On Monday, November lSth Ward three voters wilI make their choice for one local councillor out of two candi KEITH BARR dates seelung the post on the Town of Newcastle council. Those seeking office are Keith Barr, local business-. Keith Barr at the Newcastle Village meeting said he was offering bis time and services to those in Ward three as the mnember of local council. He pointed out that he had beený involved in community work, to a great degree, over the past'years in the Village of Newcastle. I arn an active and interest- ed citizen of this community,, Ward three and I ask for your support in the coning elect- ion. "I will work at the best of my ability for everyone," he said. man in the Village of New- castle and Larry Pooler, self-ernployed resident of Orono. LARRY POOLER One to be elected for council Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday. November Mbh, 19789 Press told to put, na me on bal1lot Larry Pooler said he bad the time, being self-employ- ed, to represent those in Ward three on Newcastle couneil He said he would lice to see mûre involvement in the various committees of the Town by such organizations as the Lions, JCs and other such organizations. He said couneil should flot have to wait for these organizations to corne to them but they be part of the comrnittee system. As a council member Pooler said he would like to hear from the citizens bec- ause it was tbrough this communication that council knew what the citizens want- ted. 1 will stand up for the people of Ward three, he said but also be concerned with the whole of the Town of Newcastle. The Oshawa Times did have two articles regarding the salary increases as well as an editorial which was entitled, "Why is the mayor being so secretîve?" A report was received by council on Monday night from the Town Manager, A. Guiler in which he said there was no attempt to deceive the publie over the salary increases in 1977. The Town's solicitor did recommend a by-law be passed to ratify and confirm the actions taken by council through the resolution and this was given three readings Monday night. A Joe e o- e - s - - i e - e - - e oe e e W3 ni -ee* e- - e e - e e Nu ; Mayor Garnet Rickard' EXPERIENCE and PRO VEN LEADERSHIP f ive years Mayor, Town of Newcastle. -ex-officlo member of ail standling committees on counicil, Library Board and Hydro Commissions. -Vice-Chairman of Regional Executive Committee. *Chairman of Regional Public Works Committes. -Member of the Board of Directors, - Association of Municipalities -of Ontario. *Knowledgeable of Provincial and local governmental departnients. -Lifelong resident and thoroughly familiar with a Il areas of the Municipality, of Newcastle. *Past Warden of United Counties of Northumberland-Durham. *Past Reeve of Darlington Township. Past Chairman of South Darlington School Area Board. GOAL: Responsible Government. *Effective Planning. *Balanced Growth. *Fair Taxes. Traffic Control and Police Protection. *Regional Government Review. e . .. .....f - Î, * o - s - .42, Ken Hooper of Bowman-% ville on Monday night addres- sed couneil referring to arti- cles appearing in a news- paper (Oshawa Times) re- garding the legality of council salary increases for 1977 and 1978. He said hie agreed that perhaps a slip had been made by couneil in the procedure but he could not support the' action of the press-, Hooper asked why this had been held to appear just before the election? "This is nothing more than a paid political announcement," he said. "If the news media has got so much to say why do they not then put their names on the ballot". x,'-