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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Aug 1978, p. 6

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6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, August lth, 1978 Kendal News In old China tbey used to say, "If tbere is righteousness in tbe heart, tbere will be beauty' in tbe ebaracter. If there is beauty in tbe character, there wiil be harmony in the home; if there is barmony lu the bome, tbere wîl be order in tbe nation; if there is order in tbe nation, there will be peace lu the world." Wbat a marvellous week, weatber wise for the Com- monwealth games in Edmon- ton. We watcbed tbe closing events on T.V. How very wonderful they were! The weatber was fine on Sunday morning and we were pleased to bave so many visitors fromn Garden 1Hl1 and Kirby. We enjoyed a special [W-êc, ÉIXNA Wi 9WfoA fOOD0' W 70AiONC.. 0. Chatterton Electrical Contracting Phlonie 1 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario musical number when Steven and Mark Peacock of Kapus- kasing and Mrs. A. Foster sang, "In the Garden", ac- compauied at tbe piano by Mrs. Iý. Wood. Rev. A. Tizzard chose as bis scripture reading, The Acts 10: 26-40. In the 38th verse, "Jesus of Nazareth went about 'doing good",. In ail walks of life s0 mucb good has been done that has neyer been recorded. Af ter 2000 years people recog- nize Jesus of Nazareth as the greatest and best. God was, with him. God bas given bis promise, "I will be witb you always even to tbe ends of tbe eartb". The same power is witb us to go out and do good. He bas left us a pattern to follow but like Paul said, 1"WhenT would do good, evil is present with me". The bymn says, "Each day I'll do a golden deed, By helping tbose in need." Jesus went about doing good. May we go forth to do that which is good. Rev. and Mrs. Norman MacKenzie worshipped witb' us and after the service hte told Rev. A. Tizzard that bis Auction Service Fa rm & Estate Sales Furniture Modern and Antique NORM FAULKNER Stouffville 640-5691 EARL GAUSLIN Stouffvilîe 640 .3079 ~lora Creationsi FLOWERSWITH FEELINGS" FOR ANY OCCASION FRESH& DRIEDFLOWER ARRANGEMENTS for WEDDINGS, FUN ERALS, HOSPITAL AND HOME Telephone 623-3377 162 Kîng St. East Bowmanville JWilliam C. rI-l, Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WE DN ESDAY and SATURDAY *DX SE RVI1C ESTATION * Highway 35 & 115, Iust north of Newcastle Featuring: *Premium Quality Pout At the Most Reasona ble Prices EjStove Oil& Diesel Oil Available in any quantity Phone 987-4215 *We have a complete line of* *POP-CITY Soft Drinks. Save byI buying these acase at atime. motber bad passed away on Saturday at the age of ninety-four years. Her funer- al was to be beld at Blackheatb cburcb three miles from Binbrook'in the area south of Hamilton on Tuesday, August lStb. Now tbis writer had the bonour of' entertaining Dr. MacKenzie's motber seven years ago. She was a very wonderful 'person. Sbe said sbe bad- gone out from Blackheatb cburch i n 1909 to China sent, by the Womnen's Missionary, Society as a missionary., It was on tbe mission field that sbe met ber bhusband wbo was from Nova Scotia. Tbey were married and their seven cbildren were ail born in China and aIl lived to grow up wbicb was a record as there are 50 mauy diseases'and dangers. I said, "Yes, our Kendal missionary Dr. Will Smitb of long ago lost bis son by drowning wben they were fleeing froni band- its ln China". She said ber oldest daugb- ter Florence married Eric Liddell the world famous runner and gold medal win- ner at the Olympie Games in Europe lu 1926. He ran the quarter mile with such speed that his record stood for ten years. He was a Scotsman BYAMS PLUMBING-,HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low I nterest Rates Phone: G i Tyrone 263-26501 and decided to