Monuments and Family Memoria Is Our quality and service leaves nothing te be desired Ask the person who bought f rom us, a neigh- bour, friend or relative The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street, PORT HOPE Phone CeIIect V.W. RUTTER Office 885-5216 Home 885-5222 For prompt, courteous efficient service when buying or selling and for the Iargest selection of properties ln the area. CONTACT ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVES Ron Hurst 983-5131 William Turansky (Kendal) 983-5420 Christa Winterhelt 983-5465 Charlie Reid 983-5914 John Pritchard 705-944-5519 Dianne Farquhar 983-9685 Pat Yeo 983-5725 W. Frank Real Estate Liîted 234 King St. E. BOWMAN VILLE 623-3393 WORK WANTED FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY REPAIRS Steve's Furniture Shop Furniture Refinishing Dining sets to occasional pieces Yes, we do re-upholstery Fabric Samples Free Estimates STEVE JOHNSON R.R. 1, Orono q83-9630 WORK WANTED Ear- piercing service. Phone 623-5747 f or appoint- ment and information. H-ooper's Jewellers Ltd. WORK WANTED Peter Sut herland Aluminum Prod. Siding - Soffit - Fasia Trough - Shutters Windows - Doors - Awnings 6234398 For Free Estimates Now Handling Vinyl Sidmng. D. &R. Custom Fencing and custom chain-sawing 983-5005 or 983-9627 Orono, Ont. FOR SALE Christmas trees, Scotch Pine and Spruce. Orono Garden Centre, 983-9308. 6,13,20, ac. FOR SALE The Great Pine Ridge Kinettes still have a few arena plat es lef t. Great for Christmas gifts. For informa- tion phone 983-5654 after 5 p.m. 13, ac. FOR SALE Talisman's Flea Market Antiques, 30 dealers, lots of parking, free admission. Antiques, stamps, jewel- lery, weaving, pottery, brass, knitting, craf ts, refinishing. Open 9 to 6 p.m. Saturdays, Sundays and Holi- .days. 11/2 miles north of Newcastle fromn No. 2. Phone 987-5021 or 349-2605. 13, tf. FOR SALIe For the finest in artistic giftware at areasonable price comne to deJonge's Sales, Main Street, Orono and see our showroom. Excellent gifts for the coming season. Large assortment of sta- tues, vases and planters, etc. Open Thursdays and Fridays from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.; Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., or by appointment. Phone 983-5845.,, 1 613,20, ap. To inspect Town buildings monthly A recommendation from the finance committee would have public buildings under the jurisdiction of the Town of Newcastle inspected monthly with a quarterly report being presented to coundil by the Town Manager. The recom- mendation came as a resuit of the committee discussing the recent report made public by th 1 Public Institutions In- spection Panel, The panel in their report said tbey were disappomnted in the condition of the Durham Regional Police Div- ision in Bowmanville and to the fact that previous recom- mendation by the panel had not been acted upon. The report states that tbe holding ceils were dirty and witb floors extremely dirty. FOUND 1 set of keys found in Orono United Church driveway in early sumnmer and bas not been claimed. Phone the secretary at 983-5268. 13, ac. HELP WANTED CUSTODIAN Applications will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until Friday, December 15, 1978,. f or the position of Supply Custodian, 40 hours per week at the various schools in the Bowmanville-Newcastle area. Good knowledge of school caretaking procedures and cleaning methods. Abiity to work from oral and written instructions and to commumi- cate well with others. Reply in writing stating qualifications, address and telephone number to: J.A. Bird,' Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, Box 470, COBOURG. K9A 4L2. 