Stili no decision Village parking lot A delegaion from the Village of Newcastle met with the finance and development committee on Monday night concerning the develooment of a parking lot on town owned property within the Village and just north of the four corners. The proposai bas been under consîderation for a numnber of months with the financing of the proposai still to be settled. According to a report from the Town treasurer, Klaas DeGroot, the Newcastle Chamber of Commerce is flot desirousof having the cost of development rated agairist the commercial section of the Village but desire the cost to be area rated across the Village. The report pointed out that it would cost some $i,800.00 to area rate the cost acros the Village for a projectm which the total cost of constructing the parking lot would be no more than $3,300.00. The committee Monday niglit after considerable dis- A Taxing Let's assumne, in thle begin - ning, that (lucky you) you are flot a colunmnist and, there- fore, have- money to invest. And let's analyze a few of your options. You can invest the money in oil exploration and dlaim an immnediate incomne tax de- duction. Ottawa encourages ou exploration. Yo u c an invest the money in apartment construction and dauim an immediate in- ýone tax deduction. Ottawa encourages apartment conï- struction. Or you can invest the mnoney in Canadian movie production and dlaim an im- miediate incomne tax deduc- tion. Ottawa encourages pro- duction of Canadian movies. But, if you invest the mn- ney in formation of a new h business, Ottawawon't allow you to dlaim an immediate fincomne tax deduction. In othier words, ou exploration, apartmient construiction and m-foie produiction (?? are aIl conisidered more imipor- tant thian developmnent of a solid Caniadiani business base. Just to refresh our mnemo- ries, independent businesses provide jobs, increase GNP, improve the balance of pay- ments, create more new pro- cesses and products and keep the country less dependent on foreign control. But, un- der existing tax laws, inves- tors are encouraged to put their money into oil, apart- mients and movies rather than independent business. So it 's not surprising that Canada's small business community lacks, investment capital. Before our taxes were -re- k.,rimed" and a capital gains tax introduced,entrepreneurs could draw on mnany inidivi- dual investors for the nioney cussion were agreeable to the principal of construction of the lot but want to further study the possible manner in whicb it would be-financed. It was considered that if a majority of the taxpayers in Newcastle Village signed a petition, which is being cir- culated, agreeing to sharing in the cost of the parking lot that perbaps then the Ontario Municipal Board may give. their approval. Under present legislation the cost to area rate the cost would be in the area of $1,800.00 and aIl felt this cost was unacceptable for such a small project. Both Counc. Taylor and Mayor Rickard spoke of the principal of user pay as the method to finance the parking lot and Mr. Wilshire, pres- ident of the Chamber said he felt that businessmen in the Village could weli support the principal and the installation of parking meters in the Village. He saîd it was inevîtable that parking met- ers were coming. Problem 1 that was needed to set up-al kin ds of local b usinesses.ý But capital gains taxes took away the incenitive for investing in independenit businesses and entrepreneurs found that their source of capital had dried LUp. The government tried to îcorrect the problem by set- ting up the Federal Business Development Bank, a public agency which lias the power to invest in private compa- nies. But bureaucracy is neyer an adequate replacement for the free workings of private markets. In recent months, Ottawa hias indicated that it realizes there are serious problems. Thie feds hiave decided that, if you ]ose your inivestmnent, you can now write off haîf of that loss against other in- corne. I1t's bet te r thian before but it's stili not enough. If 5 0% is good, why not 100%? If. for examnple. a local em- ployee is trying to recoup his fosses fromn a previous small business venture that failed, why not reduce lis taxable incomne by the amrount of his lost investment? Investors are clever people - which explains why they have the investment capital in the first place. Consequently, they put their money where the return is best. As long as Ottawa refuses to treat invest- ment in small business as generously as investment in oil, apartoients or movies, there will not be enough money to meet thc nees of independent business in this country. And a Canada with a weak small business sector is a weak Canada. "Th ink small" is an editorial message f rom the Canadian Pederation of Independent BusinessC© Mayor Rickard said park- ing lot development should flot be a part of the tax bill and pointed out that in shopping centres the develop- er had to provide this facility at their own cost. Counc. Gray was. strongly in support of council proceed- ing with the construction as soon as possible and that in the meantimeê concil could settie the manner in which it was to be paid.' Mayor Rickard stated that-it was a rule for council to first decide on the source of revenue before proceeding on a pro- ject. He thought that a way could be found to finance the project however. The treasurer was to find out on Tuesday if a petition from the taxpayers of the Village was sufficient so that funds could be directed from ail taxpayers in the Village for the project. It was p ointed out that in Bowmanville revenue from the parking meters was being Used to finance parking lots within the Town. Take notice that the Planning and Development Committee of the Coun- cil of the Regional Municipality of Durham wiIl consider two amend- ments to theDlurham Regional Officiai Plan. The amendments wilI be considered by the Planning and Development Comm ittee at a meeting to be held on July 18th, 1978> - 11:00 (a.m.) in the Board Room, Depart- ment of Planning and Development, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ont- ario. Subsequently, the recommend- ation of the Planning and Develop- PERMANENT AGRICULTURAL RESERVE AREAQd'AREA FOR'~ FUTURE OEVELOPMENT) TO MAJOR OPEN SPE The document related to the proposed amenidment is available in the Department of Planning and Develop- ment, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario, and in the Office of the Clerk, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Information regard ing the proposed amendment may be obtained by calling Mr. L. Kotseff, Department of Planning and Development, (416) W. Beath Regional Chairman Orono Wetkly Times, Wednesday, JuIy l2th, 1978-7 A ,hike with the animal The Ganaraska Forest Cen- tre is inviting you to a "Hike 1 With The Animais". The hike,1 beginning at 2 p.m. Sunday, July 23, wiii be looking at different animal signs, habi- tats and animal character- j istics, as weil as talking about 1 methods of Wîidiife Manage- 1 ment. The hike will take you along somne of the natural wooded hiking trails of the Ganaraska F'orest as well as other sites around the Forest Centre. Animal loyers, nature enthusiasts and al other interested parties are invited to meet at the Ganaraska Forest Centre-at 2 p.m. on Sunday, July 23, for an afternoon with the animnals. ment Comm ittee will be considered by the Regional Council at. a meeting to be held on JuIy 26th, 1978 - 10: 00 (a.m.) in the Council Chambers, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. The purpose of the proposed amend- ments is to redesignate lands f rom Permanent Agricu Itural Reserve Area ('d' area for future development) to Major Open Space and to permit estate residential development, as indicated on the sketch below. ý-',,.RURAL SETTLEMENT DENOTES SUBSECTION OF SECTION 10-314 DENOTES MAXIMUM NUMBER 0F RESIDENTIAL. UNITS PERMITTED ' 1l LOT 10, iOT q OT: 668-7731. Requests to appear before the, Planning and Development Commit- tee and-or Regional Council as a deputation concern ing the proposed amendment must be forwarded, to the Regional Clerk, Regional Headquart- ers Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario and must be received 48 hours prior to the respective meeting. C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. Regional Clerk Think smanl byJim ih Regional Municipality of Durham Amendments to the Durham Regional Officiai Plan Lots 8, 9,O,11, 12, 13 &14, Con. III Former Township of Darlington, Town of Newcastle -lu, 1 - .. r. , ý ý mm