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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Aug 1978, p. 5

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Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, August 3OUi. 1978.5 Supplement for pastu res The dry weather that we. experienced through most 0f June and July has created poor pastuire conditions ac- roos many parts of the country. At the same time, many farmers wish to keep cattle, especiaily beef cattie on pasture for another six weeks, if at ail possible. If you are in this situation, we urge you to look at using feed supplements to maintain ani- mal health on pasture. There are many types 0f feed supplements available toimi- prove the nutritional value 0f pasture. To be effective, supple- ments should provide the nutrients missing i the forage and 1e convenient te feed. Hay is a good pasture supplement. Feeding 5 lbs, of dry hay daily will help prevent pasture scouts and bloat problems. However, when no grain supplement is fed, a 1: 1 mixture of calcium phosphate and trace minerai- ized sait should be offered free choice With the hay, since pastures are normally poor sources of phosphates. Because of the dry season, bowever, hay supplies are not abundant and you may want to look at other alternatives for pasture supplementat.ion. Range cubes or pellets with or withuttzre c ý i 'k be used to supplement pas- ture. These cubes contain up to 32 percent crude protein and 65-75 percent total digest- ible nutrients. Supplements containng urea, however, shouid flot 1e fed on pasture without fairly high levels of grain. In most cases, this would eIûminate using the supplement contaiming urea because feeding too much grain could be a fairly expensive proposition. Ano- ther method of supplemnenta- tion is to feed protein blocks at a rate of 1 block per 15 good- grazing -areas. Feed consumption can be limited to about 2 1138. an animal per day by choosing blocks witb a desired bard- ness, sait and fat content. Many farmers are going to' liquid protemn supplements ini a lick tank that can be offered free choice, provicling the animais don't eat more than they need. Since molasses and urea are the major components, care must 13e taken to assure that the animais are accustomed to the supplement over a day or two. If your pastures are in poor condition. yoa nigt aise want to look at putting i a creep feeder for calves, if you have beef cows with calves on grass. Creep feed for the~ calves will help theni main- tain their growth through tifi weaning in the fail. Assess your pasture situat- ion, and if you plan on keeping cattie on pasture tbrough l September, decide w1iethetr or not you want to use a pasture supplement and then look at the various alternatives that are available, and choose- the one you feel will do the best job for you. CORPORATION OF THE TOWN, 0F NEWCASTLE FIN'&AN'tCIAmmL STATEMmENT To the Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle: W have exemined (ho following financle statements oft ho Corporation ot the Town ot Newcasle as at Dcom ber 31, 1977 and for tho poar thon ended: Sttement of Revenue and Expenditure Stetment of Capital Operations Blance Shot dur examinalion was made le accordance wth gonerally acceptod auditleg standards, and accorlngly includod such lests and other procedures as we considered necessary ln (ho circunistancos. le our opinion. Ihese financial statements prosent fairly (ho financial position oft(ho Corporation uft(ho Town ut Newcastle as t Dcombor 31, 1977 and the rosulîs ut ils operalions for (ho voor thon ended in accordance wilh accounlino principles generally acoepted for Onario municipaliion applled on a bois consistent wif h 1ha1 of the preoeding vear. Oshawa, Ontario June 8, 1978 Licence No. 605 STATEMENT OF REVENdUE AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE VEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1977 