Orono Weekly Times, Wednesdayv, August 30th, 1978-7 s in Attendance Solar roofs for grain drying Ontario cash crop f armers may cut energy costs using solar roofs on their grain bins. A number of farmers across the province, including John Currelly of R.R. 3, Port Hope, have been carrying out exper- iments using solar roofs to dry grain corn. The initial resuits look very promising, and agricultural engineers with the Ministry of Agricul- ture and Food, feel that the solar technique can be bene- ficial in a time of rising energy costs. The solar tech- nique takes advantage of the natural drying qualities of air, whereas, conventional high teînperature drying req- uires expensive fuels. To put a solar covering on a standard, steel bin, paint the south roof black and con- struct a fibreglass roof six inches above it, This creates a duct that allows air to be naturally beated as it rises to mhe peak of the roof. Before the air reaches the grain, moisture is removed by elec tric heating couls near the top of the bin, then, a fan draws the dehumidified air through the train to the perforated metal drying floor. Placed 8 inches above the concrete floor, this struc- ture insures grain is dried at the bottom of the bin. A fan at the outer wall creates a partial vacuum in mhis 8,inch space to dry air out of the bîn. Experimental resultsso far show that as nluch ab 26 percent moisture can be remnoved by this solar meth- od. It is risky, however, to dry grain with higher moisture content, unless high temper- ature dryers are hooked into the system.. At the moment, it is difficult to determine dollar savings with tme solar sys- temn, because each farmer's operation is unique. If interested, please contact mhe Bowmanville office and make an appointment wimh our Agricultural Engineer to iscuss this method of drying grain. Amusement at Canada Jamn Balloon rides provide an aerial view of -Canada Jam Fuelwood Sale A public sale of standing bardwood fuelwood will take place on Saturda y, September 9, 1978 at the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Forest Headquarters commencing at 0900 hours. The Forest Headquarters is 2.4 kilometers (112 miles) north of the village of Elizabethiville which is located on Northumberland County Road No. 9. Elizabethville is located 12.5 kilomneters (734 miles) east of the village of Kirby. Approximately 121 single blocks of fuelwood will be offered for sale; limited to one block per person. For further information contact the Lindsay District Office of the Ministry of Ntural Resources, 322 Kent Street West, lindsay, Ontario KUN 2Z. Telephone: 1-705-324-6121. MINISTRYOF NATURAL Ontario iýictured above are pre- vious Kirby school teachers. They' vare, lef t to right, Mrs. Hoskins, Mrs. Kathleen Clark, Doris Wannan, Mrs. Mrs. Kathleen Bryson. Other VIlda Nurse, Mrs. Kennedy, Kathryn Lowery, Mr. Robert teachiers also present were 'Mrs. Nancy Prowley and Taylor, Mrs. Joan Ard and Mrs. Gladys Moffat, Mrs. Mý,rs. Rosemary Merkley. Engineering for storm sewer system in Orono A delegation of Messrs. L. works, Mr. Du Patterson and Bill Stapleton was his opinio were recently told at a public reasonable so works committee meeting the proper in that a storm sewer study was storm sewer being 'undertaken in the the Village. Village of Orono. Messrs. On motion Patterson and Stapleton were Gray the dir at the time speaking to the works is t( committee of problems being Ministry ýof faced by residents on Division and Commur Street relating to, floodmng of termine ifE basements. took place at It was generally agreed at highway con: the meeting that deepening of to run-offa the ditches would solve very on-site meE little as the land is flat and ministry to there is just nowhere for the temporarys water to flow. Counillor Woodyard was of Si.S the opinion that a lot of the problem -resulted when high- ANGLII ways 115 and 35 were con- Oroi structed to the east of the village with water now runn- Regular5 ing into the area. He also Service noted that in 1965 at a hearing of the 0MB Orono was designated as a "Local lm- Rev. AI provement Araea' and that it B. was the intention then to - completely storm-sewer the whole Village within a five year period. He said with the « advent of regional govern- ment the matter appeared, toli have been stalled.UI' The director of Public r Letter to editor It was a delighted girl who returned home (Sunday, Aug- ust 20th) after a weekend of hall at Charleston Lake Provincial Park where, she participated as a teamn mem- ber on the Bon Echo Natural Resources (Ministry) Team. She arrived home after the tournament greeted by her father, telling her she had just become the proud owner of a 1978 Monte Carlo won via a draw through the' Orono Amateur Amhletic Assoc- iation. Her father Alfred Milîs, had purchased the ticket in, ber namne, fromn a fellow Hydro worker. Congratulations Debbie and a truly sincere 'thank you' t the Orno Distrie; Commnunit" ,ninded (pe îple. SE unhgam, said it on that the only olution would be installation of a rsystem within iof Dykstra and rector of public to contact the fTransportation unications to de- a-ny discussions t the time of the istruction relative and to have an eting with the odecide if any solution could be iaviours CAN CHU RCH mo, Ontario Sundçiy Worship ce-1O:OO0a. m. AIIan Haldenby B.A. L.Th. devised. on motion of Gray and Woodyard that following the completion of thestudy that thc mnatter be placed on the next following agenda of the commrittee and that Mr. Stapleton be so notified. The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Vacancy on Board Due to the recent resignation of MIr. George Humnphreys, a trustee representative for Port Hope and Hope Township, a vacancy bas been created on the Northuiimiber land and Newceastle Board of Education. Written applications for appointnients for the balance of the terni of office (to November 30th, 1978) wili be received fromn interested public, scbooi electors, residents within Northumberland County in the Town of Newcastle. Sucb applications should bie directed to the chairman of the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, and must be received flot Iter than 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, September 7th at the administrative office of the Board, 834 D'Arcy Street North, Cobourg, Ontario. K9A 4L2. Aiss Durham Central Contest eptem ber 9th Applications wiII be received f rom Single persons, age 16 - 22, the Municipal!i'ty of Newcastle, to compete in the Miss Durham CentralI contest, Saturday, Septem ber 9th, 1978 Name I I Address- Phone No.- Mail to Box 21 22)i o 1 Photo ýOrono, Ontario, LOB I MO. No applications Inter than Septemiber 1,