And the winner is! funds for arena climax to the Monte Carlo sponsored by the. Orono night held in the Orono arena Amateur Athle tic Association This SaturdaytMopra musiéAi outing featuring cur- rent top musical groups will be staged al, Mosport. The event is going by the namne Canada Jam and will be the first musical concert beld at Mlosport sincere Strawberry Fields a number of years ago. The festival is beîng backed by Carling-O'Keefe. Tbe Orono Athletie Assoc- iation bas been given the right to pick up bottles both Saturday and Sunday morn- îng. The Athletic has organiz- ed a crew of helpers for the job including members from the Orono Chamber, LOBB bail players and somne private citizens. Iis Af ter the pick-up the Ath- ing ietic wil receive the money flie. from the bottles and there is somne interesting speculation on just how much this could total. Mr. Major bias it tallied to a possible $4,000.00. One sucb event in the States provided a return of $21,000.00 from the sale of botties leflt at the site. The monies collected local- ly would go towards the Orono Arena fund. Canada Jam is to get underway at 10:00 in the morning and proceed througbout the day until ten in the evening. Somne of the bands featured in the festival include Kansas, The Com- modores, Wha-Koo, Dave Mason, Prism and the Village People. Pre-sale tickets are costing $20.00 and it is understood the cost at the gates wili be $30.00. Estimates of the crowd run' everywhere fromn 50,000' to 150,000. FIRE DEPARTMENT TO STANDBY The fire tanker truck from Orono manned by firefighters from Orono, Newcastle and Bowmanville will be located just outside Mosport frorn Friday evening to Sunday noon in case of fire on the property. OronloJW1eekIy Times, Wednesday, August 23rd, 1978 Firs-t public viewing of arena The general public obtained crowd in attendance. The their fiirst opportunity on , crowd was constant througb. Saturday evening to view the out the evening Up to the interior of the new Orono drawing for the car, a Monte arena and community centre Carlo pontiac. complex with the promotion Work within the community of the, Monte Carllo night centre room has been coin- sponsored by the Orono 1pteted by the cÔ6ùlractors, andi Athleic Associ*ation. The this part of the building has Monte Carlo night was beld in béen turned over to the Town, the community centre room Altbough Belcon has corn- at the arena with a good - i & - ~ ~K1N.jý W .KXX LOTS 0F ACTIVITY THIS WEEKEND For tbose that want sometbing to do this week-end and especialiy on Saturday the scbedule of events in this area are many and varied. Included in this list is the Centennial Celebration at the Old Kirby Scbool witb events getting underway at 1:45 p.m. and continuing on into the night. Canada Jain at Mosport is creating a stir among many in the area who plan to attend with the curtain going up at 10:00 a.m. and dropping sometime around 10:00 p.m. Many top name bands wili be in attendance to provide the music for the festival. And if this la not enough there is Blac1kstock Fair in full swing as weli as a barbeque and dance in the new Newcastle arena. The latter event is to raise funds for the new arena. In speaking witb Ev. Jenkins of the Newcastle Board he said he feit they would be within $25,000 of their target at the end of the year. CHILDREN'S DAY AT GANARASKA FOREST CENTRE The Ganaraska Forest Centre is offering a children's day at the Centre on Tbursday, August 24tb from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tbere is to be a nature hike, an introduct ion to orienteering, a look at pond life and otber interesting activities. Parents are also weicomed. Bring along a lunch in a knapsack and it is suggested that tiiey wear long pants, shoes and socks. Spend a day in the forest. The Fore st Centre is located north-east of Kendal. Follow Road 9 east fromn Kirby- to east of Kendai at Ganaraska sign and then turn nortb a couple of miles. CHARGED WITHI ARSON Two Oshawa youtbs, former empioyees of tbe Centrai Lake Ontario Conservation Autbority bave been charged with arson, breaking and entry andrniscbief foilowing a $30,000 fire at the Enniskiilen Conservation Area., Tbe fire started at 4:30 Saturday mnorning and destroyed a garage, a workshop and equipmeènt at the cn1e $156,353 RAISED FOR ARENA FUND To date $156,353.01,)bas been donated from tbe K._,ommrunity for the Arena and Community Centre Fund. 0f tbis amount $98,585 bas been subscribed in cash with $57,768 stili to comne in tbrougb pledges. K irlby, bell rings agai n It's ail scheduled to begin at flying of the flag from a new beginning at 5, being Carmen Bail and for squi 1: 45 in Kirby at the old Kirby flag pole and words of promoted by the Great Pine dancing the music wil School on Saturday af ternoon, congratulations from local Ridge Kinsmen Club. provided by the Lowerys. a day of nostalgia and a day to dignitaries. Tbe Kirby ladies The activities in the form of Abovc ah the day wili bring about the rebirth of the have aiso prepared a quilt on a dance wiil begin in the new one to renew oid friendsl schooi a new era of the whieb ail former teachers at Centenniai Kirby Puliec and to visit amongst frie community. the school have been sewn on. Sehool around 8:00 p.m. with and neighbours f'rom far Saturday, Auigutst 26th is the Supper will aiso be served music being provided by DJ wide. eentenniai celebration for the 'd - n h -d -c n v Ol liibIdrchnohfor chMirail è9I Lei-w,>w w M ch 1 1 splans have now been corn- L pleted through the efforts of i-many citizenis witbin the community and area. Tbe scbool, in the future, and in one form or another, will represent the heritage of ail former public scfiools in former Clarke Township. It will be the sentinel of the past as weli as the future. In speaking with Mr. S.B. Rutherford it was learned tbat considerabie înterest has been already been sbown by former students of the school who have provided ixiterest. ing items of the past from the community. MYvucfi of this wil be on display in the schooi bouse and many of the items bave been donated to the Clarke Museumn Board on a permanent basis. Visits to the archives of Ontario bave also provided items relating to the past bistory of the school and area. Tbe ringing of tbe bell for tbe cali of school in the past wiil start the festivities on Saturday. Tbese festivities -wiil include the planting of a >tree by Mrs. E. Hamm,, the Want to go for a walk? Sponisor sheets are now available fromn Mrs. F. Luna or at Hamilton's Insurance Agency' for the Waikatbon to be heid Saturday, Sept. 23 (Sept. 30 in case of main). The 13 mile well-marked route will be the same as last year, beginning and en.ding in Orono Park, over back roads only, to Pine Ridge Scbool and back. Proceeds go to tbe Orono Arena Building Fund A grouip of five Leskard children organized and oper- ated a mîni-carnival in Les- kard Village last Monday at the borne of Michael Bail. The camnival was organized to raise funds for Muscular Dystrophy as weli as for the pleasure of the cbiidren in the community. There was about 35 cbildren in attendance at the event during the morning session of -the carnival., The event included a wet sponge toss, bowling, second- band article sale, golf, trea- sure hunt, fortune telling, dart tbrow, bingo and a magic act. These events created a good deal of interest for the cbiidren as well as for some of the parents in attendance. tare 1be be ;ips ends and Derek Mereweatber and Tammy Bail. The group raised $61.20 through the venture. Wben the donation of mon- ey la made to Muscular Dystrophy each of the prom- Oters wil receive a sinali gif t and the chairman of the event wiil get a chance at a iucky draw froin ail chaimman of other such similar events. .......... ... ino -V Ç60 a r