1977 1977 1976 Budget Acuel Actuel Accumulated net revenue (dotficit) at beginning oft(ho yar Exponditures and reent rs Municipal expendifures Geral governmet Protection tu prnons and property Transpartation services Environniental services Health services Social and tamiy services Recreation and cullurai services Planning and developmerit Total ex pendit Tront rs Tran'ster s teio Transfetesencohards Total ransfors Total cxpeditures and ransfers Revenue by purposo Munici pal purposes Taxation Paï nti eu ut taxes Other gran'ts Focs and service charges Clher Revenue (g pay for municipal purpones Riob requisition P.monts iv licu uttaxes Other Revenue (o pay (ho region requisition School board roquisition Taxation Pooments nhoueuuoftaxes Revenue (o pop (e ha ahoolhard requisition Total revenue Accumulated net revenue et ed oft(ho poar Ana lysed an folows: Ganerai revenue Ref ion Schoohards Special areas Local hards BALANCE SHEET AS AT DECEMBER 311977 ASS BTS Current essets Cash Accounts reeivable Taxes recelvable -tnvsmts Other curreh assets Capital outlay lo be recovered in future years (Note 2) Other long term assets Crrect lhabilities LIABILITIEI Temporary Juans Accounts payable and accrued liailities Other current liabililes Net long term liabilities t(Noe 4) Roserves and resorve tends (Note 3) Accomulated net revenue and unapplied capital receipts $ 206,326 $ 241,999 $ (61,946) 528.050 490,t99 386,160 420,269 1,959,150 2,012,146 192,015 172,501 1 0,906 1 7,350 15:000 13,800 905,332 970,'288 196,765 271,067 lure 49378 4,367,620 1 83,201 43 52,299 6,155,500 10,34f.878 175i,919 6,182,325 10549,945 2153,057 2219,206 1(4,73 6 68,213 1,025,101 1,267,262 81096 352,665 313,9800 406,015 557,451 4,041,654 4,434,208 1,391,295 1,43,614 1 3,3511, 14,967 35,539 388,331 ),75$,192 1,856,912 ,336,644 4,413,148 4,342,706 4,419,264 10,142,552 10,710,384 100,989 (1,822) 5 1,602 2, 665 518,922 317,739 1,560,345 197,705 13,727 3,628 872,502 232,W0 3,716,623 1,684,790 3,919,203 5,603,993 9,320,616 1,978,944 61,765 942,874 342,093 328,523 3,654,199 1,293,105 12,164 409,508 326,624 2,041,401 3,923,115 5,846 3,928,961 9,624,561 _.41,999 168,389 4,010 9,320 (6,704) 25,984 402,430 241,999 STATEMENT 0F CAPITAL OPERATIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1977 1977 1976 Actual Acluai $ 65,775 $ 753,224 23,694 38675 1,028, 383 847,025 1:223 12,900 1,95 1,900 491,257 1 5,972 12,900 232,779 557020 5,605 44:541 475,303 3351 6 195,855 7,500 762,320 336,904 58,094 596,396 437,993 20,382 13 ,9t 1,449,769 7777 65,775 Unfieanced capital oalay aI bcinnieg Of the year Capital expendilare Goneral governmon( Protection (o persons and pruperty Transportation services Envi roniental services Recroalion and cultural services Plannring and development Other Total expandituro Capital financieg Cotributions trom the revenue todri Conributions rom roserve tonds and resorves Long terni liai lities incurred Untarlu granits Other Total capital fi nancing hlnîianced capital ou lay aI tend of (ho ear 1977 1976 s 393,9931 874,509 909,10f 4,624 75,487 2,257,811 288,203 919,733 54,312 2,426,0C7 2,668'.328 2,159,528 58,152 53,805 _L984,281 4,639,340 1,071,651 1,07 1,651 1,56182 402,438 4,984,281 S 500,00 398,237 24,784 923,021 2,073,753 1,400,568 241,999 4,639,340 NoTEs TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31,1977 1. ACCOUNTING POLICIES: (a) Statemonl of revenue and eopenditure: This statomont rot lods (ho revenues and expendlitures ot the revenue fund and (he folloing local huards: Public Library Buard Clarke Museumi and Archives Bowmanville M"uoniBoard lb) Statoment of capital operalions: This statemont retlects the capital xpendituro uttho municipali(y (o o erecoerod trainI(ho genera municip ai revenue uft(ho municipali(y and ifs local huards as descrihed in Note liai. The longt(on lailities reporteonthris statemoni muere incurred hy (he Rogion ut Durham on behait utf(te