Bow. House Orono Mai During a raid sfaged by fhe Durham Regional Police lasf , Safurday in Bowmanvil le, some fwelve arresfs were made. Af fhe fime of the raid fourfeen people were ini fhe house ranging in age from 15 years f0 21 yéars. According fo police a small amounf of marijuana and hashish were found. Arresfed for possession of a narcofic is 17 year old Darrel Zoschke of Orono. He Rai ded u!a A rrested wsalso charged wifth contribufinq to juvenile delinquency and breach of probation. Also charged with possession of a narcofic and confribufing f0 juvenile del inquency is KerryDavis of 32 Carlisle Avenue where the raid was carried out. Douglas Kevin BÎack, also of Orono, was charged wifh causing a disturbance. Orono Weekly Timnes, Wednesday, August ltit, 1978 ELECTED DEPUTY GRAND MASTER February 13, 1964. He served as Master in 1970 and as chairman for Lodge Centen- niai in April 1975. Wayne is aiso a member of the Scottisit Rite of Free- masonry; 18 Rose Croix; Kinsmen Club of the Great Pine Ridge and of the Orono United Church. Presently he is self employ- ed as a Customs House Broker in Cobourg which he bas been for eight years. 1Wayne and wife Carol have been miarried for 13 years and. have two sons Shawn and GeraldWayne Timotyededicates. bis spare Wayne Bailey, bora in 1942, time to, sports such as tennis, joined the ranks of the Orono camping, cross country ski- Lodge -No. 325 A.F. & A.M, ing, and hunting and fisbing. Ontario grants aids Ops -Township park- The Townshiýp of Ops wili Additional development receive a provincial grant of work on the 19-acre site wil $3,250 to assist tbe additionai Tonhi nclude provision of picnic deveiopmnent of Op owsi facilities, ground improve- Approved Park, Natural, Res- ources Minister Frank S. ments and 'placement of Miler said today. topsoil and seedin g. French Immerson at Kirby Public S chool Any public schooî students in the area who were interest- ed in iearning French reg- istered for classes which began JuIy 4tb at Kirby Public Schooi and ran for a six week period during the sumamer. The course was an informai study period wbere, the stu- dents learned the basic phrases sucit as "what time is it", or "how are you today", ,along wïth voutixng, rderinlg food from a menu and buying clothing using the Frencht language. Mrs. Janice Hamil- ton of Bowmanville, the teacher, explained she tried to keep the casses as fun and informai as possible thus the 15 regular students enjoyed learning the language. Mrs. Hamilton reported that the course bad been very success- fui and that 20 students bad registered, of these about 15 showed up each day. *According to the Northum- berland and Newcastle Board of Education chairman, Bill Carmen, the course would likeiy be offered again next year if a provincial grant was issued for such courses. If this grant was not in the budget then the course wouid have to be cancelled. Just a point of interest, the samne course was offered in Bn4iibu ony asted 3 weeks wben it had to be cancelled due to liack of interest. The accompanying photo shows the- students in the Frencht immersion course held for a six week period at the Kirby Publiec Schooi. Due to families on holidays and swimming lessons some of the regular students were absent. siiver tray from Vice Presi- manager, William Spence. Orono banker re tires a fte r 42 yea rs se rvi ce Mr. Ciare Gunter, the present manager of the Orono Brancb of the Candian Imper- ial Bank of Commerce,T start- ed bis bankîng career 42 years. ago in Colborne, A few moves and miany promotions later Clare took over the Orono Brancb wbere he bas remained for the past 91/ years. During this time be bas been tbe treasurer of the Chamber of Commerce and an active memnber in the Orono United Churcit. On August lotb the staff of the bank beld a dinner party in boiiour of tbe Gunters at the Coach and Four Restaur- ant. At tbis time botb Ciare and bis wife Margaret were presented witb items of iuggage fromn the staff. Mr. Gunter aiso received a silver tray witb. the foliowing ins- cription on it: "Presentedto Carence L. Gunter by the Ontario Central East Region of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce on bis retirement". The tray was presented by the Vice Presi- dent, Regional Generai Man- ager Williamn Spence. The first celebration of bis retirement wili take place on August 3lst wben Clare and another Orono businessman, Ed Milison wiil leave for an eîgbt day bunting trip at Tikalu Lodge in the Ungava Bay area of Nortbern Quebec. Ciare and Ed will be Caribou and fisbing for Artic Char. The Gunters are planning tG, remain ini Orono after bis rmtrement, but are planning to take a few trips. Mr. Paul Keic ey of Oshawa will be filling the spot left by Mr. Gunter at the Orono. Branch. Mr. Keicey and bis wife are planning to move to Orono in the very near future. GO AHEAD FOR ROCK CONCERT The Town of Newcastle council on Monday night unanimnously passed a requisition for a permit allowing the California damn to take place at Mosport on August 26th. ORONO FIREMEN BUISY AT FAIRTME The Orono Firemen wlll be busy this yeâr during the fdir as they are going to set up a booth in the arena to seli sm-oke detectors and fire extiniguishers. There will aiso be another pancake breakfast on the Saturday morning during fair days. MONTE CARLO DRAW Timne is runninig out for you to buy your ticket for the 1978 M\,oné Carlo that is to be drawn August l9th during the Monte Carlo night festivities. Tickets wiil be on sale at the Beef Barbeque on Wednesday night. According to reports only about haîf the proposed tickets are sold so chances of winning are quite high. BUSY MIONTII FOR MOSPORT August will be a busy month for Mosport officiais as there is a can-amn, Trans-arn weekend comning Up on the 18, 19 and 2th. The next weekend, it is speculated, will bring near 100,000 people to listen to a 10 hour rock concert. PUPPET SHOWS The Orono Town Hall wiil once again be the stage as the Library board presents two puppet shows. For further information see coming events in the classified section of this weeks paper. .... . .. . . . .......... . . . . . . . . ...