10-Orono Weekly Tiîmes, Wednesday, November 22nd, 1978 Kendal News "AIl things wliatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them." Af ter the big ramn on Friday, November l7tli the weatlier is gradually getting colder. The freeze up can't be far away unless we have a green Christmas like we liad in 1918 at the time of the "flu". On Saturday some of the Kendal f olk went by bus to the Winter Fair, others went to Elizabethville to belp Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Beatty cele- brate their sixtietli wedding anniversary. Mr. Clarence Beatty had been the butcher for the Kendal Beef Ring for several years. The Kendal Beef Ring ran for more than f ifty miles tili the year 1955 when it was discontinued. The beef ring was a plan whereby a beef would be killed each week for twenty weeks. t usually began the first week in June. Eacli farmer in turn supplied a two year old beef. It was butchered in the evening. Then in the morning it was cut up into twenty shares. Some farmers took a whole ishare wlile smaller families jtook a hlaf share. At the end of the season you would have received every part of the animal. Beef Ring meat was always young and tender. Now many farmers take their own beef to a butcher in Hampton or Port Hope per-. haps, who kils and wraps it ready to be put in to the deep freezer. On Saturday several of the Kendal ladies attended the Shiloh bazaar. They had a fine bazaar with a good attendance. Next Saturday morning the church board have decided to insulate the top of the ceiling of the church. If you are good at climbing come and help carry the bales up the ladder. New storm windows are also to be made and put on the north side. This is quite costly but in the long run will save heat. Rev. A. Tizzard welcomed the visitors on Sunday morn- ing and told the children a humourous story. Then the ceremony of dedication of the nèw church doors was carried out assisted by Miss Cath- erine Stewart who had don-' ated these beautiful doors, "In memory of the Stewart Family". The scripture read- ing was from the first chapter of Nahum. Nahum was born in a village in Galilee. He was sent as a prophet to the wicked .city of Nineveh, one hundred and fifty years after Jonali had been there. Nahum's message was, "Your city will be des- troyed". t was a message of doom. The verse Rev. A. Tizzard chose was verse 7. "The Lord is good. He is a stronghold in the day of trouble". Robinson Crusoe found everything lie needed to sustain life on his island because God had been there first. God still cares for us. He bas supplied all these things. Jesus came seeking the lost. "Saving, redeeming at meas- ureless cost." Jesus said, "I 'go to prepare a place for you". The Kendal Women's Insti- tute met at the home of Mrs. Martin Manders on Wednes- day evening, November lSth with eleven members present and four visitors. The Presi- dent introduced the visitors then Mrs. K. Dykeman open- ed the meeting with the Ode anci the Mary Stewart collect. The Convenors for Citizenship and World Affairs were Mrs. M. Manders and Mrs. W. Wybenga. This was their meeting. Mrs. Wybenga gave as lier roll cali, "What have you done for somneone recent- iy?'". Miss Stewýart said she lad driven Mrs. Fairbrother to see Mrs. Agnes Burley in Newtonville. Another had taken a senior citizen shop- ping. etc. Then the two ladies fromn Community Care were called on. Mrs.. Grundy told us that she was a senior citizen herseif but she enjoyed ser- ving one day a week at the centre. Mrs. Elaine Barber told' us that a lot of help is given over the telephone. Community Care was plan- ned by a group of interested citizens. They receive a grant fromn the Provincial Govern- ment of $9,000.00. This money is to help the people of the whole region. Haîf of it is used to pay a part-turne secretary. Volunteer car drivers are, reimbursed for their gas $1.00 for each three miles driven. Some drivers return the money. The senior citizens enjoy the drop-in centre where they meet others and enjoy a cup of coffee and cookies. The drop-in centre is on Temperance Street south of King Street. A bazaar was to be held there on November l8th to make somne money for the centre. Some of our'ladies gave some articles to besold on Saturday. Any gifts are welcome at iany time. These- two ladies told us many interesting a ntedotes in c on- nection with helping these elderly people that they cail on regularly. The motto for, the meeting was, Help a senior citizen. The minutes were read and the financial report given'by Mrs. D. Gosson. t was decided to have a Christmas Party at 12 no on on December l3th at the home of Mrs. Elinore Foster. Gifts of $200 in value will be exchanged. Lunch was provided by Mrs. L. Ransberry and Mrs. G. Cathcart. Plants are to be sent to our twelve shut-in f olk. This writer received her October's Readers Digest on November 15th. Just forty- five days late. In everything be thankful, we are told. Well, I'm thankful I didn't have to pay forty-five days storage. Vet on second thought some- one perhaps the government -will have to pay that storage on all the Canadian maga- zines not sent out during the strike. Cha ries Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farmn Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates Phone Orono 983-5914 Professional Major & Minor Repairs BOTHFOREIGNAND DOMESTIC -ENGINES REBUILT -VALVE JOBS -FRONT ENDS -TOWING MANGER'Si GARAGE ORONO 983-5130 0. Chatterton Electiical Contracting Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono,Ontario Tapung - Spray Ceilings Plaster Repair Painting WaIIy Lucyk 983-5518 ORONO Dave's Plumbing Heating I ectric Industrial - Commercial 786-2471 R.. rono St. Saviours ANGLICAN CHURCH Orono, Ontario Regular Sunday Worship Service- 10:00 a.m. Rov. Ailan Haidenby B.A. L.Th. S.¶EETY IRE ... on the Farmi..... SPECIAL Alil the FIsh and chips you can eat, $1.85 Tuesdays and Wednes- days. MOM'S KITCHEN Main St, Orono 9W-531 0 BYAMS PLUMBING- HEATING Sales and Service 24HOUR BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Phone: Iulfi Tyrone 263-2650 n _ Auction Service Farm & Estate Sales Furniture Modern and Antique NORM FAULKNER SteuffviIIe 640-5691 EARL.GAUSLIN Stouffville 640309 Hamiltons Insurance Service Susan M. Sawyer Offi ce 983-5115 Home 983-5270 Main St., Orono Orono Towing, GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Oromo Film Processing CUSTOM FRAMING Camieras and Photographic Supplies 78 King St. W. BOWMANVILLE 623-2404 Services Orono- E lectric Nerb & Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTI NO ELECTRIC HEATINO Electricai Appliances T.V. -COLOUR T.V. RADIO- HI-Fi WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROHOME Guaranteed Servie Floral Creations "FLOWERSWITH FEELINGS" FOR ANY OCCASION FRESH & DRIED FLOWER ARRANGEMENT S for WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, HOSPITAL ANDIHOME Telephone 623-3377 162 King St. East Bowmanville t Wîillia m C. Hall 1, B.Comm. Chartered Accountiant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 AIL DAY WE DNES DAY and SATU RDAY Our Fireplaces DO NOT Smoke * IOk * rclyr -ItnmsosLd * RNNAI PIO 9350 We Invite Y-ou to See Our Line ... Socîal invitations and announc- ments; business cca'rds and sta- tionery. We can handie any job! Rubber Stamps Made Orono Weekly Times