Progress at the Senior Citizens Lodge Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, July l2th, 19783 (Continued from page 1) PLANNING DIRECTOR TO REPORT ON ARMSTRONGS STORES DEVELOPMENT Director of Planning, Leslie Kristof, who along with his staff are to prepare a report for the planning committee. No discussion ensued over the proposai other than Mr. Kristof acknowledged that he would be preparing the report for their consideration. The minutes of the Orono meeting confirmed that there was overwhelming support for the proposai which in its initial stage would provide some 21,000 square feet of commercial floor space. The total proposai, when complet- ed, would make provision for some 60,000 square feet. The shopping plaza would be located in the north-east corner of the Village with entrance off Mill Street. At Dave's Plumbing Heating Électric Indlustrial - Commercial 786-2471 R.R. 1 Orono the present time the land is not developed. D.n't Leave ILt t»Chance Be sure your home is truly protected by a good policy Cali us now Milison Insurance Agency Office: Corner of Chureh and Cobbledick Street 983-.5032 ~se, 'ni ceare n Work lias been progressiag at the Durham County Senior Citzens Lodge in Orono over the past months but now wiii be affected by the carpenter's strike. There is littie doubt týis strike will affect the compie- IComments dampen developer's proposai Leslie Kristof, director of planning for the Town of Newcastle spoke briefly on Monday to a presentation made to'the Planning Com- mittee. Henry Joseph of Bowbrook investments had completed his proposai for a 35 acre developmnent on the Baseline of Bowmanviile at Waverley Road proposing commercial development, prestige industrial deveiop- ment as well as a complex to house municipal offices and a hotel complex. The director of planning favoured tbe proposai of prestige industrial deveiop- ment for the area but said the moving of municipal offices to this centre would MI the downtown core of Bowman- ville. He also said be had doubts of the commercial development, a large food store etc. as Bowmanville now appears to have ade- quate outiets and especialiy with further proposed com- mercial development in the eastern section of the Town. H1e aiso said lie would not want tLo invest bis money in a hotel that did not have entrance until Waveriey road and clear access to the Highway. The director quaiified his statements as oniy first imnp- ressions and would like furtb- er timne to study the prop- osais. Bowbrook Investments now have an application before the Ontario Municipal Board for the rezoning of 12.5 acres of the 35 acres to be used for commercial purposes. Mr. Josephi in addressing council said the proposai now bas been changed somnewhat tiori date of the project, depending, of course, on the length of the strike. from the original as încluded not only the 12.5 acre plan for commercial and hotel devel- opment but aiso a proposai for municipal offices and prestige industry. He said that his company could provide municipal ac- commodation some twenty to thirty percent lower than anyone else either on a lease basis or purchase due to the fact that the land had been purchased a number of years ago. When questioned about the price he said they had not proceeded to that stage in planning or development to give a price. Joseph said bis firm had been held up on the deveiop- ment of the land for a number of years and asked that they be consulted in the develop- ment of the district plan for Bowmanville. He saîd he feit they could have a lot to add. An associate with Mr. Joseph said he had viewed the existing Town Hall and said it, appeared to him there was no feasible way' to convert this building, a two-storey build- ing wîth upstairs auditorium into municipal offices. He said it would be too costiy a venture. Joseph said he feit that proposai was weil balanced and couid be developed on a Village square idea with refiecting pool and water falis. The proposai is now to go to the planning staff for their comments on the proposai. Mr. Kristof said this report would be prepared within two weeks. Film Processiflg CUSTOM FRAMING Ca meras and Photographic Supplies 7B.King St. W. BOWMANVILLE 623-2404 REZSALE Take advantage of these prices for the month of July 1 G al-. MQt. $9.90 $3.18 1/2 Pint $13 r Availablein: Orono Fuel & Lumiber Ltd. Lumber & Building Supplies - Fuel Oil - Oil Furnaces 983-9167 Station St. & Hwy. 115, Orono Order your Montmorency Cherries or Sweet Black Cherries chilled *1 Attention Fariner s!! WHY PAY MORE?9 SAVE ON SDiesel Fuel SMotor 011 SGasolinp Phone 668-3381 -. Collect DXAFuEL DII For Prompt Courteous Service CALL US TODAY ... .... ..... . ......... . ..