SPORTS ) GIRLS ORONO 2 sotbal On Tuesday, August ist, the Orono 2 girls team played against the Orono 1 team, and Orono 2 was defeated by a close score of 20-18. Runs were earned by Martine Vebbert, Karen Quantriil, Janette Armnstrong, Susan Stolk, Tammy Bough- en, Shelly Richards, Debbie Goach and Beth Gatcheli, and Heather Sawyer on home run. This was the last scheduled game for tis seaso n, but there are three mor games'to be rescheduled.- The play-offi will be coming up in the near future and wq would appreciate somne moral support. PETERBOROUGH WIN SENIOR TOURNAMENT In the annual E.O.B.A. Senior Basebaîl Tournament held in Little Britain this past week-end, the Peterborough Tigers went undefeated in five games to pick up the wnners prize of $M0.00. Backed by strong pitching and clutch hitting, the Tigers defeated Port Hope 9-7 on Friday, then went on to defeat Whitby 9-5 and 2-0 before defeating Oshawa 4-0 and 7-3 in the championship game. Oshawa Legionaires picked the $250.0 runner-up prize as they won 3 out of five jgamnes. Tournament Scores Friday Whitby 3, Litte Britain 0 Peterborough 9, Port Hope 7 Saturday Bowmanville 9, Ajax 8 Oshawa 6, Belleville 2 Peterborough 9, Whitby 5 Little Britain 8, Port Hope 2 Sunday Oshawa 11, Bowmanvile O Belleville 9, Ajax 5 Peterborough 4, Oshawa 0 Whitby 1, Bowmanviile 0 Belleville 6, Little Britain 4 Monday Peterborough 2, Whitby o Oshawa 2, Belleville 1 Peterborough 7, Oshawa 3 K.endal-Newcastle Playoffs Sehedule Wednesday Kendal at Newcastle, 6 p.m. Saturday Newcastle at Kendal, 2 p.m. Sunday Kendai at Newcastle, 2 p.M. Wednesday Newcastle at Kendal, 6 p.m. Saturday Kendal at Newcastle 2 p.m. SunJ.ay Newcastle at Kendal, 2 p.m. (last two games if necessar) KENDAL EAGLES 1978 FINAL Batting TPA OAB Hits Bob Foster Brian Foster P. Henderson J. R.Robinson F. Wallace E. Moore B. Robinson J. Thompson J. Robinson D. Pultz D. Knapp J. Mather D. Pandoff D. Searle P. Pandoff B. Mercer V. Harrison B. Bickle R. Searle J. Wheeler Runs Pet. 3 31 7 62 52 43 14 71 59 19 85 77 241 83 76 231 85 77 221 68 63 171 81 77 201 34 33 8 79 76 181 46 42 9 39 33 7 45 35 5 26 24 3 9 91 21 18 1 54 0 22 0 77 0 Team Batting 'Average - .255 Dotables - Henderson, Wallace, Moore -4 Triples - Henderson - 1 Homeruns - Moore - 3 R.B.I. - Wallace, B. Robinson - 13 Walks - J.R. Robinson - 9 Stolen Bases - J.R. Robinson, J. Robinson Pitching 1978 IP Hits S0 W R ER ERA Recorî B. Bickle 48 2-3 76 22 21 60 36 6.65 0-ý E. Moore 37 39 15 il 30 14 3.41 2-ý T. Becker 36 1-3 58 18 22 55 35 8.66 1- J. Thompson 23 1-3 43 7 19 36 17 5.80 0- B. Foster D. Pandoff Robinson K. Howse J. Robinson Guide to energy conservation in public buildings sent to municipalities A guide sent to 850 munici- palities was released late last week which outlined various ways municipalities could save money by the conservat- ion of energy in City Halls, Libraries, Police Stations, Day Care Centres, Recreat- ïonal Facilities and other >,-,ubliciy-owned buildings. -"We estimate that more than $200 million a year is spent'in the public sector to provide light, heat, cooiing, ventilation and mnechanical services in public buildings," Mr. Baetz said. According to the report a great deal of savings couid be passed on to the taxpayer with use of this bookiet in Municipalîties. Mr. Baetz was reported to 6 5 2-3 4 2-3 1 20 3 5'2 7 4 9 1 1i1 8 24 15 12.30 0-À 9 7 6 .896 0-1 3 1 1 1.59 0-( 1 6 5 9.65 0-( 0 1 1 9.01 0- have said that the goal is reduce the total consumpt by 15 percent. "The regional Municipal of Durham, with its ener conservation program, is excellent example ofgove ment at the local le cormmîtted to conservatici Mr. Baetz outlined that Minîstry of Energy plans work with the Provirx Liaison Coxnmittee to deve the program and matei best suited to the municip ties needs. [iao andsap SNOW PLOWING 983-559 urono vveekly im Swimming classes resu Ifs First session July 4 to July bthe is to cial ,elop riai pali- F.R.