Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 8th. 1978-15 Monuments *and Family Memoria Is Our quality and service leaves nothing to be desired Ask the person who bought f rom us, a neigh- bour, friend or relative The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street, PORT HOPE Phono Collect V.W. RUTTER Off ice 885-5216 Home885-5522 Phone 416-623-3393 For prompt, courteous officient service when buylng or selling and for the largest selection of properties in the area. CONTACT ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVES Ron Hurst 983-5131 William Turansky (Kendal) 983-5420 Christa Winterhelt 983-5465 Charlie Reid 983-5914 John Pritcha rd 705-944-5519 Dianne Farquhar 983-9685 Paf Yeo 983-5725 W. Frank Real Estate Limited 234 King SC. E. 8OWMANVILLE 623-3393 '4I M l%.\NTEI) FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY REPAIRS Steve-s Furniture Shop Furniture Refinishing Dining sets to, occasional pieces Yes, we do re-upholstery Fabric Samples Free Estimates STEVE JOHNSON R.R., Orono 983-9630 WORK WANTED Ear piercing service. Phone 623-5747 for appoint- mient and information. Hoopers Jewellers Ltd. WORK WANTED Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Siding - Soffit - Fasia Trough - Shutters Windows - Doors - Awnings 623-4398 For Free Estimiates No,À, Handing Vinyl .1Siding. %%(R KWIANTED Ctom Fencung and custom] chain-sawing Orono, Ont. F. R. Tennant Fuels Lt. Phone 983-5693 Ail Season 's Holiday Sales & Rental Buy or Rent Motor Homes 20', 23', 26' Truck Campers Horse Trailers Special Winter Rates 983-5821 FOR SALE NOTICE Portable, washer-spini dry. BIBLE READERS! by Inglis, $10000. Excellent For a 12 subject examinat- condition. Contact K. West, ion of Jehovah's Witness 983-5154. teaching and the Truth about 8, ap. "God's coming Kingdom". Free. "ASK". Box 6012, Edmonton. 'V5B 4K5. FOR SALE Talisman's Flea Market - Antiques, 30 dealers, lots of parking, free admission. Antiques, stamps, jewel- lery, weaving, pottery, brass, knitting, crafts, refînishing. Open 9 a.m. to, 6 p.m. Saturdays, Sundays and Holi- days. 11/2 miles north of Newcastle fromn No.2. Phone 987-5021 or 349-2605. 13, tf. Kendal1 News We bave had eleven won- derful days of Indian Summer weatber. An opportunity to get those odd jobs done before winter sets in; like plqughing the garden, repairing eve trougbs, putting on the storm windows, cutting some extra' wood and so on and on. On Sa turday, November 4th the weatber was so fine that most of the Kendal ladies went to tbe Kirby bazaar in the Kirby School. On Sunday morning a l'aptismal service was held., 'rbere was one adult baptism tbat of Mrs. Penny Joyce Runi -ons of Ajax and tbree children. The cbildren were: Sandra Erin Atkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Atkins of, Kendal; Daniel Edward Jos- eph James Flynn, son of Mr. and MIrs. Ronald Flynn of Bowmanville; Marsha Betb Foster, daughter of Mlr. and Mrs. Tom Foster of Camp- bellcroft. We were pleased to hear MVrs. Judy Fonk of Woodstock sing a solo at tbe morning service entitled, "May the good Lord bless and keep you". Rev. A. Tizzard chose -as bis scripture reading Judges 8, 1-9 and bis subject was "Remembrance Day 1978". He announced the U.C.W. bazaar on Wednesday afternoon of this week at 2:30 p.m. in the Cburch Hall at Kendal. On Wednesday evening, November Ist the United Churcb Women met in the Churcb kitchen for their regular montbly meeting witb ten members present. Miss C. Stewart opened the meeting witb a poemn, "If Jesus came to your bouse", and the bymn, "Joyful joyfL we adore Tbee". Mrs. K. Wood gave the devotional beginning witb Psalm 47. "O clap your bands ail ye people". Then she read, 8, ap. FOR SALE Basement sale at the home of Mrs. Gerald Duvaîl, Orono, Ontario. Across from the Durham Farmers Co-op, on Wednesday, November lSth, 1978, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Something old, something new. Reasonable prices. Al proceeds for charitable pur- poses. 