1-Orono weekly Times, Wednesday, Septemiber 2th, 1978 Take the Pepsi Challenge We have seen it before on year at the Orono Fair and television, the Pepsi many were for taking up the Challenge. t appeared this challenge. Women toldf0 get involved politically On Thursday is the fal equinox and Lindsay Fair so unsettled weather can be expected. Sunday morning a large flock of wild geese went south. When we hi-d the thirty nine days without ramn in June and until July 22 the w,%eather- man said to expect a wet September as other similar long dry periods in previous years had been followed by wet Septembers. 1September 17 was called Conference Suniday when, the ministers took the services in some neighbouring pulpit Rev. A. Tizzard went to Enniskillen while Rev. Thom- as Smith took the service at Kendal Sunday morning. He spoke to, the children' about the United Church Crest referring particularly to its shape in the form of a fish and the simple creed of the church. The scripture reading was St. Luke 15:1-10 and Hebrews 11:1-12. As mý-embership increased in- the ehurch a grea t deal1 of thought was given to the writing down of the Apostles' Creed. It begins 1 believe in God the Father Almighty Maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, etc. However ma ny of us were puzzled by "I believe in the Holy Catholic Church ". Now the, word catholic simply means uni- versai or a church fitted to include alI mankind 50 we have the Roman Catholic Church, the Greek Orthodox Catholic Church and the Protestant Catholic Church, three branches of God's church fitted to include A mankind. The next confusing state- mient Mr. Sm ith said was, "I believe in the Communion of Saints". Now he said that the members of the early church were referred to as saints. That is Christians who were trying to do good. Last week 1 referred to the Edomites Kendal1 News Some 57 enthusiastic women registered in a day- long seminar at Durham College were toid to become more involved in poitics to gain political and economic Oirono Electric Herb & Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTI NG ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances T.V. - COLOIJR T.V. RADIO -H I-Fi WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROHOME Guaranteed Soi-vice clout in their community and country. The seminar was a political development semii- nar for women. The audience was told that women fear other women because it undelines their position. Women. also do not like to be associated with the feminist movement because their husbands might not like it. Laura Sabla was the guest speaker at the seminar fol- lowed by Anne Johnson, chairman of the regionai Municipality of Hamilton- Wentworth, Olive Ritchie, from the council on the Status of Women and Carol Rudeli, Scarborough alderman. From the local area Norah Geraghty, a member of Pickering council and Marg- ar-et Shaw and Oshawa alder- man also spoke at the meeting. MeVij ~ Floral Creations "FLOWERSWITH FEELINGS" FOR AN Y OCCASION FRESH & DRIED FLOWER ARRANGE MENTS for WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, HOSPITAL AND HOME Telephone 623-3377 162 Kin g St. East B0W ma nville *DXSERVICE STATION Highway 35&1 i5, just nortl'of Newcastle Featuring: j Premium Quaity Products At the Most Reasonable pricesI î Stove Oil &* Diese Oii Available in any quantityI * Phone 987-4215 I *We have a complete lune of* *POP-C ITY Soft Drinks. Save byI ibuying these a case at a time. Orono Fuel & Lumber Ltd. Lumnber & Building Supplies - Fuel Oil - 011 Furnaces 983-9167Station St. & Hwy. i115, Orono being the descendants of Esau the brother of Jacob. Esau was misprinted. The Sunday School sang an an- themn. Now is the time to start the children to Sunday School. Several orangemnen from Kendal attended the memn- orial service in Bowmanville on Thursday evening, Sept- emiber 14 for Mr. Archie Lunn whose funeral was September 15, 1978. He was a brother-in- law of Mr. James Hoy of Kendal. The couples club enjoyed their trip to Elmira and other points. The weather was ideal. Dave's Plumbing Heating ElIectric Industrial - Commercial 786-2471 R.R. 1 Orono 983-9167