A Hit Sunday, Negjotiatio, The Education Relations Commission today announced the appointment of Professor Harry Waisglass as a person to assist the Peterborough- Victoria-Northumberland and Newcastle Roman Cath- olic Separate School Board and its teachers in their tiegotiations. Professor Waisglass is on the staff in the Labour Studies Programme at McMaster University. Professor Waisglass lias assisted parties in reaching agreement in a nuinher of jurisdictions throughout the province. Most recently he has assisted in negotiations between The Council of Reg- ents for Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology and for the Ontario Public Service Fmployees Union. forth with a number of western and gospel numbers. To complete a most enjoy- able afternoon the service club members served ref- reshments during a social hour Holiday Sales & Rental Buy or Rent Motor Homes 20', 23', 26' Truck Campers Horse Trailers Special Winter Rates 983-5821 D.n't Leave1 It t.EJhaoe Be sure your home is tiruly protected by a gond policy Cali us now Milison Insurance Agency Office: Corner of Church and Cobbledick Street 9)83-5032 We'll reserve you a Tara sing le-stage or a Tara heavy-dluty snowthrower for nextseasoni.Justmake a small clawn payment and pay the balance by November 3tlh. We'Il aisa save yau $50 to $100 aff the manufacturers retail price on the two-stage Tara snowthrower (if yau purchase your Taro by Octaber 7th youIl save mare because af the lawer sales fax) YoIJ carrbuy your Taro from ROLPH DOMINION HARDWARE ORONO.ONT. 1O-5U7 Emomi jeu dem wftbm &Y.e kug buqtn Brmumdmg Sterftag Mather Seniors Appreciate Musical Afternoon Tie Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen and Kinettes pro- moted a very successful afternoon in the basement of the Orono United Churcli on Sunday afternoon for senior citizens of the community. It was an afternoon of music and a social hour over refresliments served by the Kinettes. The afternoon, the first of its kind promoted by the local service clubs, met witli great success and it assured an endevour of the clubs to, hold two such oufings during the year. It now appears almost certain that another sucli program will be held in the~ spring and sponsored by tlie local kinsmen and kinettes. Not only was there plenty of gooct music provided for the afternoon but after each performance lucky numbers were drawn for a man and a woman in the audience. The program started off witli some toe tapping 'jigs' and 'reels' by Mrs. Mary Bunting accompanied on the piano by lier daugliter, Brenda. This was followed by the Country Four who have flot lost their appeal or harmony. It was again those popular songs with some good close harmony. Sterling Mather with a recitation, a couple of jokes and a poem added another dimension to the program which was followed by the singing and yodelling by Mrs. Elaine Mercer. Miss Shelley Gray and Mr. Ed Van Hamburg, altliough in two different worlds of music, were lieartily encouraged by a most receptive audience of close to one liundred. Miss Gray delighted the audience witli some fine numbers from the popular music shows while Ed, Van Hamburg gave To E lectors of Ward- 111 A very sincere thanks for your generous support Bill Clarke el \ kL 77777777777 i ki