municipallty. Repayment ut thiscdeht ls (ho responsibiiity out ibmmunîcipalîty. Ici Balance sheel: This statement rflecîs the assoIs and liaililies ut tho revenue fond, (ho cpital tond. reserve tonds and local huards as described in Note 1iai. The assos and liahilities ut the local huards and ontrprises fbat have sot heon consolidated are retlocted unît Io thete nnt uf their reiated net long-terni liabilities and capital outlay (obhorecovered nftiture onars. (d) Fixed assoIs: The historical cost and accumonulatoed depreciation ut ixed assfs is not reported (or municipal ourposes. Ilnst(ho "Capital outiay tu ho recovered in tuture y ors", whîch listhe aqgregate uoft(he principal portion u unmaturod long.term a1hiOis capital fonds transferrod (o other organizations, and the cost ut capital prulncts not yet permanestly financed, is reported un the Balance Shee(. (e) Municipal otorprisos: Municipal oterprises are thoso activîtios wtuse custs are suhstantialiy rocoveired froni srvice charges on the osers. The ensnrprisns ut this municipaliiy whose revenons and expendlitures have rlot been conslidated in these fiandiai statoments are: Bonimanville Cemetery Bundchead Cemetery Buard Bonimanville Public Utilities Commission Newcastle Public Utlties Comm ission Hydro Electric Commission of Oruno f) Charges for net long-terni iabili(ien: . Dent rtirement cuts, including principal and intorest, are charged againut cor, ront revenues sn the'ipariodo n wtich they are paid. lnterest charges are sot accr uod for the periods truni thn dates oft(ho latent interest paymenits to the end uft"te inanial yecr. (g) Trusn(fands: Trust tonds admins(erod hy the munlaiyamnuon(îngto 563,098 are only rot lec(ed in the Trust Ponds, Statemeniot Cont nuity and alance SIteef. 2. CAPITAL OUTLAY TO BE RECOVERED IN FUTURE YEARS; la) Somne capifal ouf loy (o ho rocovorod in future years duols noi ropresent a hîlrdeo on garerai rmunici pal reven uns, as tl is to ho recovered in tuture yoars (r-o thor sources: 1977 1976. SCcia1 charges on beneflitting landlowners ... 022,097 $227,704 Muic ipal1 enlerprisos..... ................... 229,963 246,251 Resorvo tonds...... .......................... 75,962 93734 $570 567,689 (b) Capital ouitay, ncluding tixed assoIs andl the transters ut capital fonds in the a mount ut $491,257 wich bave been financod (rom general municipal revenues ut the crrent yoar, are reorted on (ho Statoment ut Revenue and Expendture. 3. RESERVE FUNDS: Dring the yoar, (190,249 (1976 $251,2101 mas credîted directly to reservo tonds wthout heing rocorded as revenue and oxpenditure ufth(e Revenue Pond. Major sources mre: Contributions rom suhdividers............. Parking revenue ....... .... Os(ar g Homo Renewal Plan contributions Sale ut land...... Interest earned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1977 t43,01 241,554 45,539 19,621 56,914 $190,249 1976 t 90600 24,01 67,530 69,06 1 251,216 4. NET LONG TERM LIABILlTlES- (a) The balance for net long terro liabililien reporteid on (ho Balance Shiti l made 090of (ho following Total long terni liabilities incurred by (ho moniclpality includlng (hune incurred on behoît of former schoothoards, ther municlpalilles and municîpfatenter priscs and ooitanding ai the end oft(ho year amount (o................ $3,233,427 n addition,t(homunicipality has assomed respanstbillty fer (ho payment ut principal and interest charges on certain long terni liabilities issued by other municioali(ies. Atheoend othe vear. the oincipal amountofthisllahilityis ......... ......................08785 OI the long terni liabiliies shown ahove, the responsibility (or payment ot prtncipal and inieresf charges han been assomed by others (or a principal amnuel t.....