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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Oct 1978, p. 10

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io-Orono Weekly Tmes, Wednesday, October lltli,1978 Now by great marshes wrap- ped in mist, Or past some river's mouth, Throughout the long stili autunin days Wild birds are flying south. Wilfred Campbell. Last week the weather was very pleasant with some large fiocks of wiid geese going south before Saturday wben it rained ail morning then slackened off after dinner. The contents of Mrs. Wmn. Mercer's bouse were sold on Saturday afternoon. On October 15th twenty- f our years ago hurricane Hazel it Toronto and the surrounding area. Eigbty- tbree people iost their lives. Tbrity-eight familles on Ray- more Drive were swept away by tbe Humber River when it became biocked by trees and brush and carved out a new course down Raymore Drive. Tbe week previous had been the pioughing match at Kit- chener and it rained every day but Tbursday so the groî.md was saturated. Then on Friday seven inches of ramn felon Brampton. Three and a hall inches fell on Toronto in twelve bours October 15tb. In Kendai October 15, 1954 SPECIAL Ail the FIsh and Chips you cari eat, $2.1(1 Tuesdays and Wednes- days. MOM'S KITCHEN Main St., Orone 983-5310 BYAMS PLUMBINO - HEATING Sales and Service 24HOUR BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low lnterest Rates Phone: (ui1) Tyrone 263-2650 Auction Service Farm & Estate Sales Furniture Modern and Antique NORM FAULKCNER Stouffville 640-5691 EARL GAUSLIN Stouffville 640,3079 Harnmltons Insurance Service Susan M. Sawyer Off ice 983-5115 Home 983-5270 Main St., Orono we ladies were serving a banquet to tbe Kendal Cubs baseDail teani who had won the cbampionsbip. Ail iigbts went out just as the banquet was ready so tbey went to Mr. Art Low's for gasoline ian- terns. The wind was s0 terrifie that it roeked tbe cars as tbhey sat on tbe cement near the Kendal Cbureb. Mr. Tom Steven's barn was biown down, and bundreds of big tress in the woods were biown down or broken off baif way up tbe trunks. Mr. Harper Carscadden's sale was the' next day, Saturday Oct. 16ý 1954. On Sunday a nuinber fromn Kendal attended Sbilob Anni- versary and beard Rev. E. Scbamerborn of St. Paul's United Cbureb, Bowmanvîlle and a musical group froni Welcome, who gave several numbers on their instruments and sang. Next Sunday is Kendai Anniversary at 2:30 p.m. Rev. Dr. Frank Fidier B.S.c.,B.D.,DD., of Toronto wili be the guest speaker and the Anniversary Cboir of the cbarge wili iead tbe singing. A social tme wiii follow the service. Let us make a joyfui noice unto the Lord Oct. 22nd at 2:30 p.m. On Tuesday evening, Oct. ltb about ridnight, Mrs. Art Low smeiied smoke. It was coming froni tbe room they use as a iaundry room. Tbe fîre brigade of Orono was calied and were there in ten minutes. They put tbe fîre out but tbere is smoke and water damage to tbat room, of course. Tbey believe it was caused by the dryer althougb it was flot in operation. Tbe f ire brigade deserve coni- mendation for tbeir speed. The experts tell us potatoes do flot make you fat. It's tbe butter or gravy you put on them that puts on the pounds. Potatoes are one of our cheapest foods, buy theni by tbe bushel from tbe growers now, at rock bottom prices. Tben boil tbem or roast tbem. Boil tbem for ten minutes tben put tbem in tbe oven and roast tbem. Make a eut in tbe bot roasted potato and put a piece of cheddar cbeese in it on eaeb plate, aiways leave tbe skins on. Last year we bougbt six busbel from Mr. Reg Eliiott and neyer had one bad potato. Tbe iast ones were as firm and good as tbe first. Kendal United Cbureb baz- aar wiii be Wednesday after- noon, Nov. 8tb. One wonders wben tbe educationai system is going to do sometbing about 'the spel- iing of words like eightb. How fooiish wben "El" says "a", "ýgb" says notbing, it is sulent. Wby waste eiidren's timne learning sulent letters. One boy was namied "Stephen". Was it any wonder the lads teased hlm and ealied hlmi Step hlen? Th'len there is "Phiarm-acyý Avenue". One m-an spient ail itternoon looking for a street beginning wiîth "F", so the omlpanyý fired hlm. Hle waSjIliteratie buit had m--anaged tili lie tried( to fînd that Street. ADULT The Little Royal Book by Miebele Brown (photo- grapbs and a brief bio- grapby on members of tbe Royal Family) Cannibals and Kings by Marvin Harris (the origin of cultures) Big Faling Snow by Albert Yava (a Tewa-Hopi Ind- ian's life and times, and the istory of bis people) The Wild Frontier bv Pierre Berton (more taies fromn tbe remarkabie past) The Kiiiing in tbe Market by John Bail (niurder in the stock excbange) Prelude to Terror by Helen MacInnes (autbor's iatest novel) Tbe Sting of Deatb by Jessica Mann (a classic wbo-dun-it) Nielsen's Ciidren by James Brady (a look at tbe manipulations bebînd tbe television industry, a good novel) JUNIOR Travolta by Michael Reeves (a photo-biography) DIANNE JOR DAN ROGER QUICK AND THE RAINBOWS TICKETS ON SALE AT MINNIE PEARL Kendal1 News, $,UETY FIEl '...on the Farm::. TOM T. HALL RONNIE McDOWELL RAY PILLOW JIMANOJESSIE THE STONEMANS JIMMY C. NEWMAN MIKE GRAHAM EMCEE: GRANT TURNER (33 year opry emcee) Don't miss this chance of a lifetime to witniess the Grand OIe Opry Show in person, performed by approximateîy 45 stars and musicians for 31/2 sol id country music hours. WRITE FOR TICKETS Tickets: $6, $8,1$10. Peterborough Memorial Arena PETERBOROUGH, ONT. SEND CHEQUE OR MONEY ORDER The lllustrated Elvis by W.A. Harbinson Lobo, tbe Timber Wolf, Teq- uila tbe African Elephant, and Bruni tbe Siberian Tiger by J. Ross (pboto- grapbs and story about animais in tbe Metro Tor- onto Zoo) Tbe Star Wars Storybook by G. Riclielson New paperbacks EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS Charlie tbe Tramp by Russeli Hoban (story of a beaver) Wagon Wbeels by Barbara Brenner (a pioneer story for tbe beginning reader) Tbe Selfisb Giant by Oscar Wilde (beautiful illu~s- trations) Madeleine Hadiey. Country Music Promotions presents SHOW IN, CANAD»A Special Guests RED SOVINE JEANNE PRUETT SATU RDAY, OCTOBE R 28 Two shows -2 p.m. and 8p.m. ORONO ELECTRIC LTD

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