Orono Weekly 'imes, Wed nesday, August 23rd, 1978-1- fluctuates widely and one cannot be sure tha t the food is hot enough for long enough to ensure destruction of spoilage bacteria. Furthermore, jars mnay explode during proces- sing. 3. Question: Why do bernies, other fruits and tomatoes sometimes float? Answer: This may be caused by using overripe fruit, processing too While the game of bingo that provides the entertain- fascinating feature of the facinates many in the adult m-Pent. These three young girls- gamne at the recent Monte groulis its a differnent phase were finding the dancing Carlo night in the Orono of the game for the youngster coloured balls to be the most arefla. Rabbît show expands UIAAGINW Home canning Central Ontario Rabbit Breeders Club is happy to announce that its Annual Fali show in conjunction with the Orono Fair is going Internat- ional this year. For the first time in history an American Specialty Rabbit Club is holding its annual show outside United States. The American Tan Rabbit Specialty Club has accepted the bid of the Central Ontario Club to hold its 1978 show in conjunction with the largest club show in Ontario at Orono Fair, September 8 and 9. Inquiries for entry forms have been received from several states on the Eastern seaboard as well as New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indianna, Illinois and Michi- Many children are visually handicapped for adequate school achievement, accord- îng to the President of the Ontario Association of Op- tometrists. "Numerous, requirements are necessary to provide efficient vision, and these must be considered in a complete 'vision analysis - especially for the school child," said the President, Dr. G. Ingle, at the Annual Mleeting of the Ontario Opt- ometrists. The most basic needs for adequate vision are near vision, distant vision, bino- A large array of specials have been donated for this shoWv including a large tray trophy for the best Tan in the show donated by the Durham Central Agicultural Society. For those who don't know their breeds of rabbits, the Tan is a small fancy rabhit which cornes in 4, colours, Black, Blue, Chocolate and Lilac. Their thaly, chest and the inside of their legs are all a brilliant red-orange colour with somne bridling, of the belly colour coming through on their sides. They are a very beautiful, spritely rabbit and we hope many folks will find time to visit the rabbit tent and 'see this unusual disnflay at Orono Fair. cular co-ordînation and ade- quate f ield of vision. Near" vision means the ahility te, focus and1 see clearly and comnfortably with both eyes and each eye separately at a distance of about 15 inches. This is the distance at which most school work is done. .Distant vision refers to the samne ability as needed for near vision but for a distance of 20 feet or more. This is necessary to see the chalk- board, to enjoy motion pic- tures and TV and to engage in sports. Binocular co-ordination * Our Fireplaces DO NOT Smoke OXFOR * rclyr -ItnnaosLd * RNO ONAII NE9350 The home canning season is now in full swing. There are several questions frequently asked by home canners regarding procedures' and safety. Listed below are some common canning questions and their answers. 1. Question: It is necessary to add citric acid when canning tomatoes? Answer: Recently some tomatoes have been found to have not quite sufficient acidity to be safely canned in the boiling water bath. Although such tomatoes are rare in Canada, it is a safety precaution to add à small amount of citric acid in case one uses such tomatoes unknowingly. Citric acid (a natural ingredient in tomat- oes) is available in drugstores and wine supply stores. 2. Question: Why are open- kettie and oven methods of canning not recommended? Answer: 'In the open-kettle method, sterilized fruit is poured into sterilized contain- ers and sealed. There is far too much chance of contamin- ation when the jars are being filled for this to be a safe method. In the oven method, proces- sing is carried out in the oven. This is not safe because oven thermostats are not always accurate. The temperature refers to the ability to make the twoeyes work together. This is necessary for art work, handicrafts and play activities as well as to read efficiently. Adequate field of vision refers to the ability to see to both s ides and up and down while focusing on a smail target. This saves unneces- sary eye and head move- ments and is essential for participation in sports and for personal safety. 80 percent of school work depends on vision. Knowing this, it is easy to understand why good vision is s0 import- ant to achievement in school. -Will your children be achiev- ing as they should?'" asked Dr. Ingle. "The Ontario Association of Optometrists recommnends an annual, pro- fessional vision examina- tion,'- stated President Ingle. long, using too hý-avy a syrup or packing too loosely. 4. Question: What are signs of spoilage? Answer: Any leakage from jars or cans, or bulging of cans indicate spoilage. Food may spurt from the container when opened. 5. Question: Where is . the best place to store canned foods? Answer:-Store them in a cool, dry place. Since light causes darkening of foods in glass jars, keep these either in a dark storeroom or else wrap thern in newspaper or place in cartons. If you have further canning questions, contact Linda Caldwell, 234 King St. E., manville at 623-3348. Town of Newcastle requires a Draftperson Planning and Development Departmient DUTIES To prepare finished drawings of maps, graphs and maps in ink and colour'film, taken from draft copies and sketches. Also assist the senior draftsperson in the preparation of displays, illustrations and layouts for publication. QULI F ICAT IONS Miinimum Grade 12 education with training in cartography from a cortmmunitY college or experience with ink drafting, Leroying and Letraset products. SALARY RANGE $12,000. (o $13,500. per annun. %We of fer a comprehensive benefit program. Apply in writing and supply a complete resumne and educational background. Applications will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. Friday, Septeber st, 978.A.C. Guiler, A.Mý.C.T., C.M.C., Town AManager, The Corporation of The Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. CaIcu lators $15.77 SBATTERIES INCLUDED Nylon Kniapsack Batteries Extra Dudley Cômbination Nickel plated, 178 inchi, solid brass case. 1/4 in ch diameter hardened steel shackle with 7/ inch clearance. Black enamelled dial with white figures and graduations. Code No. 350-4352 1$2.88 AM Pocket Radio with Carrying Strap. Mlodel No. X03. A Code No. 5)02-3670 $4l.88S takes 2 -AA" batteries. ROLPH DOMINION- HARDWARE O0RONO, ONT. 983-5207 at Orono fair Six-function mode[ with memorv. With 4 AA' celis case, 502-3513..... Eyes im portant in chi ld's education Thermos Lunch Kit $4.99 No. 675