WEI>NESDAY, JULY 26th, 1978-7 Monuments and Family Memorials Our quality and service leaves nothing to b. desired Ask the persan who bought f rom us, a neigh- bour, friend or relative The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street, PORT HOPE Phone Collect V.W. RUTTER Office 885-5216 Home 885-5S22 Phone'416-623-3393 For prompt, courteous efficient service when buying or seillng and for the largest selection of properties ln the area. CONTACT ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVES Ron Hurst 9 83-5131 William Turansky (Kendal) 983-5420 Christa Winterhelt 983-5465 Charlie Reid 983-5914 John Pritchard î 705-944-5519 Pat Yeo 983-5725 W. Frank Real Estate Limited 234 King St. E. BOWMANV#ILLE 623-3393 WAý'NTElD TO BUY Vacant land, 20 acres up, prefer rnostly bush, somne water, rond frontage not necessary il access by ease- ment. Private-party. Write: Orono Weekly Times, P 0. Box 400, Orono. Ontario. 5,12,19,26, ac. SWINEMING POOLS Leading swimming pool manufacturer must dispose of brand new 1978 modeis. Fuily warranted, complete with pump, motor, filter, fencing, ,walkaround and deck. Sug- gested retail price $2,350. Avaîlabie at pre-season spe- cial of $1,322. Cali now for early installation. Long termr financing available. Cail toîl free anytime 1-800-268-1944. tf. WVORK W.ANTED 1 ID. &R. Custom Fencing and custom c-haini-sawîng <8:-31105 or 98:-9627 0 rno, Ont. WOR KWANTED Ear piercing service. Phone 623-5747 for appoint- ment and information. Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. Peter Sutherland Alumiinum Prod. Siding - Soffit - Fasia Trough - Shutters Windows - Doors - Awnings 623-4398 For Free Estimnates Now Handling Vinyl Siding. IIELP WANTED Woman to do housework, ~ dayper week. Phone 983-5014. 26, ac. HELP WANTED Cieaning lady for 1 u day per week. Own transportation. Phone 983-5606. 26, ac. HELP WANTED THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION Invites applications for the following position BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL 1-Teacher of French Grades 9, 11 and 12 (This is a termn appointment fromn September 5 - Novem- ber 20, 1978). Please apply in writing stating qualifications and ex- perience to: Mr. E.W. Wolff, Principal 49 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville, Ont. LIC 2L8. 26, ac. FOR'SALE RETIRING? Country setting, large treed lot, patio, paved streets, garden area. Speciai 14' x 60' mobile. Complete price $10,300.00. Ail units priced right. Caîl Chatham Mobile Homes (519) 352-7635 or (519) 692-4453. 5,12,19,26, ac. WOIIK W.ANTEI) FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY REPAIRS Steveý's Furniture Shop Furniture Refinishing )iinlg sets to occasional pieces Yes, we do re-upholstery, Fabric Samples Free Estimiates STEVE JOHNSON R.R. , Oronio 1L01-1-1 1 radio-controlied plane, north-east Leskard or Enter- prise area. Yeliow wing. Phone 983-9147 weekdays. COMING EVENTS Kinsmen Bingo, Orono Town Hall, 7:30 p.m. To be held every other Tuesday night, starting JuIy 25th. tf. COMING EVENTS' Durham East Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic, Lions Centre, Beech Ave., Bowman- ville, Wednesday, August 2nd, 1-8:30 p.m. Please corne. 26, ac. COMING EVENTS Fiddling contest, as part of Kirby School Centennial Re- Union, August 26th. Entries restricted to residents of the Town of Newcastle. For information caîl 983-9128, or 99196..W26.12.9 9 (OMING ÉVENTS ORONO HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, Window Boxes and Planters 1. Window or Verandah Box - viewed from front. 2. Planter or Urn - Viewed from ail sides. 3. Hanging Basket - viewed from aIl sides. Entries must be received not later than August 5th. Phone Margaret Hancock, 983-5256, or Cyril Baird, 983-9101. Judging will be done during the week prior to the annual show on August loth.' Memnbers are reminded of the invitation to visit the gardens of Mrs. Barnes, Bowmanville on August 2nd. Cars will meet at Orono United Church at 6:30 p.m. S19, 26, ac. Attention Fariner.! WHY PAY MORE?, SAVE ON Diesel Fuel SMotor 011 SGasoliné Phone 668-3381 - Collect DiX FUELda011 l'or Prompt f ourteous Service CALL US TODAY 1 1965 Pontiac, as is $60.00. i Ford Van, furnished. W. Harris, Oid Cemetery oad off Mili Street, Orono. 'Co IN MEMIORIM JONES - In loving memnory of Elsie, dear mother and grandmother. We mention your name and speak of you often. God bless you, dear mother You are flot forgotten. Sadly missed by your loving famiiy. FOR SALE Chesterfields, washing machine, portable radios and record players, cannister sets, 2 jr. bicycles, books, vacuum cleaners, womens and childrens ciothing mostly new, and many more items. W. Harris, Old Cemetery Road off Mill Street, Orono. 26, ac. COMING EVENTS Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Department of Community Services Second session swimming ciass, Orono Pool. Aduit beginner and aduit condition- ing class - 3 week program (12:15-12:50). "Moms and Tots" - 21/2-4 yr. oids (12:30 - 12:50) 26, ac. SWIMIMING POOLS TORENT Will lease and instali for homeowners, famiiy size alu- minum swimming pools with patio. Choice of styles, meet- ing aIl fencing regulations on a one, two, or three year rentai basis with option to own. Try before you buy! Cail toîl free anytime 1-800-268- 1944. tf. Dave's Plumbing Heati ng E~lectric Industrial - Commercial 786-2471 R.R. 1 Orono cm carea M FREZ SALE Take 1advantage of, these prices for the month of JuIy 1 Gai. '/2 Pint $9.90. $3.18 $1.33 Available in: 4Walnut, Mahogany, Maplewood, ek Red Wooci, Cedar, Charcoa'. Orono F-uel & Lum ber Ltd. Lumber & Building Supplies - Fuel Oil - OH Furnaces 983-9167 Station St. & Hwy. 115, Orono peas, and BeatlS Lots of Tomatoes, and much more Tart Close Apples to quench Sweet Sweet Cherries your thirst Raspberries red's Fruit Market Hwy. 115 - i ni ile south of Oroflo STelephone 983-5628 WORK WANTFD