Last Friday evening Dar- lene and Bob, two puppeteers from the Frog Print Theatre Group of Toronto, were on hand at the Orono Public Library to entertain the children of the area with a puppet show.' Bursts of laughter and cheers from all in attendance were a good indication that the efforts of the puppeteers were enjoyed by ail. As well as giving several different performances with the puppets, Darlene and Bob showed and explained the use of different types of puppets and their props. The thirty or so children showed theirnappreciation at the end of the show by demanding to talk, to "Archie" the frog puppet and crowded around hîm as he sàid his goodbyes. Unemployment drops in Oshawa area The Canada Employment Centres in Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa had a very busy month in November. The placement level remained high with 779 individuals being placed in employment which compared to 786 place- ments during October. The greatest employment opport- unities existed in Manufactur- ing and Retail Trade. The number of clients unemployed and registered for work in the Durham area decreased by 729 fromn Oct- ober's figure of 10,673 down to November's total of 9,944. During November, there were 5,897 female and 4,047 male clients. The majority of clients were regîstered in Material-handling, Product Fabricating, Assembling and Repairing, Service, Sales and Clerical. In November, there were 35 agreements signed under the Canada Manpower Industrial Training Program. As a result, 42 people will benefit fromn both training and emp- loyment in the Region of 'Durham. At the end of November, there wer 206 students in skill courses sponsored by the- Canada Employment Centres and 66 people receiving academic upgrading at Durham Col- lege. The Job Exper ience Train- ing program which commen- ced in September 1978 has created a great deal of interest with 53 contracts being signed to the end of November, resulting in 53 youths being placed with local employers. This program is designed to help young people 16 to 24 years of age entering the labour market to obtain employment and experience. The Canada Employment and Immigration Commission will provide to eligible emp- loyers a subsidy of 50 percent of the trainees' wages to a 0UNITED C1URCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister - Rev. B. E. Long B3.qh. oOrganist and Choir Director David Gray December 17, 1978 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Sunday Church School 10 a.m. Morning Worship il :15 a.m. KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Sunday Churcli Sehool, 9:45 Morning Worship . 9:45 Dial-A-Thought 983-9151 Professional Puppeteers perform at Iibrary r Tickets ' Avaîlable NOW for New Year's Eve Celebration Featuring CHRISTMAS' SMORGASBORD Decem ber 23 and 24 at the Coach and Four Restaurant and Tavern maximum of $1.50 per hour over a period of Up to 26 weeks. Candidates for emp- loyment wilI be given pre- employment orientation training to prepare themn for the demands of the employ- ment situation. Employers are also enc- ouraged to take advantage of the Employment Tax Credit Program which provides a tax advantage to employers who hire unemployed indivi- duals to f iii newly created jobs. Hamiltons Insurance Servi ce Susan M. Sawyer Off ice 983-5115 Home 983-5270 Main, St., Orono - - - - - ----- ---- --- - ---