Cour standing ci At a briet meeting on Monday evening coumcil ap- proved the composition of the standing committees for a period covering December 4th, 1978 to November 3th, 1979 Councillor Ivan M. Hobbs was appoînted chairman of Cla rke Public LU BRARY PHON E M-55071 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Frlday 2: 00to 8: 00 p.M. Saturday 10: 001 5: 00 P.M. Orono, Ontarlo the Public Works committee Councilloir Ann Cownian with Couneillors Clarke, Hol- was appointed chairman of .liday and Prout members. the Planning and Develop- ment Committee with ail Counillor Maurice Prout members of coundil serving wa aonted cairmn o on the committee. the Comnxunity Services com- mittee with counilors Keith Barr, Wxn. Clarke and Ami PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS CLAUDE HARNESS Formerly Bert Tomklns Phone 786-2552 Mayor Rickard is ex-officio of ail commnittees. Chariles Reid Orono'ls Licensed Auctioneer Va hiator Speciallize li Farm Furniture Sales consuit me for ternis and dates Phone Orono 9#3.5914 A Genealogy course held in Orono the past five weeks attracted considerable inter- est front area citizens. Atten- dance to the course averaged close to twenty. Mrs. Helen Schmid above takes part in the final evening of the course with what was called a' 'Show and Tell' evening. Mrs. Schmid gave a few hints in research that has helped ber in past years. The course sponsored by the Clarke Museum te devis- ed to outline what possible procedures to foilow in re- searching a family tree. Mr. Philp Day of Peterborough and Mrs. Betty Craw of Bridgenorth attended the ses- sions to instruct in the various avenues to foilow and to pointout the pitfails that may occur in ferreting out past history. The sessions were to be held in~ the old Kirby school but due te renovations at the scbool were beld in the Clarke Public Library. MICRO FILM READER The Clarke Museum and Archives now have a micro- film reader which la proving most beneficial to those who have a need to make use of it. Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long BT h. oOrganist and Choir Dïrector David Gray Sunday, December 10, 1978 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Conducted by the Sundaý Church School 11: 15 a. m. Sunday Church School - cancelled. The cbildren are asked te be at the Church by 10:45 to il a.m. KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Sunday Churceh School 9: 45 Mornng Worship - 9:45 Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 FORMER RESIDENT OF ORONO DIES Mr. John Richard Fowler of Brooklin and formerly of Orono passed away in the Oshawa General Hospital December 3rd. He was the beloved husband of Grace Fowler and dear father of Lillian (Mrs. V. Johnston) of Niagara Falls and Doreen (Mrs. Sandy) of Newcastle. Dear brother of Wilfred of Hampton, George and Leonard of Bowmanville, Ella (Mrs. Walker), Lindsay, Rena (Mrs. Rodgers) of Newcastle. The funeral service was held Tuesday with interment in Union Cemetery, Oshawa. The late Mr. Fowler was in his.8lst year. ADULT Candian Book of Lista by Jeremy Brown Practical Entertaining by Irma Rhode (meals to do ini advance or at the last minute . . . ideal for the holiday season) Knowing your child tbrougb bis handwriting by Shiri Solomon Farah Sbahbanou of Iran by Lesley Blanch (fascinating look at this beautiful and intelligent woman) There should have been casties by Herman Rauchor (author of "Summer of '42) Wolfsbane by Craig Thomas (spy story) A Different Kind of Rain by DeWitt Copp (a cloud poisons a lake in Northern Canada, how did it happen and why) Blindfold by Antony Melville- Ross JUNIOR Let's make paper dolîs by Vivian Huff Cildren's picture Pre- history: Dinosaurs by A. McCord The Christmas Book by S. Baker (tbings to make and do) Mickey Mouse 50 Happy Years by D. Bain Life on a cool plastic ice floe by K. Follis Cheatham EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS Santa are you for real? by Harold Myra The Christmas Book'by Dick Bruna The Sweet Smell1 of Christmas by P. Scarry (a scratch and sniff book) Merry Christmas Harry by Mary Chalmers c»1' "v.