2-0O-ono Weekly Tiniies. Wednesdav. November 15th. 1978 Orono Weekly Times Letter to Editor ITS ALI. OVER Thle 1978 elections are nou- over.. the electorate have spoken ... and chainge i the imunicipal field in the Town of Newcastle counicil is extensive. Twvo incumnbents in the Board of Education have also lost their seat on the Board. The Newcastle electorate did a repeat of the 1976 elections when only Mayor Rickard and one councillor retuirned to office for thec following two years. Again in this election it is Mayor Riekard and Councillor Holliday to return, other members of council have gone down to defeat in the final tally. The resuits of the Monday election possibly corne about through an undecided electorate. a shuffling of council members seeking a higher position on council and a determination on the part of sorne candidates to do a lot of leg work amongst the electorate prior to the election date. Hard work in their respective wards by Bill Clarke, George Carneron and Ann Cowman certainly showed up in the final resuits and against worthy opponents. It was considerable door to door knocking and the electorate do appreciate a personal caîl. The vote turnout, close to fifty percent, also proved a keen contest for the mayorship and other offices for it is this contest that creates an interest to mieve the electorate to cast their votes. Those candidates who took a keen interest in the election are to be congratulated, win or lose, and as weHI the voters picked up on the enthusiasm. Unfortunately there are too few coming up through the ranks starting at, local council and this is apparent throughout the Town. Lt could well be that the remuneration, and we strongly feel it is so, is too little at the local council level, slightly over $5,500 while at the regional level the rernuneration cornes close to $13,000; In fact 'this should be turned around with local councillors being paid the larger amount and regional councillors being paid the total of the two offices. All those invoived are to b e congratulated for taking part in our dernocratic system. pm mm mmwm m mmmmmq ETo the Electors of WARD 3 * To AUl who supported me in the * recent election * May 1 express my * sincere thanks I Wvm. H. Carman! "m mmm~m mmmmmmme Dear Editor: Approximately a year ago the Board of Directors of Famiily and Children's Ser- vices of the Durharn Region (also known as Chidlren's Aid Society) comrnunicated with the people of this comrnunity by means of this newspaper. At that tirne we described sorne of the needs and concerns of the Children's Aid Society regarding the welfare of children in our area. The response of the people of Durharn Region during hast year's Public Relations carnpaign was greatly ap- preciated. We had many calîs fron citizens who were wil- ling to assist in the role of Foster Parents or Volunteers. Again, we wish to irnpart information to the people of this area and to solicit- assistance frorn them in solving sorne of the probherns we are experiencing at this turne. As in the past, our effectiveness is hampered in fulfilling our mandate regard- ing the protection of children because of budget restraints during the sarne period in which the dernand for ser- vices had increased. Speciai concern exists in the area of Child Abuse which is a growing probiem in our society. To meet the growing need for assistance to the families where abuse is a reality, our Agency has formulated a Child Abuse Team by restructuring our staff. However, the ultimate goal regarding abuse is (Continued fromn page 1) MEXICAN EXCHANGE STUDENT D.E, Devohin, introduced their new guest to the student body. Enrîque, at the mom- ent, speaks very littie English but- is f ortunate in having; found at least two people at the school who are fluent in his native tongue - Mrs. Watt and AIba Nagy (who was born in the neighbouring state of Oaxaca). Both of these states are on the Pacific side and in the deep south near the border of Guatamala. They are noted for beautiful scenery, tropical clirnates and ail the lush botonical life that goes with it.* Coffee and chocolate are locally harvested; new oiù wells are now coming into full flow; and the State of Chiapas is dotted with remnants of the great Mayan cîvilization - an archaeological wonderland. Student exchanges, such as this, are organized and direc- ted through the efforts of the International Friendship Inc. who. have corne- to the realization that the tirne'has corne for greater internation- al understanding at the grass- roots if the world is to have peace- and harmony.' The entire program is a two-way process, and it is hoped that some venturesorne studerits frorn Clarke Hligh School will elect to spend a termn in Mexico, in Brazil, or Peru of .iapan as part of their educational training. In the interim, anyone in this corn- munity who speaks Spanishi, and would like to extend somne hospitality, should phone the Lowes homie at 983-5901 to prevention. With our present financial situation, prevent ion services are very lirnited. This can eventually lead to more costly services later when a child is deemed to be in need of protection and is taken into care. This is in addition to the permanent physical and ernotional darn- age to the rnernbers of the family. Our therne in our Public Relations carnpaign for this year is "Prevention" and, once again we are soliciting your help in several areas: 1. To make our local, pro- vincial and federal govern- ments aware of your concern for children and familles as a prîority and to encourage and dernand the support of your representatives in the area of financial support for child welfare programs. 2. To volunteer your person- ai assistance in working with a child or family under the supervision of a social work- er. 3. To apply to become foster parents, particularly for teen- ager. The need for approp- riate foster parents for this age group is always great and Our resources are constantly being depleted. 4. To becomne a miember of your local Children's Aid Society and to take an active part in dtermining policies. We invite your questions and comments and offers of assistance in these areas at any time (723-5211, 985-2481, 683-9720). Your Chldren's Aid Society is a vital service within your cornmunity and our effectiveness can be increased with your help. Sincerely, Vernon Asseistine, President. dlropped in B of E 0f six members to the Northurnberland and New- castle Board of Education in the Town of Newcastle two incumbent rnembers lost their seat on the Board in Monday's election. Bill Car- man, in Ward three again topped the poil in the ward with Andy Thompson in Bowrnanville again topping the Bowrnanville ward polI. Mrs. Marg Ibbotson, in- cumbent member in Ward three lost her position on the board by 126 votes to be taken by George Cameron, a former member of the Board who was defeated in the 1976 election by Ibbotson. Bob Burke, incumbent member in Bowmanviile lost bis seat to newcomer Keîth Shackelton by 332 votes. Allan J. Werry, incumbent, topped the polîs in Ward one with 1,722 votes followed by Sidney Worden, incumbent, with 1622 votes. Francine Newton 1,297 votes, George West 888 votes. Ward three vote count: Carman 1,360 with great strength in the Orono area, George Cameron 1,136, Marg Ibbotson 1,010 and Bill Mont- gomery 926. Ward two resuits, Thornp- 2,152, Keith Shackelton 1,554, Burke 1,222, Ray Harding 861 and Geoffrey Taggart 533. Charles Reid Orone's Lcensd Auctkmnr Valute Sec-ia izin i.Farm Furniture Sales consurt me forterrais and d.4 Phone Oromo 943-5914 mm mumm mmm mmm m MMMMMM IdUUI G'ftId si We want to tell you about a ladies I warm glove in golden brown colour. It is warmly lined, is genuine leather and wilI be appreciated in the cold weather comirig up. Price $7.95 Lace tablecloths in four different ta ble f itti ngs 95 percent cotton and 5 percent polyester. Size 50 x 50, I price $12.00; 54 x 70, price $14.95; I 68 x 90, price $23.95, and round I We have warm toques at different I prices, scarfs at $5.75 and toque I and scarf sets at $8.95. Look over our display of mens neckties, now only $1.00. ~ Armstrongs The Staff and Students of CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL cordially invite you to attend their l6th ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT to beheld in the Clarke High School Auditorium S at., NKo v. 18 8: 00 p. m. "EVERYONE WELCOME" Thank you ... I would like to thank ail those who assisted and voted for me to represent you on the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education. I pledge to serve to the best of my ability and encourage those with co)cernns to contact me personally or by phoning 987-4079. George Ca meron