k <b i I *4111w (J Orono Weekly Tinmes, Wednesday, December 1Sth, 1978 MayoUr cal s for town budget approval by March lst At a finance committee budget- for the Town wer meeting on 'Monday night now almost completed for th Mayor Garnet Rickard called initial viewing. for the finalization of the Couac. Cowman asked tba Town's financial budget by additional information be prc the fjrst of Marcb 1979. He vided the corpmittee relatinl stated the Town had received to grants received prior to th~ complaints last year because formation of the region to th, the two final payments of various municipailties wit taxes were so close together. comparisons for the f ollowinl Ia a motion supported by years under the regiona Couac. Cowman preliminary system. She said that taxe figures for discussion are to had increased over one hur be provided by staff and dred percent but that costs c departmeat heads by the operation did not appear t middle of Jaauary. rise at the same level. Sh, Town Manager, Alex Gui- also wanted payments mad, 1er, stated that many of the to the educational system aIE, A NIGHT FOR CHRISTMAS SONGS This Monday eveaing the Orono Cubs willl be singiag carols in front of the Orono Town Hall as well as the Senior Citizeas Lodge. Parents and others are welcome to join in with the activities for the night or just to be listeners. The program will start at the Town hall at6:30p.m._ ng ieh e m0 GROOM NOT TO WORRY AT THE ALTER Whea discussing a proposed parking by-law for the Town on Monday night members of the finance committee were sympatbetic to those excbanging marriage vows at St. Paul's Cburch in Bowmanville. Silver Street is to bave tbree-hour heads installed instead of two)-hour meters and the committee is suggesting that a nickel be cut off tbe deposit in the meter. And on top of this it is going to cost the parking fund some $2000.00 (estimated).1 Mayor Rickard quipped, "it was no time to be worried about parking meters when you were standing up at the alter." BAISE $3,0M0 AT DANCE FOR FIRE VICTIMS A dance beld la Newtonville on Saturday aigbt raised a sum of $3,00.00 for the Clark family who receatly bad their home destroyed by fire on the Newtoaville-Kendal1 road just soutb of Crooked Creek. TIDING 0F GREAT JOY We received la the mail this week an invitation to a oreseatation of Christmas carols and readings. Tidings of Great Joy, to be held in the St. Saviour's Anglican Cburch on Sur.day evening, Decemrber 17tb commenciag at 7:30 p.m. No doubt it would be well to remember this outing and plan now to attend. The invitation in itself was eye catching and certainly worthy of comment. It was dlean, cheerful and colourful witb, band painted candies, bolly and evergreea needles. The band prixiting on tbe f older was also outstanding and in ail the folder was a credit to tbe designers.1 provided to the committee dating back to 1973. Mayor Rickard pointed out that this year there would be some mnternal shif t in taxes tbrough the use of the aew equalized assessment system in the Town. Duriag the discussion- Couac. Barr asked that the Town Manager at a future meeting present bis report to the committee concering the parking lot in Newcastle Village. He said following this report beiag made available that the matter be re-opeaed for discussion. Orono Skater wins Bronze medal Entire-board to discuss budget As in 1978 the entire board of tbe Nortbumberland and Newcastle Board of Educat- ion will sit as a committee to discuss and formulate the budget for the year 1979. A miove was made to reduce tbe size of the committee but board members felt there was much to be gained by al members participating in tbe development of the budget. As a resuit of a vote on the issue it wll e hote whole board that sits to develop the budget. 'Bud' Rolph, former businessman dies A former businessman and lifeloag resident of Orono, Oscar W. E. (Bud) Rolph died at bis home in the Village on Sunday, December loth,I198. Born just north of Orono on May 14th, 1886 he was educated at Aatioch and Orono and graduated from Albert College in Belleville in a Business and Commercial course. Known throughout the comn- munity as 'Bud' he not only operated a successful hard- ware business i Orono but was a dedicated supporter and worker for al comnmunity ventures. After a year witb J. Henry and Son, retail hardware store in Orono he joined McLaughin Carniage Com- pany of Oshawa. With a great interest in hardware be later accepted a position witb tbe Hardware firm of Haîlet and Bradley. After the closiag of tbis firm he joined the George L. Lander Limited and after tbree years weat to A.E. Bottum Hardware in Bobcay- geon. Later he was on the sales staff of Supreme Heat- ing Company of Welland and thea tbe Hardware division of sales for Beatty Brothers of Fergus. In 192.1; he purchased the Robert Foster Hardware bus- iness in Orono and moved to the present location known as Rolph Hardware. Later bis son-in-law, W.H. Carman be- came a partner in tbe business. In 1920 be married Vera MacDonald of Wellington who predeceased him December l9th, î968. He leaves a daugbter Barbara (Mrs. W.H. Carman) and tbree grand- cbildren, Michael, Mark and Lydia. His interest in bis comn- muaity bas nlot likely been surpassed for bis energies and expertise were freely givea in ail features of the Village. He bas been a member and Steward of both the Park St. and the Orono United Church, the first president of the Orono Cham- ber of Commerce as well as presideat and manager of the Durham. Central Agricultural Society. He bas also been a member of the Orono Park (Continued page 2) ntertain appreciative audience at United Church Stephamie Hood is pictured marks in mne free style above completing a routine i competitions Stephanie bas free style skating. During the been givea the opportunity to 1979 Eastern Ontario Champ- go to Kingston to see tbe ionsbip beld in Cornwall from Ontario Winter games beld at Nov. 30 - Dec. 4tb Stephanie tbe end of December. This won tbe Bronze medal la the will be an experience as tbe Pre-Novice Ladies category. girls will be makiag this trip 0on their own with tbe except- As a result of ber bigh ion of a coacb fromi Ottawa. 4. Trading 44 444 'è'4land with \~" 44' Ne'Socîiety ft was reported at the finance committee meeting tbat the Durham Agricultural *~' . Society is providiag tbe Town ">,- of Newcastle with an area of land intesuh- tcre of the fairgrounds la Orono. This area is to equal that taken up by the borse barns 44 wbich were built upon land designated to the Town for future use as a site for a new fire hall. 44...~>4. .... ....Mayor Rickard informed tbe committee that tbey were awaîtiag a survey of the 4 parcel before the transfer ~>~fli >'could be made. The item is to carols. The group of young- for the music as weil as cards be lef t on the agenda until sters were entertaining senior and crokinol. The af ternoon was settîed. citizeas who had assembled sponisored by the Orono U.C.W.