lo-orono Wei Your bouse plants in your garden Summer is finally here. decide to put plants outdoors, Before you decide to Put your don't place them in full houseplants outdoors, care- fully consider their individual needs. Theo Blom, Ontario Minis- try of Agriculture and Food extension horticulturist, says putting some houseplants out- doors may do them more harm than good. "One of the major factors to consider is sun scorch. If you Auction Service Farmn & Estate Sale5 Furniture Modern and Antique NORM FAULKNER Stouffvilîe 640-5691 EARL GAUSLIN Stouffvilie 6403079 rGeneral Rep airs To a Il makes of Vehicles -TULNE-U'PS -BRAKES -ENGINES REBUILT -TO WING MANGER'S GA RAGE ORONO 9 83ý-5 1:10 ail-day sun, even if they have been kept in sunny windows indoors. The leaves may scorch due to the direct sunlight, or the drying effeet of the wind."' Mr. Blom suggests setting even sun-loving plants in partial shade, protected from the wind. Locations such as a screenied porch, gazebo or BYAMS PLUMBING- HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOU R BURNER SERVICE orono Electric Herb & Gerry Duvali 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTI NG ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances T.V. - COLOU R TV. RADIO - HI-Fi WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROKOME Guaranteed Sevice under trees- or large shrubs to get acclimatizeci. are best. Indoor gardeners moving their houseplants outside for the suimme~r shnîiIi1remem- .Plants such as geraniums, azaleas, cacti, succulents, poinsettias, Easter lilies, fic- us species and draceanas will take early morning sun. Some of the foliage plants should be kept in a shady location. t is important to remem- ber that houseplants undergo shock when taken outdoors. Some horticuturists recom- mend that houseplants be introducedi to the outdoors gradually, to allow them time I Hlamiltons Insurance Service Susan M. Sawyer Off ice 983-51115 Home 983-5270 ber to treat each houseplant according to its individual light and moisture require- ments. For practical purposes. leave the plant in the pot when putting it outdoors. Before bringing houseplants indoors in the fail, be sure to check for insects and disease- MainoSt] 2on.2 ntari FOR ANY OCCASION FRESH& DRIED FLOWVER AR RANG EMENTS for W EDDI NGS, FUN ERALS, HOSPITAL AND HOME Telehone623-3377 162 King St. East Bow ma nvilite IWilliam C. Hall, B.Comm. I Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 AL L DAY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY SALAHY PAYMvENiTS BOARD JUHISDICTION The Minister of Education, Tom Wells in a letter to Hope Townlship has stated that it is the jurisdiction of the Board of Education to hire and set salaries of their staff and that it was flot the Ministries position to roll back salary increases. Seven of sixteen municipal- ities in the Northumberland and Newcastle area have asked the Board to roll back salarv increases. PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS CLAUDE HARNESS Formerly Bert Tomkins Phone 786-2552 Clarke Public LIBRARY P HON E 983-5507 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 2:O00to 8,00 p.nif. Saturday 10. 00 Io 5: 00 p. m. Orono, Ontario Water Delivery SWIMMING POOLS, WELLS & CISTERNS. 2000 Gallon Tank CARD 0F TIIA,*NKS 1 would like through this newspaper to express my thanks to each and everyone for their messages of concern sent in cards, letters, visits, gifts of flowers and fruit following recent surgery. We deeply appreciate, also the skill and care of the doctors and nurses involved and as well the excellent care of the nurses on the third floor extended to me while a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Annabelle Riekard. 28, ac. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the staff, the Vppis-ad the P.T.A. of Lockhart School for my Retirement Tea. My thaniks also for the flowers, cards and gifts, and to aIl those who attended the Tea. Gladys Greenwood. 28, ap. Orono Lnsai SNOW PLOWING 983-5598 F. Re Tennant F uels Lt. Ph on e 1903b 983-5693 I TAYLOR I Orono Sand & Gravel 983-5003 j Building --- Contractor Charles Reid Bik-Bok-Cnrt Oronoý's Licensed Stone Work Auctioneer Carpentry - Cabinet Valuator Work Specialize in Farm Flors - Tile Furniture Sales Consu It me for terms Phonle 983-5441 and dates ORONO Phone Orono 983-5914 Mao___________ TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. INCOME TAX AND RELATED ACCOUNTING SERVICES 67 KING ST. EAST, SUITE 2 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. LIC 1N3 *DX SERVICE STATION * Highway 35 & 115, îust north of Newcastle Featurinq: i Premnium Qualty Products At the Most Reasonable *i PricesI * Stove Oil& * Diesel Oil Available in any quantityI * Phone 987-4215 * We have a complete line of* *POP-CITY Soft Drinks. Save by P 'buin these a case at a ti me. Correction In last weeks issue an advertisement appeared above the name of Bev's Floral Art. The naine and address should have read Be v'j JIo0aI ('eaion 162 King S,. E. BOWMANV 1LLE, ONTARI10 1LiC 1 NB Phone 623-3377 - -- - - ------ ........... .... . .......