13, ac. Charles Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Va luator Specia lize in Farmi Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates Phonte Orono M6-5914 Drapes needed cleaning and cobwebs were even in the corners. Fluorescent light panels were stili broken as observed in a previous inves- tigation of the station. In reporting on the council chambers and the court- rooms, a building which should be the showcase for the Town, the panel said it was in a general rundown appearance, with broken light f panels, dirty floors, broken chairs and ripped carpets. The condition of the Bow- manville Branch of the New- castle Library also was found lacking in cleanliness and it was recommended that dlean windows would greatly imp- rove the appearance of the building. The panel feit that the over-all quality of cleaning and janitorial service in the Bowmanville buildings need- ed to be upgraded. At the finance committee meeting Town Manager, Alex Guiler said ail the concerns expressed in the panel report are being looked after and when completed he will report to council. Mayor Rickard said the court bouse often bas alI tbe lighits burning and he said this had to be costly. Coune. Hobbs said that the door to the roof bad been lef t ajar and this was also costly due to tbe loss of heat. The committee is to await a report from the Town Manager. CARD 0F THANK To thank you from ti Orono Brownies Mothei mittee for support at th( Sale and Raffle. Winner Christmas Hamper W& Connie Hooey. COMING EVENT St. Saviour's Ar Church, Orono pri "Tidings of Great Christmas readings ar ols, Sunday, Decembe 7:30 p.m. Collection. 6 COMING EVENT The Great Pine Kinsmen Club, Skate-A December 26tb,ý 1 p.î p.m., Orono arena. Pr, for Cystic Fibrosis. Sý sheets available at sel 6,13 COMING EVENTI PAPER DRIVE Orono and area. Pick start at 9:00 a.m. on day, December l6th, 197 information and p phone 983-5840. Orono An Athletic Associ COMING EVENTI U.C.W. GENERAL MEETIr Orono U.C.W. Gq Meeting will be held Main Hall, beginning' pot luck noon meal ai p.m. on Thursday, Dec 14th. Christmas musi nual reports to be givE 6, COMING EVENTý Clarke High School and Choir present, Almost Christmas Cor Monday, Dec. l8th, 197ý p.m. at Clarke High S( Admission: Adults Students $1.00, Senior Ci free. 13, ac.1 Orono, Ontario 0 $hristmasTre, WEVE GOTEm Scotch Pine SpruceI Apple Gift Packs, MacinTosh Delicious Russet & Spy Apples FRED'S FRUIT MARKET 1 mile south Hwy. 115 of Orono ies, Wednesday, December l3tb, 1978-11 DEATH ROLPU - Oscar W.E. (Bud), at Orono, Ontario on Sunday, ....... December 10, 1978. Oscar W. E. (Bud) Rolph, in his 92nd year. Beloved husband of the S late Vera E. MacDonald, S father of Mrs. Barb~ara Car- man. tBeloved grandfather of ýs Michael, Mark and Lydia. ,he 2nd Rested at the Barlow Funeral ýr Com- Home, Park Street, Orono, re Bake Ontario. Funeral service was rof the held at the -Orono United is Mrs. Church on Tuesday, Dec. 12, 1978 at 2 p.m. Interment 13, ac. Orono Cemetery. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Orono Arena s Building Fund. nglican 13, ac. esents, nd car- NOTICE TO CREDITORS r l7th, AND OTHERS ,12, ne. in the estate of CLIFFORD BENTLEY s BRUTON Ridge Ail persons having dlaims -Thonl, against the estate of Clifford m, - 4 Bentley Bruton, late of the roed Village of Orono, in the Town ponsor of Newcastle, Ontario, who hools. died on July 13th, 1978, are ,20, ac. required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before December 28th, 1978, IS after which'date the estate will be distributed with re- up to gard onlv to the dlaims of Satur- wbich the unciersigneci shahf 78. For then have notice and the ick-up undersigned will flot be liable to any person of whose dlaim 1iateur he shallflot then have notice. iation. Dated at Oshawa, this 2lst ,13, ac. day of November, 1978. 's OLIVER G. KNAPP, Executor, NG Stephen. M. Zubkavich, ,eeral Barrister and Solicitor, ini the 54e Centre Street North, with a Oshawa, Ontario. t12:30 L1H 7V4. ýember 29,6,13, ac. c. An- 'en. ,13, ac. Clarke Public LUBRARY Band PHON E 983-5507 "5th icert", Monday, Tuesday, 8, 7: 30 Thursday and Frlday ;hool. 2:00 to8:00 p.m. $1.50; Saturday itizens 1:0O¶e 5:00 P.M.