PARKING MIETERS MIUST ACCOMPANY PARKING LOT (Continued from page 1) meters some time ago. Tbey will bc back to counicil at the next meeting, he said. The Chamber of Commerce in Newcastle -is seeking the establishment of a parking lW on Town property north of the four corners and askîng the Town to finance the project, $3,000.00, either out of munic- ipal funds or through a levy on taxpayers in the Village. The treasurer in a report bas suggested that monies held in a parking fund for Bowmanville be loaned for the Newcastle parking lot but this did not meet witb approval of counicil. Counc. Dykstra suggested that the Newcastle business- men should raise the $3,000 or have it collected through the business tax on their com- ~mercial properties. Lt was pointed out that the parking facilities in Bowmanville do ýoperate with a surplus. Council members did agree that an overaîl policy 'was neede'd that covered the whole of the Town with Coune. Taylor stating that he supported a user pay policy which would require parking meters. Mayor Rickard said the Town could put up the front-end money and that sucli would be paid back to the Town when new commer- cial development came to the downtown core of the Village. Counc. Dykstra doubted that new development could be charged the cost of a parking lot for the existing business area. He pointed out that existing by-laws and regula- tions made it mandatory that new commercial develop- ment must provide their own parking facilities. Counc. Woodyard said the Town could be setting a precedent and said Orono Irwin Pai nti ng Wallpapering and Repairs FREE ESTIMATES 983-9605 R.R. 1, Orono T. of N. Ratepayers to discuss new fax structure The Town of Newcastle ratepayers association will hold its regular montbly meeting Tbursday, July 20, 1978 at 8 p.m. in the second courtroom, Police and Fire building, Bowmanville, up- stairs from rear door on west. The agenda will deal'with the revamped taxstructure as proposed and or implemented by council, about which at this time we know little or anything yet. Since T.O.N.R.A. rep- resents alI the taxpayers oif the Town of Newcastle, Clàrke residents, Darlington residents, including Courtice, the Town of Bowmanville, and the Village of Newcastle, problems in any one tif those sections of the Town of Newcastle effects all. When council spends tax' money every one pays bis or her share, which may well be the least of our-worrys. On a day to day basis, your attention should be drawn however to the various devel- opments which are pushedby council and the other projects and developments which are studied to death and neyer get off the ground. E.very time a taxpayer picks up a local weekly, he reads about more money for studys about a new -town hall,. a plan for the hamlets, for Bowmanville Soper Creek, a parking lot in Newcastle village, sewer plant land appropriation for Bowman- ville, while the Town owns plenty of land along the creek itself. Sewer plant expansion in village of Newcastle, plus a very expensive water purif- ication plant, wbile not a single compréhensive plan for the making use of these very expensive developments either in, Bowmanville or could be seeking a parking lot under the same conditions as Newcastle Village and the cost could be much greater. He sa id if the Town put up the front-end money for a non- profit organization, there would be no way it would ever be paid back. Attention Farniers!!. WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON SDiesel Fuel ~Motor Oil SGasoline Phonme 668-3381* Collect Dx FUEL uDII For Prompt Courteous Service CALL US TODAY Newcastle are, on the drawing' board. Spending $500,000 on some subdivision in Courtice with- out proper overali planning for the whole of the Town, is one of the most glaring shortcomings of present coun- cil, and will cost every taxpayer whether fie lives in Burketon, Tyrone, Orono, Hampton, Newtonville, Cour- tice, Bowmanville and New- castle and all their surround- ings untold number of dollars in the future. The one feature we were told when they planted Reg- ional Government on our shoulders,. was improved planning on regional and local basis, and here we see the old Darlington politicians push- ing their power game against Oshawa, make Courtice big to keep Oshawa out. The Town of Newcastle will be the loser, Bowmanville and Village of Newcastle will suffer as they do already now by being. neglected, nothing worthwhile is happening there. Indu-stry is told not to come unless they require very f ew workers, or it is promoted regardless of consequences when it pertains to, question- able Governm-ent or semi- Government business. Millions are committed to sports for the few, with guarantee of return lacking in almost every respect, rather an increased budget for the recreation department paid for out of the tax dollar. T.O.N.R.A. likes to hear GROUP INSURANCE (Continued from page 1) meeting who outlined group insurance available through the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Danks outlined the sche- dule of benefits as well as sample costs for individual members and their staff. Lt was pointed out that such a scheme would have to be handled through the Chamber and that the Chamber would benefit financially. Mir. Danks is to visit each businessmnan in the area on an individual basis in the near future. The schedule of benefits included life insurance, acci- dental and dismemberment, semi-private hospital, major medical as well as optional long term disabilit.y. Danks stated that through such a plan through the Chamber members could save from 40 to 60 percent of purchasing the same insurance on an individual basis. Lt was pointed out that the scheme would need twenty- five lîves to make the plan operative. It was also stated that small firms were not in the same position as larger firms to gain this coverage and only tbrough a group insurance plan was it possible to do so on an economic basis. In this case it was said that Hamiltons Insurance would act as the agent with the' Chamber of Commerce being the policy holder and through wbich organization the prem- iums would be collected. TOWN TO SELL, LAND FOR SEWAGE PLANT The Town of Newcastle has agreed to seli 11.2 acres of Town owned land to the fromn taxpayers, who are happy with this state of affairs, you will ahl have plenty of time at our meetings to defend the sitting politi- ciains and make us ail feer better. We also will give those who have other ideas a chance to speak freely and help us improve this community, wîth proper planning and healthy imput from ah of you we can stili make this the best place to live in Canada. Gren McQuat, President. 983-9167 Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, JuIy I9th, 1978-3 Region on Simpson avenue South for the construction of a sewage disposai plant in Bowmanville. The price per acre was set at $8,000 per acre. The Town bas also agreed to seli an easemnent at $2,400 per acre to the Region. Dave's Plumbing Heating E Iectric Iuidustrial - Commercial 786-2471 R.R. 1 Orono 9«9nt Leave It te chmance Be sure your home is truiy protected by a good pollcy Cail us now Milison Insurance Agency Office: Corner of Church and Cobbledick Street 983-5032 3-3'/4 OZ. Pkg. 49c 100 ml. tube 9.88C 4-5 oz. tins a 88 c lb. 088C 2 doz. 1,59 Round Steak Stea k Canada Grade "A" Beef Canada Grade "A" Beef Inside Round Full Slice (Formierly Top Cut) lb. 1.88 lb. 1.98 Order vour Montmorency Cherries or Sweet Black Cherries chilled COR NISH'S- 1 Gai. lQt. th ese J uly $9.9go REIZ SALE Take advantage of prices for the month of, 1/2 '-"ni t13 Ava ila ble i n: Walnut, Mahogany, Maplewood, Teak, ~ Red Wood, Cedar, Charcoal Orono Fuel & Lumber Ltd'. Lumber & Building Supplies - Fuel Oil - 011 Furnaces Station St. & Hwy. 115, Orono ~iiV FI3 .. .Neau~IlU 1111 11, z MMImm IU 1 ma WHEN YOVU FODSHOP HERE JolIy Miller Orange Crystals Colgate Tooth pa ste Laura Secord- Assorted Fiavours Puddings Chickens ýuree Sweet Juicy Valencia Sunkist Oranges