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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Dec 1978, p. 2

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2-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, December 6th. 1979 Orýono Weekly Times KEPT IN THE DARK Lt became quite evident when reading the Fact Finder's report last week regarding salary negotiations between the local Board of Education and the Seconary Teachers' Federation that ail was flot as it really appeared. Lt would seemn that for the general public to understand clearly the proposais and demnands that a more gimpier approach witb ail inclusive figures would be of benefit in looking at the overail figures. In the beginning the Board has agreed to a 2.69 percent increase in ail teacher's salaries through their grid system and no matter what happens to negotiations this wiil be paid without negotiations. When the Board offers an increase of 2.57 percent it is on top of the 2.69 percent. This realiy makes the offer a 5.26 percent increase. When the teachers ask for an increase of 9.5 percent this again has added to it the 2.69 percent for a total of 12.19 percent. If one would aiso add the costs of beneits to salaries it would give a much clearer picture of the true salaries paid to and for employees. Lt is difficuit enough to keep the generai public wel informed on public aff airs even when ail facts are out in the open. To cloud the issues and figures make it impossible for the publie to grasp a true picture. A GREAT WAY TO START THE HOLIDAY SEASON The holiday season wbicb is now upon us always provides a number of joyous occasions with friends and relatives and this year for your editor and wife bas been no exception. Having accepted an invitation to the Canadian Statesman's Christmas party on Friday evening we were greeted by gracious hosts, John and Dorothy James, a banquet and dance party at the Legion Hall in Bowmanville. And not missing a bet our hosts distributed Cbristmas presents ail neatly wrapped in the Canadian Statesmnan complete with blazing red banner. Lt was most interesting to * see John at the other end of the camera whiie he posed with *Dorothy displaying their new oul painting, a gift from, the staff. How many times tbroughout the years bas he arranged bis subjects and then with the camera brought themn into clear focus. Thank you again for a most enjoyable evening. Orono senilors enjoy pot Iuck supper. *A delicioÙs pot luck dinner tisplaying attractive cas- seroles and desserts was enjoyed by the Senior Citizens on December 8th at 6 p.m. Thlis event was held in the Oddfeilow's Hall with 36 in attendance. President Grace Cochrane commenced by. reading several appropriate Christmas poems. Minutes were read, approved and signed. Stella Carson read an announcement, an invitation from Orono U.C.W. for Senior Citizens to attend an enter- tainment on December llth in the main bail of Orono Church 1:30-3:30 p.m! The Orono Public Sehool Choir will present Christmas selections. President Grace Cochrane extended to everyone present Christmas greetings and ex- pressed thanks to anyone wbo assisted ber during tbe year. A speciai tbank you to Gordon and Velma Watson for their co-operation and willingness to assist. The election of officers for 1979 resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Bertba Touchburn; Vice President, Mrs. Myrtie Wood;, Secretary Treasurer, Mr. Edith Tay- lor. We hadnexchange ifts for our Christmas party placed around a nicely dec- orated tree. t was decided to hoid our meetings at 1:30 during the winter montbs. Next meeting on January 4, 1979 witb Hilda Coatbam and Myrtie Wood responsible for refreshments. Eight tables of euchre were played. Bertha touchburn expressed tbanks to grace Cochrane for ber leadership in the past and extended Christmas greet- ings and best wishes for the New Year. Giadys Brown led in play- ing Cristmas selections and conducted a sing-song. This brought a pleasant evening to .a close. JOINS LIQUOR CONTROL, BOARD .Jasper Holiday, a Newcastle councillor representing Darlington Township on council, bas been appointed to a tbree year term on the Liquor Control Boad of Ontario. The appointment is to take effect immediately. SANTAS IN ORONO SATURDAY This Saturday afternoon under the sponsorsbip of the Orono and District Chamber of Commerce Santa will make bis annuai visit to the famnily skating party being beld at the Orono Arena. Skating from one to three witb Santa, making bis appearance early during the afternoon. You are welcome to take part in this annual outing. ALL ABOUT CROSS COUNTRY SKIING This Saturday at 2:00 p.m. a Cross Country Ski Clinic is being held at the Ganaraska Forest Centre. AIl aspects of the sport are being considered from waxing, to ciotbing to what type of equipment to purchase. Rob Henderson wbo is looking after the ciinic says it will also be a good time to find out