Orono WeekIy. Times, Wednesday. November Ist, 1978-7 Orono U.C.W., general meeting Orono U.C.W. General Meeting was held in the Main Hall at Orono United Church on Thursday evening, Oct. l19th with a good attendance. Vice-President Mrs. Lois Brown welcomed everyone then opened the meeting by reading a poemn entitled, "Smile". Mrs. G. Carson introduced the special guest, Mr. Phîlip Long of Oshawa, wvho came to show pictures of his travels to Europe. Views from, the plane were of cloud formations and ground areas. The first city on the itinerary was Amster- dam, Holland where the various scenes included an organ grinder - open market where are sold flowers, olives, oranges, cheeses, plants, brass and copper, etc. There are canais ail over Amsterdam with ail kinds of boats travelling there. In Germany, the city of Coblenz bas many churches and beaches in the area. Travel- ing up the Rhine River are seen many castles, lovely ofld hotels and vineyards. Other cities in Germany visited were Heidelberg and Munich. In Switzerland, around the areas of Lucerne and Basil, the scenery was most pic- turesque with mnountains everywhere. High Alpine vil- lages were reached by cable car. In Austria, Vienna and Selzburg (where the Sound of Music movie was filmed) were most interesting. On the return trip to The Hague in Holland, the group travelled through Belgîum and France. Some scenes in Paris were of the Eiffel Tower, River Sei-ne and the Arc de Triumphe. Mr. Long's commentary, as the views were portrayed on the screen, was very interest- ing and informative. On behaîf of everyone present, Mrs. C. Taylor gratefully thanked the speaker for sharing his travelogue. An excellent Devotional on "Prayer" was given by ladies of Unit 1 - opening withlMrs. G. Carson's solo, "Sweet Hour of Prayer", with Mrs. W. Wannan as pianist. The Mleditation was written by Miss Stella Coombes from Barbados in the Caribbean, Mrs. R. Hancock gave the opening prayer, followed by scripture from 1 Tim. 2, 1-7 read by Mrs. E. Carleton. Three verses from Hymn 394, "Happy the Home" were sung by everyone. Mrs. F. Lycett read what Miss Coombes had to say about prayer. She finds it helpful to look at the hands for what can be learned from themf. The thumb is far away from the other fingers. We, can.pray, for those people far away from us. The index finger reminds us of people who are pointers - teachers, leaders etc. showing us the way to heaven or leading us. They need our prayers. The long Middle finger represents thosé in authority. Heads of government and others in prominent positions need our prayers. Looking at the third finger, we think of weaker psns-those who are iii or weak spiritually need our prayers. The littie finger. represents the young or those who are kept down or consider themselves of littie importance. Such a method helps us pray for a host of people. In unison, everyone repeat- ed slowly, The Lord's Prayer. Continuing the Devotional, Mrs. Wannan, Mrs. C. Baird, Mrs. R. Hlancock and Mrs. B. Touchburn, each in turn, reviewed the petitions in the Lord's Prayer, and each explained that we sbould understand what our relat- ionships should be, in becomh- ing part of God's great purpose. We should be willing to say, "Not my will, but Thine be done". In ail the demands and clashes of wills, which enguif us, we may turn to lm as our sure bulwark. Offering, was received and dedicated with prayer. Sing- ing two verses of Hymn 388, "O Master, .Let Me Walk With Thee", losed the Devotional. Business was conducted and reports given. A deliclous lunch was served by ladies of Unit 2. Clarke Public LUBRAFRY PHON E 983-5507 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 2:00 to 8:00 p.m. Saturday 10:0010 5:00 p.m. Orono, Ontario Vote ALFA Regional Council Equal taxes throu'ghout the Town Bring the three wards together Unite Town of Newcastle PHON E 987-4567 ELECT ALF GRAY X November 131, 1978