Game 3: Kendal 12, Newc astle 0 SPORTS E.O.B.A. Senior "D"PIay-offl. Game 1: Kendal 5, Newcastle 1 Kendal Eagles jumped off to a one game lead in the best 4 out of 7 play-offs on Wednesday, August 9th, .by defeating the Newcastle Lakers 5-1. Kendal, who out-hit Newcastle thirteen to seven, got a strong pitching performance from Eric Moore as he struck out fine batters while allowing only the one run. Collecting bits for the Eagles were Jerry Thompson, Bill Robinson, J.R. Robinson, Eric Moore and Dennis Knapp with two hits each while single its went to Dave Pultz, Fraser Wallace and John Robinson. Eric Moore anfd Dennis Knapp each bit a homerun for the Eagles. Steve West was the big hitter for Newcastle collecting tbree and also scoring Newcastle's only run. Kendal. Newcastle R HE 000 013 100 5 13 2 000 001 000 1 7 4 Game 2: Newcastle'8, Kendal 3 On Saturday, August 12, in E tbe Newcastle Lakers evened up the at one game apiece as they scored victory. The Lakers jumped out toa 7-0 lead after one inning and neyer back from tbere. Gary Cox pitc complete game victory for Nem allowing only seven bits wbile striki f our. Jamie Wright led Newcastli tbree bits wbile Doug Rickard he bits. Collecting bits for tbe Eagleý Peter Henderson witb thrée wbile bits went to J.R. Robinson,1 Wallace, Bill Robinson and Eric Bill Bickle took tbe pitching loss. c ing out le with ad two Is were single Fraser Moore. R H1 Newcastle 700 000 001 8 10 Kendal 020 000 001 3 7 W.P. G. Cox. L.P. B. Bickle. 1977 Creel Census, resuits In the summer of 1977, the Kawartba Lakes Fisheries Assessmnent Unit conducted a creel census program on Lake Scugog and Sturgeon Lake. This type of programn involves contacting anglers'to determine the length of time they have been fishing, the number and type of fish caugbt, place of residence and so on. Certain biological information is also collected, sucb as the length, weight and age of fisb caught. From tbe opening of yellow pickerel (walleye) season on May 14 to October 27, a two-man census crew contac- ted 2,694 anglers on the two lakes. 0f course, approxi- mately sixteen percent were non-residents of Ontario, The mnajority of anglers contacted (69 percent) sought yellow pickerel specifically. An additional 19 percent were fishng for "anytbing", 10 percent for maskinonge, 2 percent for bass, and less than 1 percent for panfisb. On the average, it required 5.1 hours of fisbing on Sturgeon Lake and 7.7 hours on Lake Scugog to catch a yellow pickerel. These figures represent fishing success averaged over the entire season. The average sizes of game fish caugbt and retained by contacted anglers, and meas- ured by the census crew were as follows: Sturgeon Lake - Yellow Pickerel, 35.8 cm. (14.1 incb- es);- Maskinonge, 71.2 cm. (28.0 inches); Largemouth Bass 46.5 cm. -(18.3 inches); Smallmouth Bass, 28.5 cm. (11.2 inches). Lake Secugog - Yellow Pickerel, 39.5 cm. (15.6'incb- es); Maskinonge, 84.1 cm. (33.1 inches)ý Largemouth Bass, 37.0 cm. (14.6 incbes); Smallmouth Bass, 3537 cm. (14.1 inches). The resuits of this program will be compared to results from previous years' work, as well as from similar pro- grams on other lakes in tbe Lindsay District andacross the province. These compar- isons will enable our staff to monitor changes in fishing pressure and patterns of resource use, and to recom- mend management proced- ures to ensure the best use of this valuable resource. WORK WANTED D. &R. Custom Fencing and custom chain-sawing 983-5005 or 983-9627 Orono, Ont. Irwin Paintfing Wallpapering and Repairs FREE E ST IMATE S S983-9605 R.R. 1, Orono Orono Towina 1 58E e. GENERALREPAmRs vvas UT a photo finish The department of Com- Prizes were presented at Tbe winner of tbe event was The accompanying photo mnunity Services beld their tbe end of the event for tbë car number 43 driven by Brad sbows Graham Brooks and l7th Annual Soap Box Derby winner; best constructed car Fraser and pushed by Ray George Stacey in car no. 94 on Simpso n Ave. in Bowman- and the most unusual car. Cummings. Brad and Ray witb Brad Fraser and Ray 'e last Thursday. Each Presentations were made by also beld the record for the Cummings in car number 43 ,-p boxer was pushed tbe Bud Fanning, Councillor Dyk- fastest beat clocking it at 16.7 at the start line waiting for first 10 ft. and f rom then on he stra and Brian Hughes. seconds. the countdown. was on is own. ORONO NURSERY SCHOOL- Places available for September, 1978 We offer a half-day enrichment program for 3 to 5 year old children. Qualif ied staff, icensed premises. Cati 987-4012 I Att7entio;on F arume rs!!e,9 WHY PAY MORE?0 Phone 668-3381 - Collect DX FUEL DII For Promlpt Courteous Service CALL US TODAY pumrnrnnm~943-5009 n *Rom On Sunday, August 13, the Kendal Eagles took a two to one lead in the series as they shut-out the Newcastle Lakers 12-0. Eric Moore pitched the complete game shut-out allowing only six bits while striking out tbree. Kendal took a quick 10-0 lead after two innings as Dave Pultz bit a three run' homnorun and Jerry :S Thompson connected on a two run S ho merun. Thompson later hit his second homerun of the game in the eighth inning to bring in Kendal's final two runs. Kendal, Collecting hits for Kendal were Jerry series Thompson with tbree; Peter Henderson an 8-3 witb two; wbile single hits went to Bill a quick Robinson, Fraser Wallace, J.R. Robinson, looked Dave Pultz and Don Pandoff. Doug ched a Rickard and B rian Anderson led Newcas- vcastle tle with two bits each. SAVE ON SDiesel Fuel SMotor Oil SGasoiiné -7 -. ý- 1 - -11- -1 -, 1 -- . iýwi' 1 ............ R HE Kendal 280 000 020 12 Il 1 Newcastle ON0 000 000 ô 6 4 WýP. E. Moore. L.P. D. Taylor. FUTURE GAMES 'Wednesday, Aug. 16 - Newcastle at Kendal Sat., Aug. 19 - Kendal at Newcastle' Sun., Aug. 20 - Newcastle at Kendal. In other play-off action around the league Port Hope and Little Britain are tied at two games apiece in the "C"' play-offs witb the deciding_ game being played in Little Brîtain on Tuesday, August lSth. Whitby Ieads Bowmanville two games to one in "C" play-offs witb the next game being played in Whitby on Tuesday, August 15th. Peterborough leads Oshawa one game to none in the "B" play-offs with the next gamne to be played in Peterborough on Monday, August l4tb.