Assaults in the summer air There are about one million species of inseets known to scientists. And they all seem to show up at summer picnics. For most people, bug bites are just an itchy nuisance but some are aller- gic to insect stings, and every year thousands react serious- ly enough to require medical treatment. Those who know they are allergie to specific inseets can help lessen the dangers if tbey wear or carry identification wbîch says so. Allergie reactions to insect stings can vary, from a~ pronounced swelling tbat lasts several days to a more general reaction resultîng in hives, over-ail tcbing, or feelings of anxiety or unusual dullness. Any of these react- ions may indicate the need for treatment. For the very few people wbo die from such stings, death occurs rather rapidly. Immediate treat- ment is essential if the following symptoms appear following an insect bite: generalized swelling; tight- ness in the cbest; abdominal pain; nausea; dizziness; recently preseritea witfl A- chievement Awards for fit- ness. speech difficulties; weak- ness; rapid faîl in blood pressure; and unconcious- ness. Stinging insects most often involved in allergie reactions are boneybees, bumblebees and wasps - sucb as yellow jackets and hornets. Quietly avoiding such inseets is tbe best preventative. Wasps and hornets, for ex- ample, are very nearsigbted; waving arms just attract them. Bees don't really buzz around just looking for a good sting eitber; in fact, honey- bes die tbemselves if they sting, Mosquitoes and gnats, are bard to avoid, but they are attracted to dark-colour- ed clothing. Keeping picnic food under wraps as mucb as possible is one good way to keep tbose bugs disinterested. Perfume is also a no-no for picnickers. To find out about other assaults in the air that trigger allergie reactions, contact Durbam Region Lung Association, your local "Cbristmas Seal" people, at 723-3151. They care about every breatb you take. Watering important for summer Iawns Watering is an important part of sumnmer lawn care, according to borticultural experts in the lawn and garden section of Canadian Industries Limited. Lawns tend to brown out and go dormant in dry, hot, mid-summer weatber, and require botb food and water if tbey are to be bealtby and green. According to the CIL exp- erts la'wns sbould be watered thorougbly just once a week. Neyer give it a daily sprinkle. If only the surface is wetted then the grass roots will develop close to the surface and a few days of dry, bot weatber will do more damage tban if the roots are deep in the soil. To determaine bow mucb water you are putting on tbe lawn, place a large, empty can on the area being watered. When it bas colleet- ed two inebes of water you've applied enougb. You can tbem move the sprinkler to another part of the lawn and repeat. If puddles form, you are watering too fast. Reduce tbe water flow, and aerate tbe lawn witb a fork so puddles drain away, ELDORADO FAVOURS HOPE LOCATION [t has been reported that Eldorado favours the propos- îed Hope Township site for the new $80,OOO refinery which was previously proposed for Port Granby. Although the, company may feel this is the preferred site it wil be the decision of the Minister of Energy and Mines, Alastair Gillespie, who will make the final decision. Eldorado witbin the next two weeks is to report their findings on tbree proposed for the new refinery. These sites will include the Hope Town- ship site as weIl as sites in Blind River and Sudbury. It is' understood that the two sites proposed by Newcastle coun- cil are not being considered by Eldorado. Eldorado is hopeful for a decision from the Mmnister by the end of July.- It has been pointed out that Alastair Gillespie bas not made a final decision on the Port Granby site. Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY1 Howitobe ~cool stmer Ble as cool as a cucumber. and refreshing. And when you stay away from the aven ta, prepare meals, yau also stay cooler and save electricity. - 's" if vour clothes dryer Is vented outdoors. Heat and moisture wvon't be released in yvour home, Better stili, hang your clothes outside ta dry. Keep yýour blinds d own. Keeping your blinds down or drapes drawn on the suniny side has some cold logic ta it. The heat of the Sun is shut out wvhile the coolness is kept in, At night, keep lights ta a minimum, It's cooler and saves electricîty. Make sure it f its tightly in the wvindow., Keep your doors and wvindlows closed. Clean the f ilters regularly, If you leave Vour house for part of the day, cut back the air conditioning. Coing on vacation? Turn it off completely, TEL EPHONE 623-65 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. INCOME TAX AND RELATED ACCOUNTING SERVICES Il6 KING ST, EAST, SUITE 2 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. LlC 1N3 Drink up. Ah, theres nothing like a tali, cool, ref reshing drink ta make things cooler. But remember when the refrigerator doar is left open, valuable energv escapes. your fydro< HYS 33381