail of our customners for their support in our Regal campaign. Through your help we contributed $387.86 to the Arena fund. Thanks again for your help. Janne Tamblyn, Gr. 5 We have finishi ada Fitness Awar now the school tr, busily at work fc mneet whichi wi' Thursday, June 15 High Sehool.- Grade 3 N Cameran SuthE sin Helen Midd Scotland has atte ,with us for three enjoyed her comp accent. We hope safe journey -hoi Helen could have Kat Short stories A surprise twenty-fifth an- at The New Dutch Oven being attended by friends and niversary party honoured Mr. Restaurant Saturday evening relatives of the Orono couple. and Mrs. Orville Chatterton 4 p.c. -11 increase for Regiona I councilIlors, The Durham Region Man- agement Committee has rec- ommended to council that council members in 1978 be paid a remuneration with a four percent increase over that paid in 1977. The recom- mendation must now go before council for their con- sideration as weil as before the 1978 council. The new council will take office on December lst with elections being held on November l3th. Under the proposed sàlary scheduie council members in 1978 would be paid $12,980 which is an increase of $500.00. The chairman's an- nual salary would go to $34,440 compared teo the present $33 '400.0O. The com- mittee did not make a change in additional pay towards the five chairman of standing committees. This wiil remain 1 at $750.00. The Regional council will consider the pay raises today, Wednesday, June 14th. Outdoor Education Camping overnight is fun. Ail of the grade sixes fromn Orono Public School went ,camping June 8th and 9th. We did this so we wouid be used to it for next year. Mr. Wither- Iige and Mrs. Deremo took us. We had three choices;ý we could sieep in the cabin, under the stars or in a tent. We learned to bc organized and know what to take if we go camping again. We went to Mr. Baker's place where he skiis and snowshoes in the winter. Mr. Bunting let us use his property. We had many activities to do. We couid study insects with Mir. Baker who showed us his bee hive and where he keeps themn. Mrs. Deremo was helping us with compas- ses to look for markers, Mr. Witheridge did water study or Mrs. Allen with plant study. We had three parents, Mr Lowes, Mrs. Breen and Mrs. Brachvogel to help us. Thanks to everyone we were able to go. Thanks again from ail of the grade sixes. Janet Stephenson. Deep Dive On day some people went diving in the ocean. They were exploring for treasure. They saw a cave and went into it. There was a black case but something was covering it. They turned on their fiashlight and there was an octapus. We went dloser and the ocapus attacked us. One person took out bis knife and stabbed hlm while the other person was trying to get the case. He succeeded. The other person finished off the octapus and they both went up to the sub. When they got up they opened it and there was diamonds and rubies. Richie Dupe. Home Run The boys were playing basebaîl for the champion- ship. It was a tic 7 ail and we were up to bat. We were oniy one point away from the championship and Lefty Dav- is was pitching. He is the best pee-wee pitcher in the league. 1 was up to bat and Lefty had his secret pitch called, -The Flueby Pop". He cailed it the flueby pop because the flueby part is when a peron hit baIl spins high in the aii is easy to catch. I hi spun in the air. and1 brother missed it. I home run and we ws game and trophy. Poetr There was a boy namne Who really loved cand His teeth became bad, \And his mom became Now bis teeth are very, Kelly Anderson hoo i Up and Down Book Stacks ADULT ied our Can- Pulling Your Own String.s by ds tests and Wayne Dyer learn how to 1ra tea trac enjoy life without being il beheld ck manipulated) ill b held Foot Treadie Loom Weaving 5th at Clarke by Edward Worst (includes Jirn rown. patterns) Jin Brwn. Watermelon Wine by Frye Gailard (the spirit of Coun- çews try Music, the lives and erlands cou- music of Nashville's finest) leton from Provencher: last of the Cour- nded school eurs de Boisby by Paul eweeks.. We Provencher pany and her The Vision by Dean Koontz eshe had a (exciting story by the )me. I wish author of -night chilis") estayed. Bloodline by Sidney Sheldon hryn Clyens. (novel of love, intrigue and murder) Lots of new paperbacks including Jaws 2, Damien Omnen il, Grease, science fictions and Westerns. JUNIOR LbI ie Prehistoric Animfais by Anne r and it lCr Lef ty' s New Automobiles of the got a hy Irwin Stambler on the Kathleen, please corne home by Scott O'Dell (an award Lynda. winnixlg novel) The Secret of Wildcat Swamp by Franklind Dixon Mlystery of Crocodile Island by Carolyn Keene (newest Nancy Drew story) EASY READING ýd Andy AND PICTURE BOOKS y, Juliani in the Autumn Woods 1, by Milena Lukesova mad. Mushroom in the Ram by dandy. Mirra Ginsburg. n, Gr. 5. Madeleine Hadiey. * ORONO NURSERY SCHOOL Register Now * for Septem ber, 1978 We offer a half-day enrichment program for 3 * * to 5 year old eidren. Qualified staff, licensed * premiseS.e *Cali 983-5402 a.m., 987-4012 p.m. 31,7,14,21,28, ac. Town of Newcastle Public Meeting There wiII be a Public Meeting under the auspices of the Planning and' Development Committee of the Town of Newcastle in the Orono Town Hall at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 22nd, 1978. The Agenda wiIl be as follows: 7 p.m. - Approximately. Discus- sion of proposed use of Town owned land in the Home Smith Subdivision. 8:30 p.m. - Approximately. Dis- cussion of application, of Arm- strong Store Limited for A 60,000 ft. Shopping Centre in Lot 11, Rear Range Block 1 on the East Side of MilI Street, Orono. Robert Dykstra, Councillor Chiairman of Planning and Deveiopment 1Commlittee. J.Ml. Mclllroy, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk 40 Temiperance Street, Bowmianville, Ontario. MAINST..O ON . ON . ...9.3...0. ts it the MAIN ST., ORONO. ONT. a 983-5009