*' Tenna nt Fuels Lt. Phone 983-5693 Level 4 - Melanie Axford. Intermediate - Jamie Cowan, Steven Adams, Kimn Moffat, Jil Martin, Lîsa Hall, Nancy Bridger, Karen Mof fat,, Cindy r The following are resuits of the first session swimming classes conducted by the a Newcastle Community Ser- vices Departmfent in conjunc- 7 tion with the Red Cross and e Royal Life Saving Society. fs Congratulations to al those re who successfully compieted their courses. Congratulat- ions are also in order for the staff at each of the respective pools for a fine job. Swim- ming Directors from each -7 pool are Bowmanviiie - Miss y Penny White,, Newcastle - d Mrs. Ruth deJonge, Orono - a Miss Gail Bryn-Jones. Aquat- Pl ics Supervisor - Mrs. Shirley Reynolds. Results as follows. Novice - Melody Rahm, Jennifer Stolk, Brian Buma, Brook Ciemens, Jennifer No- wak, Gien Barnard, David Burnett, Marcus Williams, Michael Tominson, Todd Hutton, Brent Osmond, Tam- my Morrison, Nicki Dennis, Maureen Gorman, Marni Basic, Jeremy Pooler, Brent Wiliams, Jason Brachvogel. Pre-?Beginner - Richard Stolk, Bi aine Souch, David Baley, dindy Lou Jerome, Janette Mantel, Lana Timoll, Patri- cia Lyn Reid, Mark Rypstra, Julie McCarron, Lisa McCar- ron, Todd Merteil, Marica Blaschke, Peter Klose, Brian Souch, Murray Charland, Michelle Alil, Kent Vander- heyden, Natalie Anderson, Martin Vanderheyden, Kim Harris, Steven Vanderscjee, Stephanie Azford, Tracy Myles, Susan Vanderveen, Terisa Kennedy, Jason Webb. Beginner - Sylvia Vander- 4 Schee, Jamnie Myles, Kevin Hartwig, Shawn' Bailey, Brent Stapleton, Maurice Charland, Barbara Seneco, Richard Harris, Kevin Peake, 1 Dana Shetier, Lisa Hoy, A Leanne Reid, Wendy Har- ness, Rhonda Abramoff, An- nette Harness, Brenda Mc- Carron, Robert Zimmer, Chr- istine Ferguson, Tammy d Hansen, Leann Lycett, Kirk 45 Gilliland, Andrea Burnham, ý2 Lucille Vanderheyden, Mary -6 TaIsma, Sylvia Westermen, 13 Wayne Atkins, Douglas Brad- 42 ley, Kelly Anderson, Timothy -2 Bailey, Murray Dennîs, Dar- ren Dennis, Jo-Anne Gorman, 40 Wendy Hutton, Mark Sargent, Randy Cowan, BroÔks Cow- an. Level 3 - Stephen Boyko, Tim Bradley, Lorraine Dykstra, i to Stan Barry, Kenny Bailey, tion Randy Reid, Steven Barry, Jennifer Clarke, Chris Rich- ards, Debra Abramoff, Allan lity Hall, Erie Dreslinski, Jim rgy S san Sh arp, Kelly Taylor, Pamela ern- Back,, Brent Gatcheil, Greg .vel Harnden, Peter Fonk, Danny ,, Colvin, Robbîe Jerome, Christine Stacey, Angela v * MM Ere Enladîrg Mmn s from your slide or negative *With each roll of film processed *you wilreceive acoupon good for 1 - 5X7 enlargement from the negative (or slide) of your choice. * Mounting 35c. extra if desired * Good from August 5th * through September l6th i *M STIflCm 8-50 Kemp, Deanna Roughley, Nelson, Janet Moffat, Lori Susan Stacey, Adam Hadley, Lycett. Cathy Gorman, Penny Bou- Senior - George Popadich, ghen. Brenda Bunting, Scott Rich- Junior - Danny Cowan, Tina ards, Heidi Schmid, Bonnie Basic, Brad Stapleton, Stuart 'Irwin,' Michael Charland, Simpson, Gord Goodall, Si- Kim Irwin, Irene Konzelman. mon Buma, Michael Bal, Kevin Taylor, Guy Brach- vogel, Sherri Sharp, Steve WORK WANTED» Merrick, Kathryn Blaschke, R Angela West, Debbie Vander-D.&R veen, Tracey Anderson, Sher-* Custom Fencing ry Morrison, Sonyn Brach- and custom chain-sawing vogel, Kathy Stacey, Lynda 983-5005 Merrick, Wanda Hutton,, or 983-9627 Paula Bryenton, Iredie Rous- Orn, It seau, Darlene Dennis.Orn.n. ORONO NURSERY SCHOOL Places available for Sentember, 1978 We offer a h Aif-day enrichment prograni for 3 to 5 year old chikiren. Qualified staff, liesel Qmmises. Cali 987-401'2 Atten tion Farmers!! aWIIY PAY MORE? SAVE ON SDiesel Fuel i'Mter 0OH - Gasoline Phono 668-3381 Collect D 1xk fFUEL 011 For Prompt Courteous Service CALL US TODAY kL