P resentation to Valedictorian Orono) Weekly 'Times, Wednesday, Jily 5th, 198 M i~IItRebekah 5 meeting Mibss Carolyn Bannister, Senior Public School receive valedictorian at the graduat- a. presentation from Mr ing ceremonies of the Pines Michael Carman on behaîfo WINDOW BROKEN For the second time this year police are investigiating the breaking of a -window in M&M Variety on the Main Street of Orono. FIRE DEPARTMIENT ACTIVE Over the week-end the local fire departm-ent received three calîs with the first last Friday evening when a grease fire at the Diania Motel caused some $1,000.00 damage to the kitchen section of the living quarters at the Motel. The fire started when frying chips. Saturday the Orono firefighnters were called to Burketon for a grass fire. At the time the Bowmnanville department was busy with a cal related to the aeroplane crash in the Courtice area. Mlonday afternoon the local department was called for assistance when a large branch fell across hydro lines on the fifth ine of Clarke east of Orono. A short in the lines was causing sparks to fly about. ENI) 0F SUHOOL TERMý, Students and teachers of the Orono Public School ended the scbool term last Thursday witb a noon picnic at the Orono Park. The outdoor barbecue was an enjoyable occasion with staff and helping mothers preparing the noontime meal. Following lunch the students en mass escourted some of the male teachers to the wading pool for, their annual dunking. The regular meeting of Heather Rebekah Lodge was held Tuesday, June 27, 1978 with a very good attendance. Visitors were welcomed f rom Ajax, Pickering and Bow- manville Lodges. Sister Betty Major was in the Noble Grand chair assist- ed by Sister Violet Sutcliffe, Vice Grand. Sister Violet Dunlop reported, as head of the Benevolent Committee on ber work. Sister Olive Millson gave a full report of the District meeting which was heid in Port Perry. Sister Marjory Wannamaker, Port Perry is the District Deputy President for district Oshawa East for 1978-79. Two reports were given on ca tering to a 5th anniversary and the banquet which was served to the boys and parents of a winning hockey teamn. Recently sessions were held at the Royal York when Sister Isabelle Trimm attended as (Continued page 6)ý t was cake for everyone at the sehool honoured Mrs. last week at the Orono Public Buhting at a dinmer party at School when the students paid the Coach and Four Restaur- tribute to Mrs. Mary Bunting ant and presented her with a who retires from the staff at crystal dinner bell. the sehool and the teaching Mlrs. Bunting has been profession. Mrs. Bunting teaching at the Orono Public above holds one of twelve School for the past , seven cakes baked for the occasion years teaching the primary by Mrs. Roberta Nesbitt. grds The students presentedgrds Mrs. Bunting with a silver t was congratulations al tray while the Home and round for Mrs. Bunting for School Association presented ber wý,ork at the school and ber with a chaise lounge. Last with the children of the Wednesday evening the staff community. for a " Scottish Lass" ACQUISITION POLICIES G anar aska sets Iand use policy The Gan.araska Region Conservation Authority last week approved a land use policy for the northern sector of the area as well as establishing a land acquisi- tion policy. Both policies were establishied as guidelines for the authority which are the first such guidelines to be established by the Authority. The land use policy was established to indicate areas for enivironmnental preservat- ion based on both the sensitiv- ity of the site and the relative recreational importance. The area affected by the policy takes in the Oak Ridges ,Moraine, the northern port- ions of the Town of Newcastle and Hope Townships. In consîdering the land use (Continued page 2) Four Ontario scholars at Cia rke Four grade 13 students at The following received the Jeff dedonge, son of Mr. and the Clarke Hîgh School have awards: Cathy Tufford, dau- Mrs. Gerritt deJonge, Orono; been awarded Ontario Schol- ghitti ui iMi. and NIrs. F.C. and Veronica Ruegger, dau- arships having passed the Tufford, Newcastle; Darlene ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Ulrich year with a percentage of 80 E.liiott, daugbter of Mr. and Ruegger, R.R. 3 Newcastle. per cent or more. Mlrs. D. Elliott, Newtonvilie; Bob Jamieson, head of the English departiment at. Carke High Scbool, extended his role a w-eek ago Mlonday evening and piped Mlrs. Nancy Wal- lace to, an outing at Mîr. and Mrs. AI Witherspoons in Bowmanville held in recog- nition of Nancy's retirement. It was a Scottish tuni.,e for a Scottisb lass. The teachers assembled presented Mrs. Wallace with- an il-piece matched set of Ladies Spald- ing golf clubs. Mrs. Wallace retires as secretary at the school as of the end of .August. She was hired by the Board of Educat- ion in 1957 as secretary of the Orono Hîgh School and later became secretary for' the Clarke Hlighi School in 1967. Mrs. Wallace aiso received a hand-crafted leather purse from the non-teaching staff at the school during a recent coffee break. A lovely cake was also prepared for the occasion by MIrs. McMalîon. Nancy was aiso honoured at a dinner by the secretaries of the 'famiiy of schools' at the Northumberland Heights Restaurant near Baltimore. On this occasion Mrs. Wallace was presented with a gold bracelet with ber initiais on it. Mliss Heather Hughes, a former secretary at the school was also present on this occasion to pay tribute to Mlrs. Wallace. And the future, according to Nancy, is to be spent in Florida during the winter, months to get away from the snow banks and of course to miake good use of the golf clubs. The Wallaces own a home in Florida.