come to China as a Preshyterian mission- ary. Wben the Communists cam'e in World War Il they took him prisoner. They told bis wife tbat she could join bini in the prison compound or go back to Canada. Tbey prayed about it and since she was expecting another child they thougbt she bad better return to Canada. Eric lang- uisbed in prison for a very long timne then be died. His wife Florence we know as Mrs. Hall of Burlington wbo bas ofteu attended Kendal cburcb. Our deepest sym- patby goes out to ail the MacKenzie family. On Wednesday afternoon, August 9th, the Keudal United Churcb Women met at the home of Mrs. D. Skerratt witb sixteen ladies present includ- ing visitors, Mrs. R. Elliott welcomed the visitors and called on Mrs. J. Stapleton for a, poemn entitled, Let not your heart be troubled by Helen Steiner Rice. Then we sang hymu 330, "Love Divine ahl love excelling, Joy of Heaven to earth come down", follow- ed by the twenty-third psalm lu unison. Then Mrs. Staple- ton read a fine article entitled, "The good that 1 would 1 do not." The minutes Wall~,/V Taping - Spray Ceifings Plaster Repair Pa inting Wally Lucyk 983-5518 ORONO were read and tbe financial report given. The birtbday money was given to Mrs. J. Carscadden. Plans for tbe bus trip were made. Moved by Mrs. J. Stapleton, seconded by Miss C. Stewart tbat we take a bus to Black Creek Pioneer Vil- lage returning by way of Markbam to tour Participat- ion House for tbe pbysically handicapped. The tickets will be $3.00. We hope to get passengers, from Orono and Newtonville to belp f il the seats. Tbe date, September .6th. Phone 983-5080 or 983-5676 for tickets'. Mrs. R. Elliott couducted a contest entitled parts of tbe body. Mrs. Lloyd Ransberry won tbe contest. The ladies set the tables, under the trees witb tbe million dollar view to tbe soutb. More families came to enjoy the bounteous picnic supper. Then Mrs. Keitb Wood played on her accordian while Mr. Lloyd Ransberry joiued in with, his violin. Steven and Mark Peacock together with Mrs. A. Tizzard sang several numbers wbich we' enjoyed._ Then another gr 1oup made up of Dr. and Mrs. James Steven;s of Gu elph and Mrs. Ethelda Clarke Public LIBRARY PHONE 983-5507 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 2:00 te8:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00%o5:00 p.m. Orono, Onta'rio value credit We offer you this introductory $19.95 "free" by becoming a Fina Fuel Oul cus tomer. 24 hour service PETRHnOFINM'A CANADA LTD WiIliams'on of London togeth- er with some of our local folk led community singing which we ail enjoyed on a perfect evening. Mrs. Alva Swarbrick of Oshawa sepnt the past week with Miss C. Stewart. Some of the sixth line men took in the Black Kights Parade in Stirling on Saturday. Mr. Richard Wilson, father of Fred Wilson, Kendal dîed Sunday evening. Funeral from Ross Funeral Parlours on Wednesday, August 16th at 2 p.m. CUSTOM FRAMING Ca meras and Photographic Supplies 78 King St. W. BOWMANVILLE 623-2404 Orono Electric Herb & Gerry Duvail 983-5108 ELECTRICAL, CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATiNG Electrical Appliances T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-Fi W EST INGHOUS E RCA ELECTROHOME Guaranteed Service FaNCISTEillANT -FUELS [IDT O ROND 98835008 progra m approved SERVING ORONO-NEWCASTLE-BOWMANVI LLE-N EWTONVI LLE HAMPTON-PONTYPOOL-KENDAL AREA Are you Iooking f or conf ident home comfort thiswinter? "SPECIAL FREE OFFE.R" Government approved heating equipment efficiency test Find out how well your heating equipment is working. Have your equipment set to its most efficient operation and save money on next year's fuel- bill.,1, Call today for your, Free Test Quality refined petroleum products Automatic delivery- Interest free budget accounts,

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