6;-Or-ono Weekl'r Times, Wednesday, JulY 19t1, 1978 Co-mn-munity fCare coninuesTou g row Regionail Co-ordinator, Community Care provides Richard Johnston, reports services throuotgh v\olunIteers, thait ajsof June 30, 1978. to 'the elderly to assist them to live independenlyv in their Com-munityv Care has over 800 own homes or apa'rtmients. In clients registered in the seven somne locaýities, where othier communîties presently serv seri'Ices are not availabie, ed by the programme in the C'ommiunityl Care assistance Region of Durhami. "That is extended to the handicap- figure represents a jumip of 50 ped anid others under emer- percent since MIarcbl", said gency needs. The programime Johnuston. aiso) provides specially train- ed Mental Heaith volunteers. The Town of Newcastle Community Care bas surged into the lead in terms of clientsý serveti (148), volun- teers providing service (142) and numbers of volunteer' * assisgniments accomplished in one month (298). "The office at 6 King St. E. in Bowmanvilie is a continual hive of activity," said Johns- ton," and the local, Advisory 'oard and the Town of Newcastle co-ordînator, Diane Hamre, are to, be commended for the friendiy efficiency of the operation.' Thie only area not presentiy, receiving services is Ux- bridge where a local steering comimittee bas been mneeting since the end of Mlay to plan services and Johnston thinks that an Uxbridge office wvili be opened by Mîid October. "Then every communlity in the Region wiIl be participat- ing in the programme", he said. Johnston also reports that the three summer student employees collecting inform- ation on Communîty Care's first year of operation have Ontario SELECT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH-CARE FINANCING AND COSTS A Select Co mm ittee of the Leg[siattire hlas been established ta re view health-care costs and altlernative methods of finanicîng health caire. lniterested inidividuals, groups or organiizationis should obtain th1e p recise terms af reference tram the Clerk of the Committee and should present written briefs ta him bhy July 27, 1978. Requests for oral presentation of briefs Should 1e made ta 1the Clerk of the Committee for consideration by the Commitee. It is ntenided that oral presentatians will be heard betwveen Monday, July 31, 1978 and Tuesday, August 22, 1978 subjeot ta revîsion by the Comrnittee as may be req-uired. Robert G. Elgie, MPP, MD, Mr. Douglas Arnott, Clerk of 1the Committee, Room 110, Legisiative Building, Queen's Park, Toronto, M7A 1 A2- (416-965-1406) been uncovering some inter- esting facts. 0f the first 407 clients files r'eviewed 46 percent were of clients over 7.5 'years of âge, and there were almnost exact- ly as mnany over 85 years of ag9e, a's betwAeen, 60 and 65 years of age. "Whalit is surprising about theW high average age", John- stoIn said, "is that 6;0 percent of these clients are living in their own homnes". Tis compares with 19 percent in senior citizens apartments and 16 percent in unsubsid- izedl apartments. Only 5 percent live with family or in shared accommiiodaition. The students miake their final report to the Regional Commnunity Car'e Committee on August -24. They are presently interviewýing ran- domly selected clients for their opinions about the help they have received and about their attitudes to institutional care. The Durham Central Agri- cultural Society Fair which will be held in Orono this Septemiber 71h to lth bas a number of new additions wbich mnakes the fair a truly four-day event. These new additions should prove both exciting and entertaining. Last year the fair extended into Sunclay afternoon with the adidition of aý countryv music show. This year the country music show wili continue a-s a feature for Sunday with the iurther addition of a huniter and jumrper show to be held in' front of the new grandstand. This show will start at noon on Sunday, September lOth whiie the country music show is to ADULT A Nun goes to the Dogs byý E.D. Ward Harris (meet this unusual nun who defied the Vatican to open a home for- unwanted animals) Com-ing on Strong by Franco Columibo (the world's strongest bodybuilder and bis sport) Trees by James Crockett (complete information mc- iuding wbere varieties of trees shouid be planted) Dead Eye by John Reese (Western) The Eighth Deadiy Sin by Jessica MNann (crime novel of suspense and wit) IQ 83 by Arthur Herzog (a genetic experiment goes wrong and the worid's population suffers a lessen- ing of brain power, intrig- uing reading) start at 2:00 p.m. The huniter and Jumper show is expected to be a real drawing card for the fair and to extend the fair with exciting interest over the period of the four days. The huniter and jumper show and comipetition will include clas- ses for bath juniors and seniors. The annuai fair commences on Tbursday evening, Sept- ember 7th with a variety show by Vince Mlountford and Company, the Durham County Black and White Show, tug of war preliminar- ies and the team drawing competitions. A new feature bas been added to the Friday afternoon Jr. ranger -program in full swing Each year since the 1950's, the Mfinistry of Naturai Res- ources bas operated a Junior Ranger Program in Ontario. The objective of this pro- grami is supply 17 year olçi maie and female students a working and iearning