-Orono WVeekly Times, WNediiesday, October 18th, 1978 Hlydro monies now allocated The penny sale at any bazaar is always held with interest as people determine wabt is their choice of item in U Our Fireplaces DO NOT Smoke OXFOR * rclyr - inna-osLd * RNO ONAIIHN9350 Super Kem-Tone Easy-to-apply latex dries to a flat finish in minutes. One coat covers most surfaces. Great t ir living room, bedroom and aining room. Painting tools rinse clean in water. Choice of 1 000 Fashion Right colors. Kem-Namel This latex enamel applies easily, dries quickly to a tough, washable finish. Perfect for woodworK, kitchen, bathroom and playroom. Soap and water cleans-up painting tools Choice of 1,000 Fashion Right colors. Arena start-up funds approved The council of the Town of Newcastle gave their starnp of approval to a loan of $2,000.00 to tbe Newcastle Village arena to be used as a start-up fund to cover the initial day to day operational costs of the arena. Counc. Gray, a member of tbe Newcastle arena board, pointed out tbat to date al costs of operation had been covered but if the boan was not granted tbat the doors of the arena would have tn be closed. He saîd that the salaries of one full-time operator and that of six part-time workers bad been paid to date. Gray pointed out that the plight of the arena was only temporary until a cash flow started with the ful operation of the arena. He said lie felt the arena would operate in the black this year. The Town treasurer pointed out that the arena had to pay its expenses from program fees and ice rental time. ROLPH DOMINION HARDWARE ORONO, ONT. 983-5207 A report to the finane committee by K. DeGroot outlined the distribution of funds derived from Hydro agreement with the Town as well as the distribution of funds obtained by the Town through the sale of land to Ontario Hydro for the Dar- lington Generating Station. The report revealed that Ontario Hydro lias paid an amount of $376,328.00 for the purchase of road allowances f rom the Town in the area of the generating station. 0f this amnount $260,000 bas been directed to the works depart- ment, $35,000 for the con- struction of the new Courtice fire hail; $75,000 for the purchase of the Courtice School for a Courtice library and $49,000 for engineering costs related to the two new arenas at Orono and Newcas- tle Village. A f urther amount of $40,095. Once again the hunting season is here. The Ontario Provincial Pol- ice Force reminds you that there are several basic gun- handling rules. Hunting accidents dlaim about 125 lives eacb year, usually because the most simple rules have been bro- ken. What can you do? Neyer consume alcohol be- f ore or during a hunt. Knowý, the identifying features of the game you intend to hunt. Neyer shoot in the direction of buildings or livestock. You cannot depend on the common sense of the hunter beside you - wear bright orange. The handling of firearms requires great care. Always handle a gun as if it were loaded. Bird banding walk The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Autbority will be conducting a bird banding walk for the, general public on Thursday, October 19, 1978. The walk wilI visit the Lynde Shores Conservation Area and participants will have the opportunity to ob- serve and learn abou tlthe. Toronto Bird Observatory's Saw Whet Owl banding pro- ject which will be in operation on that evening. The walk will leave froni the central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority's of- fice (1650 Dundas Street East, Whitby> at 6:30 p.m. on the above date. received for compensation for other Tw property in the station area has been allocat- ed to help offset the cost to the works building extension in Hamp ton. Ontario Hydro bas also paid a sum of $429,908 for improve- ments to the South Service road to their property. Througb agreement with Hydro a sum of $80,000 lias been provided by Hydro for reviewing and assessing the impact and establishing a growtb management pro- gram. 0f this amount $45,370.14 has aIready been paid out by the Town of Newcastle. A further amount of $300,000 bas beenf established on a yearly basis of $50,000 for the Impact Monitoring pro- gram. 0f tbe $50,000 close to $22,000 has already been spent this year for the monitoring program. Neyer climb a tree or fence with a loaded firearm. Always carry your gun $0 that you can control the direct- ion of the muzzle. Unattended firearms shouli always -be unloaded. Few hunting deaths are accidents - they are usually caused by negligence. Don't be at either end of an "accident", use commnon sense measures and enjoy a safe huntine triD. WE TE I/A WtOA/N6 MOO bYE W/'# 4///M(NC ' WE%>IE 011rO /'E 1 0. Chatterton Electrical Contracting Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario Major& ,Minor Repa irs BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC - ENGIN ES REBU ILT -VALVE JOBS -FRONT ENDS MANGER'S' GARAGE ORONO 983-ç'130 Hunters -, safety