Cou nci 1 Brief s APPROVE EXTENTION 0F CHURCHILL AVENUE IN ORONO Council gave approval for the extension of Churchill Avenue in Orono to the east for a distance of seventy feet. The extension is to be carried by abutting owners and to standards exceptable te the Town of Newcastle. With the extension being made the town wiil issue a building permit providing ail other conditions are met. TWO MEMBERS 0F COUNCIL ADDED TO HALL BOARD IN ORONO Monday afternoon Mayor Garnet Rickard added the appointments of Cones. Woodyard and Gray to, the Orono Town Hall Board of Management. Previously Mr, and Mrs. Ron Hadley, Larry Pooler, Sterling Mather and Caries Tamblyn were appein- ted to the board. Mayor Rickard said he had another name to add te the board which had been overlooked. The name was flot submitted at council. TRAFFIC LIGHTS TO BE INSTALLED IN 1979 In correspundence at the recent council meeting a letter from Mr. Sam Cureatz which referred to a letter from James Snow, Minister of Transportation and Commun- ications outlined that new traffic lights would be instaîl- ed on Highway 115-35 at the, 3rd uine of Clarke. The lights are to be included in a pregram of works during 1979 in conjunctien with some other improvement work to be carried out in the area. ELDORADO PROPOSAL REFERRED BY COUNCIL Council was about to pass a two-part proposai concerning Eldorado Nuclear Ltd. when Counc. Dykstra said he could not support the second part of the proposai. Council did pass approvai that representation be made to the Atomie Control Energy Board re- questing that Eldorado be required to submit plans for the decommissioning of the Port Granby Waste Disposai Site. The second part of the recommendation wouid have given support for the ioeating of the proposed refinery ini Hope Township conditional upon the impiementation of the decomnxissioning of the Port Granby dump and that no long term waste disposai site be permitted anywhere in the a rea. Counc. Dykstra said he could flot support the second part of the recommendation and was concerned of the interim storage at the pro- posed Hope Township site which could be for a period of ten years. He said the short term must be considered especially when it was on the Bits and Pieces TO BRING EQUITV TO TAXATrION IN NEWCASTLE t has been reporte'i that equality of taxation is Lo exist throughout the Town of New- castle in coming taxv the refinery for Hope Town- ship when in fact council has submnitted three sites for the refînery in the Town of Newcastle. He said council bad no correspondence fromn the Ministry of _Energy re- gardmng the three sites and until council dîd they were acting irresponsibie. A motion was passed. that the recommendation be refer- red until such time as they had correspondence with the Minister of Energy. you should know what Ontario is doing to help you recognize the few that are not. Teaching people to improve themn- selves is big business these days. While such courses and techniques can have a positive influence on your social life and well-being they can also be used to cheat and exploit. SeIf-improvement courses involving long periods of time and large amounts of money should include a contract for you to sign. Ideally, the contract is to protect you by setting out the exact money to be paid and the services to be provided. So before signing a contract make sure your interests are protected. Beware the Dream Merchant! Your Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations has published an easy- Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, october 25th, 19784 LEADLERSHIP is not a one-man showj 1979. The Ministry is providing equaiizing assessments for residential 'properties which ha', ýc 'een sought both by the Town of Newcastle and rate- payers of the Town., It has been reportad that the overali reEidential tax percentage is flot to chnage in comparison wîth other forms or classes of taxations. Ad- justments will be made en- tireiy within the residential assessments throughout the town. t has been reported that it is feit that residential taxes in Clarke r.ay drop some while at the same time a more uniform structure is to exîst within each ward of the municipality. Bob Dykstra'*s- experience as Reeve of Bowman ville and as a Regionàl Councillor has shown him that progress cornes from unity and mutual respect amongst elected officiais. 'For instance, in order to accomplish anything on equity of taxes, to ýmake things more equitable for ail concerned, takes teamwork, flot a one-man show. Anyone who tries to take ail the credit is misleading his constituents., As Mayor of the Town of Newcastle, 1 wiIi use leadership and guidance to get things done.,' For answers to your questions phone eu to-understand information bulletin which: * describes some of the dishonest schemes; * tefls you how to recognize them; * advises what your rights are under The Business Practices Act and The Consumer Protection Act; sign; *gives advice on how to deal with payments for self -improvement and mail order offers. For your free bulletin, entitled "Beware the Dreamn Merchant Who Promnises a New You" write to: -Consumer Information Centre Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations 555 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario M7A 2H6 Frank Drea, Commercial Relations If William Davis, Premier Province of Ontario EXCHEQUER TRUST 1O'/4%*o Rates subject to change without notice GUARANTEED FOR 5YEARS. Guaranteed Investment Certificates with interest paid annually. ($1,000 minimum investment) Cali us for rates on monthly, semi-annual terme 1,2,3,4 and 5 years available. HEAD OFFICE 120 Adelaide St. W., Suite 916 Toronto, Ontarlo. Telephone (416) 869-1470 Agents Welcomed ATTN: ANGELA WINGSON (Miss> Manager, G.I.C. Dept. MEMBER CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Most pers onal self -improvemient courses are legitimate, but... MAYOR of the Town of Newcastle BOB DYKSTRA wiII tead a team of united elected off iciaIs