8, ac. "Thoughts for the day", followed by the story of the "Praying Hands". Mrs. A. Tizzard sang as a solo, "Don't forget to pray"', accompanied by Mrs. K. Wood. Mrs. Tizzard told us the Korean ministers wili be witb us November 27 from 2-9 p. m. On December 6th we will have our Christmas meeting beginning with a dinner at the home of Mrs. K. Wood at 1 p.m. We will excbange, gifts and also bring.a gif t for someone at Nel Gor Rest Home, Newcast le. The min- utes and financial reports were read. The offering was $2350. Plans were made for the Bazaar on November 8th. Then Miss Stewart read a Remembrance Day Frayer and closed the meeting with hymn 370. Lunch was pro- vided by Mrs.' D. Skerratt. Mrs. E. Foster went home with ber daughter Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fonk and family to Woodstock on Sunday after- noon. Up and Down the Book Stacks ADULT Help! This animal is driving me crazy by Daniel Tortera (solutions to that "neu- rotic" dog you own) Medical and Health Annual 1978 by D. Benson Pregnant and Alone by Anne Ross (an up to date look at urLwanted pregnancy) The Hoffa Wars by Dan Moldea (Teamsters, rebels and the mob) The Ninth Configuration by William Blatty (author of the Exorcist) The Goering Testament by George Markstein (an out of work reporter finds bis if e tbreatened by bis know- ledge of the Goering testa- ment) Sand Dollars by Robert Terral(an accountant on tbe run from the Mafia in a. Caribbean paradise. Enter- taining yarn) JUNIOR All about UFO's by T. Wilding-White The Story of Computers by Roger Piper Dorothy Hamnill by S. Bur- cbard Cbloris and the Freaks by Kim Platt Madeleine IHadley COMING EVENTS Kinsmen Bingo, November 4lth,7::30 p.m., Orono Town Hall. Heid every other Tues- day nighit. Jacpot $30000. 8, tf. COMING EVENTS Heather Social Club Bazaar and Tea, Saturdavy, De 9 nd in the I.O.O.F. Co Hall. Plan to att annual event. COMING EVE] Leskard Christma Saturday, Novemb 1978 at 2 p.m. Cr Novelites, alI ha home baking, afteri at Leskard Church. FOR SALE Srch Pads, assorted zsndcolo(urs. Aiso Tele- rilore Mesage ads. <Irno eeky 'imes, 93 CARD 0F THA,'NKS Kirby U.C.W. wishes to thank ail for their donations and help at the bazaar on November 4th. The lucky draw was won by Mrs. Ona Miller, Orono. Thanks for coming and making it a big, success. 8, ap. )mmunity CARD 0F THANKS ornuntyHOLLINGSWORTH - The tend this family of the late Annie 181,a.Hollingsworth, Orono, Ont- 185,a.ario, wishes to express their thanks and appreciation to al friends and relatives for their ,NTS floral tributes. cards, donat- .s Bazaar, ions and expressions of sym- ber 25th, patby. rafts and Special tbanks to the Morris nd-made, Funeral Home, Bowmanville noon tea, and Rev. Basil Long, Orono. Hall. Your kindness, will always 8, ac. be remembered. Phyllis, Viola, Ada, COMING EVENTS Orono and Area Chamber of Commerce, Kirby-Kendal Parent Teachers Action Group, and Orono Home and School, Candidates Forum, November 8th, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. at Orono Public Scbool. 1,8, ac. COMING EVEN'rS Friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs.,Gordon Martin are invited to attend our Open H-ouse on the occasion of their Sth Wedding Anniversary to be held on November l8tb, 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. at Trinity United Cburch, Bowmanville. Best wisbes only. 8, ac. COMING EVENTS Tbe Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen and Kinettes cord- ially invite all Senior Citizens to an afternoon of musical entertainment on Sunday, Nov. l9th from 2-4 p.m. at the Orono United Churcb Hall. Refreshments and door prizes. 8, 15, ac. Violet andi Armond. DEATU ROSE - Alice G. on Thursday, November 2nd, 1978 la ber 95th year. Daughter of the late Jobn S. Rose. Dear sister of Albert and the late Elva Hobbs. Funeral Service was beld on Saturday at 10 a.m. November 4th, 1978 at Jerrett Wilowdale Chapel. Interment Orono Cemetery. 8, ac. Don't Leave h te chance Bc sure your home is truly protected by a good policy Cali us now Milison Insurance .Agency Office: Corner of Church and Cobbledick Street 983-i032 aso fresh sweet cider. The finest apples, grapes and pears in the area are here at MAKET 1 mile south Hwy. 1 1 5 of Oronol TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOH N MAN U EL, C.G.A. INCOME TAX AND RELATEDACCOUNTING SERVICES 67 KING ST. EAST, SUITE 2 BOWMANVIL.LE, ONTARIO. LlC MN 1