-............. (2,334,102) Longterni iahilities issueui by (ho monicipality and hld as investments amount to (20,000) Net long terni liabilities ai the end oft(ho year. LU4911 10 (b> 0f the net long triliabililies reporled in fa) of (ie note, $754,251 in principal r aymenls are Paab l roni 197f (o 1982, $712.770 froni 1903 le 1907 and $501,99 horoofler and areosoummarizod as fol lows: 1978 1983 1969 to fo and R ecove red from genoral1 municipal revenues..........$673,190 (662,575 $403.382 Recovered (rom other sources 81,161 500,195 98,607t~Q 1754.351 712.770 $501.989 iciIlncluded ln "Net long terni liabilitios- on (ho Balance Shoot in on amount of $839,379 payable in Unýited States curroncy, and converted mbt Canadiais dollars et (ho rate prova i lng whee (ho liability was incurred. If (ho liability is convertod info Canadien dollars aI the exchango rate prevailieg aI Deconihor 31, the lîability wou] ld ho lcroased by (19,123. 5. CHARGES FOR NET LONG TERM LIABILITIES: Total charges for the year for long ter m liabililien aro anfollows: 1977 1976 Principal payments.................140,017 $1(44,441 terest .. ..........................191,2(5 172,335 %31.22 16,776 Of the total charges shown ahove $290,950 wan paid troni general municipal revenues ot (ho muiciplity ad neluded lu expenditore on the Statement ut Revenue.and xpend iture ciassitied un der the approprlate tunciional headings. The remaîning $41,172 was recovered (rom municipal enterprines for whlch (ho rela(ed net long terni Ilabilitles more incurred and isn ot rot lecied in the statemeant. 6. CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS: The Town ut Newcastle has made commitmenis ot approximately (1,575,000 for the construction ot recreationial tacilitios, mhlch are being inanced In (he totiowing manner. Ontario grants ......................................0,00ot Donation .:. . ... .. . .. . ... . 440,00 Contribution (rom goneral municipal revenue .. 135,000 $1,575,00 To December 11, 1977, approximately $595.003 has been expended on theso (acliios. 7. ILIABILITY FOR VESTEO SICK LEAVE BENEFITS: Undier (ho sick beave benetît plan, onused sick beave con accumulato and emploeeus may become enititled to, a cash paymeni when lhey beave the municipaity's emplovment. The iabilitv for these accomu lated dlays, to (ho Calent (bai they have vested and could hoe taken in cash by an employoe on terminatîng, amounted to (145,151 at theend ut the year. Substantîally, nu provision han been mode for thin liabi lity. 8. LEGAL ACTIONS: The Reffipual Municlpality uf Drham b as reqoentod a hearing bfore the Ontario Municipal Buard to determine mhat portion, tf ont, ut certain developmient charge levies and reserve fonds collec(ed by the Town ut Newcastle are vested in the (ho Reglonal Corporation uandier the Regional Municipality ot Durham Act. 9. THE ANTI-INFLATION ACT: The municipality, its local huards anhd commissions are, by agreement betmeen the Goveroment ut Canada and (ho Government uft(ho Province of Ontario daied January 13, 1976, sub (oct ou The Anti-Int (ailon Aci (Canada) and the national idelines. This legislation limits increases ln compensation payments effective W. AGREEMENTS: (o) Minitry ot Housing: In connection wih a propased major dovoloposenti n the Court (cearea of (ho Towin, the Min'stryfutiNasino- bas a reed (o provide finandiaI assistance fo the Tuo iixthe tormouta ani o?$49610((and an interesi f roo ban of (283,001 boih, sublect (o approval utf(ho pro(ect by (ho Ontario Municipal Board, An amnouni ut (240,000 bas been advanced by (ho Ministry pending approval by (heO ntario Municipal Buard. (b) Ontario Nydro: n connection with the Darlington Generating Station Pro(eci, Ontario Hydro has agreed tu finance approximately $2.8 million for the cosi ut roads, mater, semer services and other costs incurred by (ho municipality duri1ng (he construction period. These fonds miii be paid to (hoe Towny as (ho cots are'lncurred; the balance, ifany, will be paidon completion0f (ho pro(oct. DELOITTE, HASKINS &SELLS Chartorod Accoue(ntn.

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