Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, October 4th, 1978-3 Blame com munication problems with town The Bowmanville Museum Committee. in a letter, to council stated that a lack of communication with the council was causing budget- ary problems for the commit- tee and that the committee was experiencing difficulty in developing plans for the future. Counc. Taylor pointed out- that there certainly was a lack of communication but not with council. He pointed out that council deait with the Town of Newcastle Museum Board and flot with commit- tees of the board. He stated that- council had set the museum budget for the year and that the board was so notified. "We don't deal with the individual committees", he said.- Counc. Woodyard said it appeared that there was a Grand prix race goes to Montreal Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vagg celebrated their fortieth anni- versary on October 1, 1978 at a dinner party -with their family, held at the Coach and Four Restaurant. t is now final that the Canadian Grand Prix Auto race will be held in Montreal this year on October tb. For a six year period the race was held at Mosport north of Leskard in the Town of Newcastle. Fred and Thelma were married on October lst, 1938 in Lansdowne, Ontario. Bill Clarke-for regional position Bill Clarke, 57, a Newton- ville area resident, has dec- lared himself a candidate in the forthcoming municipal elections to be held November l3th. Mr. Clarke will be seeking the regional seat on council in Ward 3. In speaking with the Times he said the position required the capacîty for hard, work and the capabilities to cope with the complexities of a modemn municipal system. 11e also said there was a need for new blood in council of men not necessarily exper- ienced in council affairs but experienced in life. H1e said the position would be a full-ime job for him.' H1e also cails for a closeness to the community and its people and said, "I think it is My turn". MIr. Clarke points out he has a resident of the Region for 25 years and is presenitly a member of the Town of St. Savîours ANGL.ICAN CI4URCH Orono, Ontario Regular Sundaiy Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. Rev. Allan Haldenby B.A. L.Th. *m0mmm m m pls IO MAN Te.,O I. 8-50 Newcastle Committee of Ad- justment. He is vice-president of the Royal Caniadian Leg- ion, Bowmanville Branch and chairman of the Durham Region St. John's Ambulance association. Clarke is a mnember of the Advisory Board of St. George's Church and was recently appointed to , the Onta rio Council of Colleges by order in council. H1e is a fraternal charter member of the Parkwood Masonic Lodge and was employed for 25 years as a teacher for the Durham Board of Education. MNr. Clarke said he also favours a better deal for seniors and would like to see the downtown areas of Orono and Newcastle Village spru- ced up. H1e said such changes are long overdue in both areas. UN iTED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister *Rev.B.E.Long B.Th. Organ sfand 4 Choir Director David Gray Sunday, October 8, 1978 ORONO UNITEDà CHURCH Sunday Church School 10 a.m. Morning Worship Il: 15 a.m. ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Sunday, Oct. 15 11: 15 a. m. Guest Speaker Dr. Victor Levan - Minister of Personnel of the Bay of Quinte Conference. KIRBY UNITED CHURCHI Moring Worship 9:45 a. m. Sunday Church School 9:45 Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 La batts Ltd. had made final arrangements to hold the meet in Montreal. Mosport had asked the Ontario Sup- remne Court to issue an injunction to stop the race being moved to Quebec. This was refused by the Ontario O.P.P. Iooking to identify body At approximately 1600 hours in the afternoon of Thursday, Sept. 28, 1978 a St. Sault Marie hunter, Mr. Guiseppe Giosa, found a decomposed human body in a shallow rock grave to the edge of McGowan Lake Road. some 15 miles south of White River, Ontario. The body is that of a maie white, 20 to 25 years of age, 5'10" to 6' living weight estimated at 150 to 165 lbs., blond wavy hair eut above shoulder, 2" in length. Cloth- ing described as follows: blue corduroy jacket shirt, white T-shirt, blue jeans, no belt, black socks, brown cowboy boots with holes in sole, design sticking on sides. The deceased had been shot- at least 3 times; once to the head and 2 shots to the upper body. Exrays further disclose that the deceased victim at some earlier time had a mylogram indicating prior back problems. Any information concern- inig the identification of this body, please contact any O.P.P. detachment or your local police department. lack of communication bet- ween the board and its committees. H1e also pointed out that the chairman of the museumn board had resigned and that the board was having difficulty in getting a quorum for a meeting. He said the l.-t two meetings had to be postponed due to no quorum. Mayor Riekard stated that the Town had flot received any notification of the chair- man resigning. Counc. Dykstra moved that the matter be turned over to the Town manager to clarify and to present council with a list of names to fi any vacancy which may have arisen. Supremne Court. It has been reportedt that Mr. Justice Jean Marc La- brosse had rui.ed that Mosport had delayed too long in going to court and that an injunction at this time would do un- reasonable harm to the spon- sors. L abatt's Ltd.' have spent more than $3.2 million on a new track on Ile Notre-Dame and committed a further $640,0O for other expenses in connection with the Grand Prix race. Consideration had been given to hold the race in the City of Toronto but neither City council or Me tro council would give the green light for the event in the 'city. Local groups were also organizing against the event being held in the C.N.E. park area. Film Processing CUSTOM FRAMING Cameras and Photographic Supplies 78 King St. W. BOWMANVILLE 623-2404 * Autumn Attractionsi * Shoes by Tender Tootsie (Territ ic I * Tie) at hait price this week. I Regular $14.00 for.......... $7.00 * We have new books of Iatest I ,~ a-terns and styles in knitting and i crocheting. M There are several pillow cases to choose f romn this week. PIaip for doing your own thing * 4\...at..................... $4.95 *--Floral for those Bridai showers a at........... ........... $3.00 *Boxed, for gift giving at .... $4.50 I Quiit batts of Tyrrelene, regular I priced at$9.35seiiing for .... $8.00 I Stiii clearing ,out our Haugh's I * work pants, shirts, coverails and I * Iackets. Armstrongs Jia nm m~m u m mmimm mm mm ueâMmm D Fortieth Annivers ary