.~-;.;- 4-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, August l6th, 1978 Horticultural .show- weII attended The Orono Horticultural Society held its Summer Show last Thursday evening in Orono United Church. Each year this annual show gets better and better and this year was no e'xception. Doors were opened to the publie at 7 p.m. and, judging from the many complinientary re- marks one could overhear, the magnificent show of *colour and variety of exhibits was thoroughly enjoyed by the large crowd. Gladioli were predominant and colours ranged fromn reds, whites, yellows and pinks to the mixed-coloured varieties. The flower ar- rangements, with such intrig- uing tities as "Pure -rruth", "Beachcomber", "Thie Tal and The Short of It", and "'Let's get together (for men on1y) were most attractive and the judges, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink, surely had a difficult task in selecting the winners in the varlous clas- ses. An excellent showing of vegetables was evidence of the. keen competition. in this category also. One interesting item on the display table was' a new variety, of cucumber weighing 31/2lbs. and said to have an ultimate weight of 10 lbs. if grown to. maturity. Everett Brown gained the highest total points from the judges and Minnie Zegers was very close behind in second place. The show was officially opened at 8 p.m. by President Isabelle Challice. A welcome was extended to visitors, especially to the visitors from Holland who are here on holidays. Special thanks were expressed to all who had helped to set up the show; the exhibîtors; the hard-working show committee, Bertha Touchburn and Gladys Mof- fat; the show judges, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink; and 055ENOS OS..sE sCe e e *fe exieeuut1t 215 ING TREE EAS e seNVLL judge for the planter and window box competition, Mrs. Jean Rickard. Entertainment was provid- ed throughout the evening by Eric Lambier at the piano - an excellent performance by this talented young pîanist. Annountèement of the prize- winners closed- the business meeting and everyone stayed to enkjoy the refreshments and a final look at the exhibits. (Results of exhibition in next week's Daper) Tenders are invited from interested parties to supply ,and erect one 46' x 80' x 16& Quons et-type building comPptee with concerete foundation, floar, etc. on Provincial Forest Station, Orono. Tender forms and specifications can be obtained in person or by mail tram: Nursery Superîntendent Ministry of Natural Resources Box 119, Orono, Ont. LOB IMO Telephone: 416-983-9147 Tender closing date - 2:00, p.m., September 5, 1978. Public apening of tenders - 2:30 p.m., September 5, 1978. Lowest or any tender flot necessarily accepted. (w MIN ISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES Above is a display in the of the recent Horticultural "Let's get together" category exhibition. OB1TUA RY THOMAS LEWIS Residents of Orono and' area were saddened and shocked to learn of the sudden passing of Thomas Lewis, age 67, at Lake-St. lPeter on, the eeigof July 29th, 1978. Mr. Lewis was born in *Middlesbrough, England and came to Canada at the age'of 17 and married jean Rans- berry in-1932. A resident of Orono area fromn the spring of *1928 tili his death, he lived on Centre Street for the past 29 years in his own home. He worked at Pine Ridge School, Bowmanville from 1955 to his retirement in 1971. He was a supervisor at the time of retirement. He was an active member of Royal Canadian Legion Cha ries Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Va luator Specialize in Farm Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates Phone Orono 983-5914 Branch No. 178. He served overseas with Midland Regi- ment during World War II and did service in Italy and Cicily. He %was a mremnber of Orono United Church. From the time of his retirement till his passing he spent every winter with his wife in New Port Ritchie, Florida in their home there anid summer months at their home in Orono. Lef t to mourn his passing are his wife Jean and daughters Lorna (Mrs. Gord Atkins) and Marie (Mrs. *Kaye Lycett) and seven grandchildren and two sisters Ethel and Lilly, both o England. Rev. Basil Long and Rev., Keith Henderson officiated at the funeral service held in the Orono United Church. Pali- bearers were members of the Royal Canadian Legion, Mr. Ron Richards, Mr. Art Shee-, h an, Mfr. Stirling Mather, Mr. Doug Walton, Mr. Stan Dunn and Mr. Walter Park. There were many tributes of flowers a.nd, donations to heart fundand many letters of condolances, speaking of the high esteem in which Mr. Lewis, was held. Interment * Orono Cemetery. o Otir Fireplaces DO NOT Smoke OXFOR * rclyr -utnmaosM * R O ONAIIHNE9350 * Imm m mm ml