E.O.B.A. SENIOR LEAGUE (Including games of Monday, duly 3, 1978) West Division Oshawa Ajax Bowmanville Little Britain Whitby Fast Division Peterborough Belleville Newcastle Port Hope Kendal Pct. g1l .857 - .692 212 .667 3 .600 .500 5 4-Oronio Weekly Tinies, Wednesday, Jtily 5th, 1978 SP'ORTS Pet. .571 .500 .333 .286 .000 Art Festiva ls Weekly Scores Monday Peterborough 14, Port Hope 6 Tuesday Whitby 9, Kendal 6 Wednesday Bowmianville 2, Whitby 1 Belleville 8, Port Hope 6 Oshawa 10, Ajax 2 Thursday Oshawa 2, Little Britain 0 Saturday Al-Star Game East 7, West 6 Sunday Oshawa 4, Kendal 1' Bowmanville 9, Peterborough 3 Whitby 12, Belleville 2 Monday Peterborough 17, Kendal 6 Newcastle 7, Belleville 6 Ajax 12, Little Britain 3 The Festivals are under the direction of de an Mercer, dacqueline Patte, and Terry commodate Boyle. the estval For further information hies Poet-v contact Creative Hands, 576- Paintings, 9431. uts and a rbs, home- inprocessed Creative Hands of Oshawa will once again be hosting a series of Art and Craft Festivals thîs summer; beg- inning Sunday, dune Ilth from 11:00 arn. to 4:00 p.m. on Patte's parking lot, Wil- liam Street East, just off Simcoe Street. As in the past, each Festival is designed to pro- vide an opportunity for the, public to meet and interact wvith the skiled craft people. Once again, local Folk Sing- ers will sing andl play during the Festival. Regular exhibitors expect- ed are Weaver, Libbie Burns; Potter, Barb Kimbaîl; Por- trait Artist, Ray Goîdman; as wýell as Seascape artist, George Parker, and' other local artists; including Lam- bert and Alan Skaiffe. In order to ac( everyone's taste, t will feature Anti tery, Weaving, Apple Doils, Qui table of potted he made bread, and ui grains. Our french cafe will be open for those wishing to rest, relax, and enjoy food and drink. The Festival is free, with parking available at Wilson and lee's; the lot directly opposite the Festival site and further Festivals are sched- uled for Sunday, duly l6th and Septelnber lOth. In case of ramn on any schedluled date, the Festival wilI be re-sched- uled for the following Sunday. Lobb Balil Thursday, July' l3ithi Dennison & Stutts, Orono Pk. 8: 3ýJ Barrys & Ugly Ducks, Orono Fair St. M0arys & Wes Con, Newtonvîlle P.S. MN0Iday« , JulyI N7th dive Turkeys & Barrys, Bow.Miemn. Orono Tow,ýing & D'Angelo, Bow. Mýem. 8:30 Stutts & Daniels, Lord Elgin HOl. duice & Ugly, Ducks, Oron Pk. 8:30 Pioneers & Wes Con, Newtonville P.S. Tyrone & Ml&Mý, Orono Fair Tuesday, July l8th Hol. duice & dive Turks, Orono Pk. 8:30 Ed Van & Pyramids, Pine Ridge St. Marys & Dur. Attic, Orono Fair Wednesday, july 1Ig Stutts & Goodyear, Lord Elgin Pioneers & High Flyers, Lockhart D'Angelo & M&M, Orono Fair Daniels & Orono Tow, Orono Pk. 8:30 Thursday, JIlv2O)th UglY Ducks & Pyramids, Pine Ridge Tyrone & Dur. Attic, Orono Pk. 8:30 Pioneers & Bens, Newtonville P.S. D'Angelo & Ed Van, Orono Fair Monday, July 24th Bens & Daniels, Bow. Mem. 'Dur. Attic & Hol. duice, Lockhart Stutts, & D'Angelo, Bow. Mem. 8:30) St. Marys & Orono Tow, Orono Pk. 8:30 Pioneers & Ed Van, Orono Fair Hai.O ui. SUi. Ja.Yes. Increase in welfare The Region of Durham has witnessed a 20 percent imc- rease in the number qualify- ing for welfare during a six month period ending March 3lst. Durmng the 1976-77 six month period there were 10,164 persons receiving wel- fare payments compared to 12,235 for the same period a year later. It was poînted out in a report to the social services committee that during the six month period there was a five percent increase in populat- ion in the Region being a factor to contribute to the welfare case increase. in the sanie period there was a 27 percent increase for those receiving family couns- elling. Caseloads totalled 2848 in the first six months compared to 3619 in the second period of six months. It has been pointed ouft that referrals havc been increas- ed. Ask*rnost muffler shops to give you a lifetime muffler guarantee on a foreign car and the answer will be no. Ask any Midas Muffler shop the same question and you'Il be pleasantly surprised. Because with each Midas Muffier, you get a guarantee that's good for as long as you own your car, whether its domestie or foreign. If anything goes wrong with your guaranteed Midas muffler, we'II instali a new one for only a service charge. Experience the fast, professional service th'at goes along with the Midas Muffler Guarantee and you'Il find yourself saying yes to Midas whenever you have a muffler problem. MUFFLER You've gotta be tough SHOPS f be tops. 227 Simcoe St. S,r Oshawa Schedule Titsday, JuIy 2th Daniels & dive Turks, Orono Pk. 8:30 MM & St. Marys, Pine Ridge Hol. Juice & Bens, Newtonville P.S. Hligh Flyers & Tyrone, Tyrone Wtedniesday' , JuIy, 26th PYramnids & dive Turks, Orono Pk. 8:30 Wes Con & Barrys, Lord Elgin Ugly Ducks & Daniels, Orono Fair Thursday, JuIy 27th M&M & Pioneers, Lockhart Ed Van & Goodyear, Orono Fair 1igh Flyers & St. Marys, Pine Ridge Orono Tow & Barrys, Orono Pk. 8:30 Mondayv, Jul y 1ýt Dur. Attic & Barrys, Bow. Mem. Wes Con & D'Angelo, Bow. Mem. 8:30 M&M & Dennison, Lord Elgin High Flyers & Pyramnids, Lockhart dive Turks & Daniels, Orono Fair Ugly Ducks & Goodyear, Orono Pk. 8:30 Tuesday, Aug. lst Ed Van & Tyrone, Tyrone Goodyear & Wes Con, Newtonville P.S. Stutts & St. Marys, Pine Ridge Orono Tow & Dennison, Orono Pk. 8:30 W'edniesday« , Aue. 2nd dive Turks & Pioneers, Lord Elgin Daniels .& Ed Van, Orono Pk. 8:30 Dur. Allic & D'Angelo, Lockhart Thursday, Auig. 3rd Bens & Pyramids, Pine Ridge dive Turks & D'Angelo, Orono Pk. 8:30 High Flyers & Dennison, Orono Fair, Ugly Ducks & Tyrone, Tyrone Stutts & Hol. duice, Lockhart Town of Newcastle NOYTIC E of Public Meeting in Counceil Chambers The residents of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle are invited to attend a public meeting to be held in the Council Chambers, Bowmanville at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, duly llth, 1978. At this meeting there will be a presentation by the International Joint Commission International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities. This presentation will include a Slîde Show, Display Booth and a representative- from this group. A.C. Guiler, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. Town Manager. . ... ....... . ... . ........ . . 1 ......... ... ... . .. .........