what type of equipment to purchase for that Christmas gift if the gif t is 'to be connected with the sport. APPOINTED TO BOARD 0F PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES W.H. Carman, immediate past cbairman of the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education was appointed as a director to represent the local board on tbe Ontario Public School Trustees Association for the year 1979. The Durham County Senior, Citizen's Lodge 'complex is nearing completion in the Village of Orono with ail forty units to be ready for occup- ancy sometime in January. As of last week a few over haif of the forty units were rented with eight now being occupied or to be occupied within the next week. Mr. Lawrence Staples, Orono, treasurer of the board, said they are looking for more people to take Up residence in the compiex in an effort to have the forty units fully rented by the time of their completion. The-complex is located just west of Orono off the westerly extension of Station Street. Those wishing information as to rentai in the complex should contact Mr. Staples in Orono. Those now i residence at the c omplex are from the Orono, Leskard and Kendal area.1 0f the forty units i the complex thirty-four are one- bedroom units with four being bach elor units and two are designed for the physicaliy handicappedl. The one- bedroom units contain a iivingroom, a smal kitchen area and a' bedroom. The bachelor units have a comn- bined liingroom-bedroom area along with the smal kitchenette. The handicap 'BUD' ROLPH (Continued from page 1) Board, the Orono Horticul- turai Society and to bis hobbies of basebali, badmin- ton and the showing of driving horses. The time he gave to his community was a part of bis life and remained so to the present. He was initiated to the Verulam Masonic Lodge in Bobcaygeon on September 2th, 1912. He affiliated with the Orono Lodge in 1921. He was Master of the Lodge in 1932 and served as treasurer from 1937 to 1953. In 1940 he was eiected District Grand Master and in 1963 was presented with the Veteran Jubilee Medai. Mr. Rolph was at the Barlow Funeral Home, Orono. Service was heid in the Orono United Church on Tuesday with interment in the Orono Cemetery., Rev. Basil E. Long officiated. Memorial donations may be made to the Orono Arena Fund. units are two-bedroom wiits are necessary. water and caretaking ser- w ith some facilities to accom- vices. modate the handicapped. Television reception is cab- led into each unit from a central antennae to eliminate a multitude of antennaes atop the individual buildings. Eacb unit bas hardwood and tule floors. There are eight living units tn each building in the complex. The units are al heated electrically. In speaking to Mr. Staples he said there is very littie, caretaking to be carried out at the complex other than grass cutting, and snow removal. He saîd the lodge was looking for a caretaker to look after the few items tbat F.R. Tenna nt Fuels LM. Phone 983-5693 Renta at the complex range from $172.00 a month for the bachelor apartments to $193.00 a month for the one-bedroom apartments. Forty percent of the units, (16) are eligible for rent subsidies. These subsidies are established reiating to in- come of the renter and are set according to a scale. The federal goverrnent pays 50 percent of the subsidy with the province paying 42.5 percent and the Town of Newcastle paying 7.5 percent of tbe total subsidy. The rentai charges iclude the cost of light and electric heating as weli as the cost of The need right now for the complex is more tenants to rent the fifteen to twenty units stili vacant. Prior to the approval of the undertaking it is understood the Lodge bad received in the neighbour- hood of eighty tenants who were interested in seeking accommodation in the com- piex. Mr. Stapies bas said that a number of these people wbo were interested are now hesitant to leave their present accommodation. The streeîs are for thie People. Exercise your rights. Wâk a block a day. We are ready for Christmas with *many useful1 gifts for each * member o f the family and * * househo Id. Here are some suggest-* ions: For Mother, Sister and Wife, a blouse, a sweater, cosy stippers,* * .housecoats, nightwear, hose,* gloves, and other items. For Men and boys - dress shirts,I flannel shirts, jackets, toques, skiI * ~ and skudoo mitts, gloves, bander-I * ~Chiefs, socks of ail kinds, ties,I I " underwear, skidoo boots, etc. _4 For children boys and girls- diaper sets, dresses, mitts, crib blankets, warmn hearwear, py- jamas, blanket sleepers regularB I sleepers, leotards. *Come in and see because we haveI I numerous other things for theI * household.I r MI " TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. INCOME TAX AND RELATED ACCOUNTING SERVICES 67 KING ST. EAST, SUITE 2 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. LiC '1N3

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