exper- ience a wide variety of mrinistry projects and pro- grams as well as give a bettçr appreciation of the mianage- ment of our natural resour- ces, The Junior Ranger Pro- gramn for 1978 is empioying approximiately 1200 maie and 727 female stuidents atl$10,00 per day Plus roomi and board in the 741 cam-ps across the province. Lindsay Districýt for its second year will be operating Coldsprings Junior Ranger Cam-p, a 2-man camp iocated in the Ganaraska Forest. Coldsprings camp consists of an office, bunkbouse, cookery and gymnasiumi surrounded bya ten acre f ield. The program is supervised by i camp foreman, 4 sub-fore- man anti a cook. The Junior Rangers in Lindsay D)istrict wiii be working for each of the Divisions, Fish and Wildlife, Forests-Field Services, Parks and Lýands-Mines as welI as the Ganaraska Region Con- servation Authority and the Orano Nursery. Their work will involve projects relating ta fish and wildlife manage- ment, fire control during prescribed burns, park devel- opmnent, maintenance, trail cutting, river and stream improvement as wvell as mrany othier miinistry programns. One day per week is designated'as an educational day, where supervisors and staff" of each division of tie mninistry explainsý the func- tions and role their division plays in the mangement of our natural resources. TFours of various ministry operat- ions are arranged including fish hatcheries, wildlife labor- atonies, and tree nurseries. Upon the completion of the summer program the Junior Rangers should have a better appreciation and knowledge of the management and functions of the 'Ministry of Natural Resources. Time in its Flight by Susan Schiaeffer (a novel about an Amlericanfaly by the author of Anyaj JUNIOR Young Chirnix and Fix Cookbook by Parents' MUagazine How to Play Soccer by Basil Who are the Ilidicapped? by James Ilaskins <dispels myths about handicapped persons) Newx paperbacks for summer reading. EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS Apple Pigs by Ruth Orbach Emily andi Arthur by Domi- tille de Pressense Fun on Wheeis by Joanna Cole Noah's Ark by Peter Spier (a Caldecott Medal book) Madeleine Hadley. programn being a tractor drawing contest. It wiIl be at this time that al exhibits at the fair will open to the public. The tractor event starts at, 12: 00 noon along with a sehool parade to leave the Orono Public School at 1:30 p.mn. Friday evening is again reserved for harness racing with pari-mutuel wagering available. Entertainment for the evening is to be pr'ovided. by Doug Hill and his group. The program arrangèd for Saturday is jammed packed with excitement and înterest. The Miss Durham Central Fair contest will be held as in the past. Added to this wvill be the appearance of Billy M%,eeks and his Scottish Var- iety show called, "Road to the Isle". This show will include Peter Glen, Christine Scott, Graham Townsend, Brown and MacKinnon. 0f course the horse show and cattle show along with al other features of the fair will stîll be on hand for their interest. Saturday evening its dan- cing in the Orono Arena with Diane Leigh and the Shades of Blue providing the music. The Sunday program wil bring the fair to an end for another year. Ë ~Filrn CUSTOM FRAMING Cameras ansd Photographic Supplies 7a King St. W, 8OWMANVILLE 623-2404 SPECIAL Ail the Fish and Chips you can eai, $1.85 Tuesdays and Wednes- days. MOM'S KITCHEN Main St., Orono 983-5310 OÙbituary RAYMIONI) .MAIIER Following a short illness, R1aymiond J. Mahier, aged 53, dlied on Sunida, July7 2nd, 1978 at Sýutnybrook Medicai Centre, Toronto. Son of MNrs, FFL. Maher and the late John M,,aher, he was born and educated at Point Anne. On February 2lst, 1948 he was married' to Irene Wood. A resident of Main Street, Orono, for 14 years, he had previously resided at Actinolite. Disabied for four years, he had been empioyed at Roadway Car Transport and driver,.lie was a member of St. Joseph's Roman Cathoiic Church. Surviving are bis wife Irene, chiltiren, Garry, Orono; Wayne, Oshawa; Gregory, Germany; Diane (Mrs. J. Grady), Dariene and Denise. His mother, Mrs. F.L. Maher, brothers Leo and Vincent, Belleville, sisters Mrs. Margaret Reed, and Mrs. Florence Greatrix also of Belleville. Mr. Maher rested at the Morris Funerai Chapel with Father Frank Miheiic con- ducting funerai mass at St. Joseph's Roman Catholie Chturch. Palibearers were Messrs. Dave Philp, Ron Trigg, Ron Averaîl, Bill Wade, Keith MacDonald and Ken Scott, ail empioyees of Roadway Transport. Interment Bowmanviile Cemetery. BYAMS PLUM!BING ETING eýSales and Service 24 HOU R BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Lew lnterest Rates Phone: l Tyrone 263-2650 M -M Cha ries Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farm Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates Phone Orono 983-5914 Harnmtons Insurance Service Susan M. Sawyer Offi Ce 983-5115 Large program enhance Orono fali fair Chairman. NOTICE The Ganaraska Conservation Authority wilI1 present the Newcastle Greenbelt Study At a meeting of the Planning and Development Comm ittee of the Town of Newcastle in Newcastle Commrunitý Hall Corner of Mili and King Streets, Vil1lage of Newcastle Thursday, July 20, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND Robert Dykstra, Chairman G. E. Gray, Secretary.