Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 8th, 19785 NeI.wcastle needs 'Bob Dykstra It's as simple as that. Once al the campaigning is over, ail the speeches made, the Mayoralty race in the Town.of Newcastle boils down to iust one thing. We need Bob Dykstra to provide the strong, united leadership we have been lacking in the past. Bob Dykstra knows what it will take to lead Newcastle into the 1980s and he is prepared to give everything he's got to help us ail reach the potential our town is capable of! The Dykstra Record. Councillor, Municipality of Bow- manville, 1968-69 Reeve, Municipality of, Bow- manville, 1910-71-72 Councillor, Regional Municipality of Durham, 1977-78 Member, Bowmanville Planning Board for f ive years Chairman, Newcastle Planning andi Development Committee Member, Durham Region Planning and Development Commitfee The Dykstra Platform: A strong, uni.ted Town council M ore industrial growt'h to provide more jobs Planned commercial development A co-ordinated approach to housing growth Adequate housing f or our senior citizens An equi1table tax systemn for al E L ECT BO B DY KST RA MAYOR 0 F N EWCAST LE NOV. 13 I For Information or Transportation: 623-2303 or 623-2304