Orono Weekly Timies, Wednesday, August lth, 1978-3 Ron and Craig, the two 15 year olds responsible for this act, held the audience of about '60 Orono youths in suspense during their hour long performance last Thtrs- day in the Orono Town Hall. 1The above picture shows fromn left to right John Stef, il yrs.; Ron Stef 15 yrs.; Craig Hal 15 yrs. and Suzanne Haîket 10 yrs. with Robbie Stefoniuk age 7 in the front. The team is ready to remove ance to sec if it actually works Craig's hand but I guess we or whether lie will be minus a will have to see the perform- hand. Draw for 1978 Monte Carlo Air-conditioned cars make summer driving more bear- able. But pollution can pose a special problem. Take an experiment done in traffîc. Ten passenger cars were, driven four miles through the downtown of a city. The windows of the cars were shut tight, and the air condiioners were on. The driver of a control car made the same trip with the Windows wide open and no air-conditioning. The results were a surprise. Carbon monoxide levels insîde ' the air-conditioned cars limbed up and up during the 30-minute drive. As more of the gas entered the confined space, it was flot passed out fast enough. By the end of the trip, levels were four to eight times higher than at the beginning. Way, above acceptable standards for permissible levels in the ambient air. And ihe control car'? With the Windows wide open, high levels of carbon monoxide inside the car were noted at two stop lights. Otherwise, levels were markedly lower than those in the air-condit- ioned cars. According to the Lung Association, carbon mono- xide is a colorless, odorless gas that literally bumps oxygen out of your red blood celis. -The effects of this oxygen loss can cause dizzi- ness and headaches and, with extremely high level s, even death. Lower levels can interfere with driving perfor- mance, disrupt the ability to judge time intervals and slow Sumnmer driving ROLPH DOMINION HARDWARE ORONO, ONT. 983-5207 if you haven't got your Carlo might put on by the arena fund. So far only about ticket on this 1978 Monte Orono Amateur Athletic As- moo tickets have been sold so Calo yet you haven't got sociation at the Orono Arena the chances of winning are much time to lose. The car on August i9th. The proceeds high. will be drawn at the Monte of this event will go to the1 ( I Coca-Cola 1.5 litre returnable bottie 4 9c plus 3oc 4 I Gold Seal Sockeye Salm on, 17 / 39z tin 1 * 1 Kent brand Frozen f Duncan Hines Orange Juice Cake mixes 1212oz. tin Assorted 4ec 69c Silverwoods fresh Red Rose Orange Pekoe 500 I Tea Bags C'heese 79c île Obg 1.69, Burns Cooked Ha m 4ýe e, store1 'ý' sliced 1 9 Sani Pak stronger than Glad) Garbage Bags, Pkg. of 20 2.29, Oron o and Area Cham ber of Commerce Beef Barbecue at Orono Park. Tonight, August 16th. down reactions to brightness, including tailiights. Drivers who feel tired or listless may want to open windows and shut off the air-conditioner for awhlle. There's a good chance there'Il be less carbon monoxide ini the outside air. To find out more about pollutants in our air, contact Durham Region Lung Assoc- iation (your local Christmas Seal People) at 723-3151. They care about every breath you Ïàke. Join the Canadian minority group The Fit* Shop Red & White Where the price Is right ........... . .