6-Orono Weekly Tinmes, Wednesday, November th, 1978 No agrwoeemý1ent with Agricultural Society A proposai to purchase a smnall parcel of land south of the arena for $4,000 also ran into problems. The land w'ouid be used as an extension to the parking lot. Counc. Woodyard said he understood the Durham Cen- trai Agricultural Society would reimburse the Town for the purchase of the land in the amount of $4,000.00. Counc. Holiday asked if the $4,000.00 was in the budget and if council had a written agreement with the agri- cultural Society to pay $4,000. to the town. Coune. Woodyard said there was no written agree- ment, just the good word. Holliday asked for a written agreement and that this matter be discussed at the Thursday imeeting. Coune. Allun asked how much land they were buying to which Mayor Rickard answered the size was flot described but that it was a small parcel. Woodyard said there- were so many committees deaiingi, with the Orono arena that it' was rather enbarrasing and he hoped that the meeting on Thursday could straighten this out. R'r Ibbotson BO0ARDOF EDUCATION 1.The coninued strenigthening of basic skills and core programs in our sehools. 2. Maintaining a fair level of salary for Board employees -while showing concern for the taxpayers. 3. Obtain maximum efficiency from the existing transportation system. Interesting notes about fuelwood Heatirig a home today can be expensive for those who must buy ail their fuel. Supplemrenting your usual fuel with wood can reduce heating costs especialiy in areas where the wood is readily avaiiabie. in Southern Ontario there are many farm woodiots. Those fortunate enough to own one will realize the benefit of having it, as the cost of conventional heating continues to rise. The production of fueiwood from woodlots does not usuai- iy confliit with the demand for wood for other purposes, as carefuiiy pianned fuelwood cuts contribute to good for- estry practices. Hardwood trees make the best fuelwood and very often logging operations provide a good source of manageable materiai in the form of tops Mmmm mmm mmm m mmm*m mummm mmim mmm mmm mu nmmm mmm mm m--mmqM% I W rd3-,Objectives E *ar 3 * - - * uli-time representation for ail theI jTownship of Clarke people 2 *for2 * ful Reresetatin c'Self -determînation for the hamlets * ful Iersntto * Equitable fax base BULLTaxes based on 'services ýreceived ~o mm wPEnd dupli cation in costly services * LANI litK M Solution to Leskard1 problem * syu eina1Cuclo Attraction of industry to outer areas * ' -~,Needed housing for senior citizens or * BaCkgrouind t' ax rebate Teacher - Durham 24 years. Protection of farmlandI Appointed July, 1978 by Order in Council of Lt. Governor to Ontario Council of Colleges. 1 Reconstruction of downtown I Member of Committee of Adjustment, Town of Villages of Newcastle and Orono I * Newcastle. *Presently. Chairman St. John Ambulance, Oshawa *and District. BiIlI Clarke has the capacity for hard work. * Major - Former Second- in-Com mand, Ontario He wilwork for you. * Regiment. ________________ * Graduate Canadian Army Staff College.I Leadership in Scouts and Boys Brigade. __________________ 1 Former Executîve of Camp Samac. Ioeie 3l * Charter Member of Parkwood Lodge, A.F. & A.M.No mbr3tI ILMMMMmmmmmmuMMmmu mmumumu ummmmmmmmmmmmmmimimIâ and euli trees. When burning wood, it is essential to have the wood as dry as possible -to produce ,more heat per pound of fuel, thereby obtaining a higher heat value. Air dried wood contains approximately 20 percent moisture and will yield about 5,800 British Thermal Units (BTUS) per pound. Green wood containing about 60 percent moisture wili yield only 4,100 BTU's per pound. The following describes the best trees for the most. heating value. 'Rock Einuý 32,000,000; Shagbark Hickor$- 30,600,000; White Oak, 30,600,000;1 Bitternut Hickory, 29,200,000; Sugar Maple, 29,000,000; Beech, 27,800,000; Red Oak, 27,300,000; Yellow Birch,' 26,200,000; White Ash, 25,000,000; White Elm, 24,500,000; Red Maple, 24,500,000. D.u't Leave h te Chance Be sure your home is truly protected by a good pelicy 11 Cail us now Milison Insurance .Agency Off ice: Corner of Church and Cobbledick Street 983-5032 NE WTON VILLE WATERWORKS 7Days aWeek Wells, Cisterns, Pool and Lawns Town Water NE WTON VILLE 786-2381 G. Cowlard Bill Clarke of Newtoniiie 1978. The award is for Mlajesty the Queen. Bill being presented with the mneritorious service in the St. Clarke is the Durham Region- Order of St. John at the Fali John Ambulance and is pre- ai Chairman of the St. John Investiture on October 27th, sented on behalf of Her Abulance. i