Orono Weekly Times, Wedne' ýýy, November 15th, 1978-:1 Durham Agri-News Income tax meeting A good turnout of veterans V;eterans, members of the who had died in battle from Rebekahs, the Orono Athletic from the Town of Newcastle Legion and the Ladies Auxil- this area.,- Association, Clarke High .as well as a fine number from iary as well as Beavers and With the sounding of the School and the Orono- the Orono youth groups at- cubs were represented in the, Last Post and the playing of Lockhart Public School. tended the Remembrance parade. the Lament 'the various Day service held at the Orono wreaths were laid at the The program was com- Cenotaph on Sunday after- Mr. Sterling Mather acting Cenotaph., pleted with the singing of God noon. as master of ceremonies for Wreaths were, laid by the Save the Queen. the service at the Cenotaph Pro,.ince of Ontario, the Town Following the parade back A parade headed by the lead with the singing of O of Newcastle, the Royal to the Oddfellows Hall coffee, Bowmanville Pipe parade Canada followed by prayer by Canadian Legion Branch 178, chrcolate and cookies were paraded to the Cenotaph from Rev. B. Long. Mr. Bill Slater the Ladies Auxiliary Branch, served to those taking part in the Orono Oddfellows Hall. read the list of names of those the Orono Oddfellows and the service. Again this year, grade fine and ten students have super- vised studies. Last year they were allowed spares to spend as they wished in the cafe- teria, library or outside. Supervised studies have been brought back to cut down the excess traffic in the halls during classtime. Also the principal feelb'that students learn to discipliné themselves in doing home- work etc. now rather than getting to university or col- lege and find themselves un- prepared for the work. By the time students reach FRE~~ wvith CASH REGISTER TAPES QUALITY COOKWAIIE Ideal for home, trailer, cottage use or Christmas gifts. I#ELP WANTED >Responsible woman on a part-time basis. ) Experience would be an asset. Cali 983-5201 CORNU SHa grade il, it is felt that they are mature enough to accept their responsibilities, so the study restrictions are re- moved. The staff. are considering allowing ail students on the Honor Roll (75 percent or more average) the privilege of having spares again. Students now have a Rec- reation Area outside. Picnic tables are provided. This is also the smoking area. Shel- ters will soon be provided hopefully. We have an exchange student, Enrique Macharro, from Mexico. He is learning 10o speak English. 1He is staying with a family in the north end of Oronu. On Friday, November lth, Clarke High School had our Remembrance Day Service. The programme began with the student body singing "0 Canada" played by the band and conducted by Mr. Scof- field. Annette Hancock read a poem entitled, "If You Can't Remember, Think". Mr. Cooper and Nancy Alfin sang, "Where Have AUl the Flowers Gone? ". Elayne Procher read the poem known by most people, "In Flanders Fields". The laying of the wreath was made, following was a one- minute silence. Paul Peters did a wonderful job playing the bagpipes. He played "Goîng Homne" and "Amaz- îng Grace". Ed Morton play-, ed "Last Post and Reville" on the trumpet. We ended our Remembrance Day Service with the student body singing, Oý God Our Help In Ages Past" and "God Save the Queen". The programme was a complete success and we thank the people who organ- ized it. This coming Saturday, Nov. l8th, Clarke's l6th comn- mencement will be held. Congratulations to the grad- uating students. On Monday, Nov. 13 a Super Sixties dance \vas held in the gymnasium from- 2 to 5 p.m. Shawn Garrod, a student, was the Disc Jockey. Ail proceeds were to support Commence- ment. The Jr. Girls Basketball teamn was tied for first place out of the six teamns in the league. They played Valier on Monday and lost 42-25. Bonnie Hardy won a Judo Tournamnent on Saturday in Toronto at the Japanese Culture Centre. She now goes on to Kingston and if she wins there, she goes on to compete in Manitoba. "Good Luck". Hamiltons Insurance Service Susan M. Sawyer Off ice 983-5115 Home 983-5270 Main St., Orono In one of our recent ne ws cons, we pointed out some of the things that farmers should be looking at with' regards to income tax man- agement before the end of the fiscal year. For most farm- ers, the fiscal year coincides with the calendar year, and this means that you have less than two months left in which to make decisionsregardîng tax management. These dec- isions involve either lowering or raising taxable income SO that it will fit your needs in your overaîl farm operation. Many times we talk with farmers and their sole goal is to lower their taxable income when maybe what they should be looking at is raising it, 50 that they can contribute into the Canada Pension Plan or make use of other retirement Advantages available to the farmer. Each year we get a large number of questions from farmers on income tax man- agement considerations, so we have decided to hold a half-day updating session for farm people on things that should be done relative to planning your income tax for 1978. This meeting will be held on Wednesday, Nov- ember 22 at the I.O.O.F. Hall in Orono, startingat 1:30 p.m. At this meeting we will be discussing such things as payment of wages to children in the farmn family, methods that can be-used to increase or decrease taxable income during the fiscal year, and the importance of making tax management decisions rel-, ative to the operation of the total farmn. AIl farmers in the area are invited to attend this meeting. UNITED CNURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. S.E. Long B.Th. Organist and Choir Director David Gray Sunday, November 19, 1978 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School 10 a. m. Morni ng Worship 11:15 a.m. KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School 9:45 Morning Worship 9:45 Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 We'll reserve yau a Tara single-stage or a Tara heavy.dluty snawthrower for next seasan. Jusf make a small dlown payment and paly the balance by November 3th. Well also save you $50 ta $100 off the manufacturers retail price an t he twa-stage Tara snowthrower (if you purchase your Toro by Octaber lth yau'll save mare because af the lawer sales fax) Yau can buy yaur Tara from ROLPH DOMINION HARDWARE ORONO, ONT. 983-S207 Iavom't 70. doue wlthout aTooi h.mg UWUgbT~ = BEAUTIFUL TROPICAL COMPLEXIONS By MARY KAI LUA When it cornes to sof, lovely skin. in especially proud of our tropical wýomen. They have whiatit takes. It's aiiazing when you think of it because from birth to old age women of the tropics face up to scorching hleat and dryi ýng winds every day. Yet they hlave no beauty shops or expensive facial treat- Inents. . . these aren't needed. Wh('Iat tropical beauties do have is a simple native plant froin MAIN ÙT, OAONO ONT which they derive a deep skin beautifying and nioisturizing ingredient whic h they apply each day to keep that fresh, young-looking skin tone. Your own comnplexion, care cani now be just as simple, just as ef- fective. Your dru.- store or de- partment store at last bas a cosmetic thiat is richi in this sanie tropical antiager. Ask for it. It's called Cocrema Dry Skin Creme. 0 983-5009 Clarke High> School News 01,a là