Take notice that the Planning and Development Committee of the Coun- cil of the Regional Municipality of Durham wilI consider an amendment to the Durham Regi'onai Officiai Plan. The amendment wiiI be cons idered by the Planning and Development Com- mittee at a meeting to be held on July l8th, 1978 - 11:00 (a.m.) in the Board Room, Department of Planning and Development, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario. Subsequently, the- recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee wiii be considered by the Regional Council at a meeting to be held on July 26th, 1978 - 10:00 (a.m.) in the Council Chambers, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East.. Whitby, Ontario. The purpose of the proposed amend- ment is to establish Iand use designations for Special Study Area No. 12 of the Durham Regionai Officiai Plan, as indicated on the sketch below. k> 6-rooV~ek I mcs Wednesday, July 12th, 1978 Expect hydro restructuring 1980 Although no firm date has been set for the completion of restructuring individual hy- dro systems within a munici- pality in Durham Region a target of January lst, 1980 has tentatively been set. To reach this deadline legislation must be passed by June 3th, 1979 leaving local municipalities and commissions less than one year to come to a form of agreement. A meeting of council miera- bers and commissioners rep- resenting local municipalities and hydro commissions or public utilities throughout the Region of Durham was held in Brooklin on June 28th. As a result of this meeting a general agreement was rea- ched to set up a Regional Correlation team as well as local municipal study teams. The regional Correlation team is to consist of a representative from either council or a commission f rom each of the participating municipality. within the Reg- ion. This team is to hold their first meeting on July 28th in Brooklin. The Regional Cor- relation team is appointed only to receive and correlate th e recommncn,ions from !he Local Study Tcams, It is flot Ih~ e- H <kt 1consider a Eegional ,_;pper tier systern for 0w corp)oration of Hydro. 'hcLocal Study Teams will co,ý t of members of council and Gommissioners from its u(,.;iîesý and will be formed by the area municipality. In Newcastle this would mean representation from council as well as representation from Newcastle ýVillage, Orono, Bowmanville and Ont- ario Hydro utilities. The Local Study Teamn will study restructuring within its own munic.ipality and report its recommendations to the Regional Correlation Team. In the Newcastle ar-ea the council has agreed to a study as well as the commission in Orono, and a majority of the commissioners on the Bow- manville Public Utilities. The Newcastle Village Commis- sioners have voted against any study at previous meet- ings. The June 28th meeting held in Brooklmn was held to get things moving as towards restructuring of hydro sys- tems within the region. There has been a clear indication that no one wishes to see a Region system formed and those involved have been, assured that this will not be the case in Durham Region.' It has also been pointed out that in other Regional areas where restructuring of hydro sys- tems have been undertaken t ha t it was not at the Regloual level but mainly on a munici- pal basis. $171,331 spent on 0MB hearings The recent Ontario Munici- pal Board hearing relating to the Courtice Heights sub- division has taken a sum of $171,331.22 from the Town treasury according to a report submitted to the Plan- ning and Development com- mittee by the Town treasurer. This sum is associated with costs. related to the sub- divisionagreement expenses as well as expenses incurred through the use of legal and professional firms. 0f the above total $18,893.89 was paid out for services to develop, the subdivision agreement whîle the remain- der was for the purchase of services related to the >hear- ing. 0f this amount $40,936.75 ha s been paid by the Courtice Hieights developer. It is ex- pected that alI charges will be recovered by the Town and from the developer. Councillor Taylor pointed out at the meeting that the costs would flot be a direct charge to the taxpayers in the Town but would add to the cost of homes in the sub- division. The report was received for information at the meeting. The document related to the proposed amendment is available in the Department of Planning'and Develop- ment, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario, and in the office of the Regional Clerk, Regional Headquart- ers Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Information regard- ing the proposed amendment may be obtained by calling Mr. L. Kotseff, Department of Planning and Develop- ment, (416) 668-7731. W. Beath Regional Chairman - DJ PEPf $PAU Requests to appear before the Planning- and Development Commit- tee and-or Regional Council as a deputation concerning the proposed amendiment must be forwarded to the Regional Clerk, Regional Headquart- ers Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario and mnust be received 48hours prior to the respective meeting. C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. Regional Clerk Trinity Anglican Church, Streetsville, Ontario was the setting on June 3, 1978 of the _marriage of Ralph Stuart* Barnett and Sara Jane (SaIll) Walker. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Barnett, R.R. 1,1 Orono, Ont- ario and the bride is the dauighter of Mr. R.K. Walker and the late Mrs. Walker of Streetsville. The ceremony was per- formed by the Reverend David Busby. The bride was given in mnarriage by her father and her attendants were two friends, Miss Leslev Carkner 'and Miss Marion St. Saviours ANGLICAN CHURCH Orono, Onta rio Regular Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. Rev. Allan Haldenby -B.A. L.Th. Charles Reid Orono,'s Licensed Auctioneer Va luator Specia lize in Farmn Furniture Sales Consul? me for ternis and dates Phone Orono 983-5914 Warner. Stephen Barnett, brother of the groom was best man. The ushers were Ernest Wilcock and Christopher and Michael Walker, brother of the bride. Diane Barnett, sister of the groom, was soloist. The-reception was held at the Hawthorne Valley Golf Club, Mississauga. Guests were present from England, Moncton N.B., Halifax N.S. and Vancouver, B.C. as well as many points in Ontario. After a trip to Quebec and Nova Scotia, the newly mrar- ried couple are living in Mississauga, Ontario. Hamiltons Insurance Service Susan M. Sawyer Off ice 983-5115 Home 983-5270 Main St., Orono Regional Municipality of Durham Amendment No. 3,to the Durham Regional Officiai Plan Special Study Area No. 12 Lots 1,2, 3, & 4, B.F.C., Former Township of Clarke Town of Newcastle PwI'UBLIC NOTICE Ba rnett-WalIker 1Wedding.