District Deputy Grand Master Orono WVeekly Times, Wednesday, JuIy l2th, 1978 Another $1,000 for Orono Arena A presentation this week of Kinette Rose Hartwig, past Charles Gray, chairman of $1,000.00 from the Great Pine. president of the club, (lef t) the fund raising committee. Ridge Kinettes puts the Orono0 and Kinette Charlotte ander- Kinette Rose H-artwig w7as Arena fund that much dloser son, president, (right) pre- recently elected Zone Co-or- to their objective. sents the cheque to Mr. dinator and will act in this capacity for the coming year. Planiner to report Orono Estates The Director of Planning, Leslie Kristof, is to provîde the Planning and Develop- ment committee of the Town of Newcastle with a report on the use of lands now under Town ownership in the Orono Estates development. The matter was discussed at a public meeting held in the Orono Town Hial on June 22nd. At the June 22nd meeting residents off the area in attendance at the meeting gave their support to Lot 21 at the south being continued to be used as a walkway into the Village and that a tot lot and small park be part of the scheme for the lot. They also favoured that Block F at the west entrance to Taunton Road be used for residential development. Somne residents at the meeting did however support the view that Block F should be used as a tot lot or park. There was considerable .(Cont-inued page 2) W. Gordon Watson, 67 of Orono, Ontario, bas been elected District Deputy Grand Master of Durham District No. 42 of the Indep- endent Order of Odd Fellows. Brother Watson, a member of Orono Lodge No. 436 since 1939, received bis Commis- sion from the Grand Master, Brother Harry Noels of For- est, Ontario at the Ontario Grand Lodge Sessions in Toronto on June l4th. As District Deputy Grand Master his duties are to act as the representative of Grand Lodge in matters relating to the working of the Order and to have general supervision of ail Odd Fellow Lodges ini his District. Durham District comprises Odd Fellow Lodges in Orono, Bowmanville, Port Hope and Cobourg. Armstrong plaza goes to planner The inutes of a meeting Planningf and Developmenl held in Orono on June 22nid to comrmittee of the Town of discuss the proposai of Armi- Newcastle for their mreetin8g strong Stores to develop a on Mâonday. The committee shopping plaza in Orono were referred the minutes to the included in the agenda for the (Continued page>) PAIR CHARGED AFTER ORONO INCIDENT Richard Packer, 26 and Chrystîna Routhier, 28, both of Oshawa have been charged with possession of a weapon dangerous to the publie peace and pointing a firearm following an incident in Orono early Sunday morning. A ,woman bas claimed she was threatened at gunpoint wihile another was assaulted. Police arrested the Oshawa couple 5:00 a.m. Sunday morning in Oshawa seizing a Winchester rifle with 14 sheils and a Cooey .22 calibre repeater. PLANT LIFE TRYING TlO SURVIVE Due to the lack of rain over the past mionth and the fore part of July hias placed plant life in the area on a survival basis only. The drought in the area is now serious and vegetable and grains production is expected to be affected seriously. Growth of plant life is in most cases at a stand-still with survival the only concerni. NEWCASTLE EVENT RAISES OVER $2,000. FOR ARENA One hundred and thirty-one tickets were sold for a barbeqiue and social evening in Newcastle Village last Saturday when beef, pork and chicken was served along with entertainment of dancing and games. The event was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Rickard and cleared over $2,000,00 for the arena fund. The event was first organiýzed for 200 people with 108 being present Saturday evening. LOCAL FIRE CALLS The local fire department was called to Doms Auto Wreckers in the Courtice a rea last Friday morning. The local department took the water tanker to the site where a truck had caught fire through the use of a torch for cutting purposes. In the afternoon the departmnent received a second -ýil for the day shortly after noon. The caîl was to Sun Valley Q,---ilton for Dogs where an overloaded extension cord had burnt through the casing and dog food stored in paper bags had caught on fire. The fire was quickly extinguished with little damnage. Firefighters fromn Bowman- ville and Newcastle Village fought a stubborp f ire on King Street in Boýwmanville on Sunday evening which des- troyed totally the building which housed a Toy Shop, a travel agency, anl accounting firm and a number of residential apartments. The caîl was received at 6:15 p.m. Sunday evening with firemnen remnaining at the scene until 3 a. M. The cause of the f ire bas yet to be determined but it started under a rear stairwell which was totally engulfed in flames when the fire depart- ment arrived. The extent of damage is also not known. Twenty-six firemnen fought the blaze with one receiving some injury when a beam fell on the back of bis head and neck. He was taken to hospital, treated and releas- ed. it )f 9